

Thursday, 31 December 2015


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 31st December 2015


text: Psalm 92:12,14
"The righteous shall flourish like palm tree...they shall still bear fruit in old age"

In June 2006, Israeli doctors and scientist successfully germinated a 2000 year old date palm seed. Found at the Herodian fortress of Masada, the seed was tagged 'Methuselah' for the man with oldest record age in the Bible (Gen. 5:27). In addition to the challenge of awakening a long dormant seed, the team also wanted to learn more about the tree praised for its beauty, shade, food and medical qualities. The date palm has an important role in the Bible. In the old testament, the tree is linked to the temple and presence of God. The new testament describes an excited crowd praising God
And throwing palm branches at the feet of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
God's promise to bless the world through Abraham's descendants also lay dormant for 2000 years (see Gen. 12:1-3). Finally, the seed of promise sprouted. That seed is Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. Soon the story of His resurrected life would go out to all the world.
The miracle is now ours to experience. Time is not a factor. Neither is barren ground of circumstances. All that matters is that as we take another turn into the new year, we should allow our hearts to be the soil in which Christ is welcomed and His promises renewed, remembering that God never makes a promise He will not keep. HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!

Father, thank you for keeping me and family to see the new year. Let your covenant promises be re-enacted in our lives in Jesus name

Nehemiah 10:11; Rev.19:11-21; Psalm 149:1-9)

Wednesday, 30 December 2015


(Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 30th December 2015


TEXT: Hebrew 11:8
"By faith Abraham obeyed...And he went out not knowing where he was going"

Life is a journey of faith. It's linked to various transitions and movements from one place to another. And from one season to another.
When Abraham was 75 years old, God called him to leave the land of his father. And so, advanced in years, he departed for the land of Canaan. He was rootless and homeless "not knowing where he was going.(Hebrew 11:8). That was the story of Abraham's Life
Every season that comes and goes bring changes and uncertainties  to our lives. As we are about stepping into the new year, its like transmitting from a familiar to an uncertain future. Like Abraham, many of us might be wondering what tomorrow holds. Particularly when all the news reports about the world socio-economic well being is not very encouraging.
Yet we can be confident that our well being is not founded on the economic premise of this world, but upon God Himself. Our safekeeping does not lie in the place we live but in the presence of God. We can dwell in the secret place of the most high, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1). There in His presence, under His wings, we find refuge(v:4). The eternal God becomes our dwelling place and our sustenance.
Though our dwelling place here on earth may be uncertain, God will be our companion and friend till we realise and fulfil the glorious destiny He has ordained for us.

Father, hold my hand and guide me into the new year in Jesus name.


Nehemiah 9; Rev. 19:17-24; Psalm 148;7-14)


(Daily Devotional)

Sunday 27th December 2015


TEXT: Daniel 12:3

Many seek stardom by trying to get in the media spotlight. But a Jewish captive achieved ‘stardom’ in a better way.
When Daniel and his friends were taken into captivity by the ruthless invading nation, it was unlikely they would be heard from again. But the godly young men soon distinguished themselves as intelligent and trustworthy.
When the heard a dream that his wise men could not repeat or interpret. He condemned them to death. After a night of prayer with his friends, Daniel received the content and the interpretation of the dream from God. As a result, the king promoted Daniel as his chief advisor.
If the story had ended there it would have been remarkable enough. But he went further and his influence in Babylon made people to be aware of the Messianic prophecy about a savior who would be born in Bethlehem. Daniels teaching may have been the reason  that after 500 years later wise men from the east followed a star to a remote and unfamiliar part of the world to find an infant king, worshipped him, and return to their country with the good news of God’s incredible journey to the earth(Matthew 2:1-12).
By using this season to turn others to Christ, we, like Daniel, can become a star that shines forever.

father, make me an instrument of your love today and everyday in Jesus name.

  Nehemiah 3-4; Rev. 17: Psalm 147:12-20



The Sovereign Lord says today your kindness and gentleness is bringing a rebounding blessing into your life this day. The kindness you have shown others is going to be returned to you. You have blessed others according to your ability and the Lord is going to recompense you according to your ability. Well done says the Father. I say unto you well done for you chose not to recompense evil for evil. You refused to become petty or argumentative when others cut you with their words. You determined not to be distracted when the enemy tried to get your eyes off the harvest. Keep it up says the Father for they are not done. Pay no attention to the backchannel communication that you are picking up on. Though men denigrate and marginalize you I am blessing and promoting you. What I have blessed and who I have blessed will be blessed no matter what man thinks or does.

This is a point of growth time and your obediences have not been overlooked says the Father. You have blessed others by what you DID and by what you DIDN’T DO. You are not one to lash out although that doesn’t mean you haven’t felt the pain of rejection, neglect and oversight that really wasn’t called for. I gave others opportunity to step up and strengthen and comfort you and frankly they chose not to listen. You could have gotten angry and judgmental but you did not. You have a baseline humility that admits that you perfect but I am not expecting perfection – I am simply looking for loving compliance to My purposes in your life. So keep obeying. Keep loving. Keep on seeking My kingdom. Refuse to be distracted and great will be your reward both on the earth and in the hereafter says the Lord

Saturday, 26 December 2015


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 25th December 2015


TEXT Luke 2:12
" There is born to you this day in the city of David, a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord"

today, we can make international calls, stream live videos, do conference  voice and video calls and download tons images into our computer and devices. Its difficult to imagine that all of these was made possible by a small satellite the size of a soccer ball. On October 4 1957, the Soviet union launched an artificial satellite called Sputnik 1, and ushered in the modern Space age and changed the course of history. Nations rushed to catch up, technological development accelerated, and fear alternated with hope about the meaning of it all for all humanity.
But the event that alter the present and the future sometimes occur in obscurity. That was true of the birth of Jesus. Just one baby, born to an ordinary couple in a small town of Bethlehem. But it changed the course of history.. The words of an Angel spoken to the Shepherd began to spread: "There is born you this day in the city of David, a Saviour , who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11).
When we open our lives to Christ the Lord and acknowledge Him as Saviour, the course of our future history is changed for time and eternity. These good things of great Joy" are for everyone and everywhere. Its definitely for you today. Merry Christmas


father, thank you for sending Jesus into the world to bring changes in my life. I receive it in Jesus name.


Ezra 19; Revelation 14::14-20; Revelation 15; Psalm 146: 1-10



The Sovereign Lord says today that I want you to
experience over your life today what I
initiated over the void on the first day of
creation. I saw the emptiness and spoke
that which I desired. I am speaking over you
even now. My desires toward you reflect
happiness, attainment, fulfillment and
purpose. You aren’t going to be left out says
the Lord. There will be no void untouched
in your life even as I left no void untouched
when I said “let there be light”.
I also said in creation “let the earth bring
forth the living thing…” I am producing MY
LIFE in you says the Father. You are my
earth. You are my habitation. I say over you
says the Lord“be fruitful and multiply”. I
say over you “let this life TEEM with living
things that bring blessing joy and
Heaven isn’t a monastery says the Lord It
is not some austere or barren place. Its a place that's flowing with my blessing
My creative power in you inherently contains
the ability to fulfill any desire. There are
many desires in you that were placed there
in the hall of unrealized souls before you
were sent to earth. You and I negotiated
together in the heavenlies before you were
born. We shopped for a home. We chose a
companion. We rejoiced together over your
children and your friends. Let those desires
burst forth out of your heart in HAPPY
The enemy will no longer have dominion over
you says the Lord Let heaven come to
earth in your life this day. What I have for
you borders on fantasy says the Lord. Let
your heart  say i know this.
So you be a Father
pleaser and go out and have a WONDERFUL
YOU TODAY. A day of joy and breakthrough
and happiness as a privileged child of the King.

Thursday, 24 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord today says that this is a time of shift in your life. Your energies are being re-directed from the lesser purposes of man to the greater purposes of My kingdom. You have cried out to Me for placement and I am positioning you now. Pack your bags says the Father for the baggage that has been hindering you is now becoming luggage to launch you into a new land and a new purpose in Christ. You do not belong in the hen yard of religion. Your wings are wings of the eagle that I am lifting you up now into a broader perspective that you might truly see what is taking place around you. The enemy at times has slowed you to a snail’s pace but I am accelerating you and promoting you and lifting you up to higher things.

This is a serious time says the LORD yet a time of great joy and deeper perspective. I am revealing to you now how to side step the things that the enemy is planning to run you down with. He is going to try to side line you but I am going to launch you beyond his reach and he will come up with nothing but empty air. The snare of the enemy will fail says the Father as you recognize the pitfalls I am opening your eyes to in this hour. Do not be afraid to look openly and transparently at the things and situations around you. Discernment, however powerful that I give you is useless when your eyes are squeezed tight refusing to see. Say to your eyes “see” and to your ears “hear”. As you act, move and decide in partnership with My heart for you over the next few months the devices of the enemy will fail and you will step into a new arena of success.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015



This is what the LORD  is saying to you today that "all things
possible to you because I am the God of all
possibilities. The Lord says that authority
is your natural entitlement because I live in
you and My nature and character is to BE
LORD over every situation. Because I AM
LORD says the Father you are therefore
seated in a place of authority. Use that
authority at your own discretion. I trust you
says the Father therefore you can trust what
I have done and who I AM on the inside of
I know nothing of compromise or half
measures says the Lord. Your victory over
sin and death and the devil is absolute.
Make no treaty with the enemy. Do not
assume if you leave HIM alone he will leave
YOU alone. Do not be as the rabbit who lies
still when the predator is near. Be as the lion
who ROARS against every aggressor in his
territory. Let every day be a day of
aggressive advance against the forces of
darkness that are seeking to advance on
you. The enemy is unrelenting therefore YOU
must be unrelenting in your implementation
against the domain of darkness.
When I created the heaven and the earth I
wasn’t on a budget says the Lord I didn’t
stop and consult a lender or a bank to see if
I needed to cut back on my plans. When I
needed something I spoke it into existence.
Though you find yourself in total deprivation I
would that you know that affluence and
abundance are your portion. You are in My
Kingdom and My kingdom in you is limitless
and unbounded therefore you are limitless
and unbounded. My domain says the Lord
is a field of all possibilities. Have I not said I
will create the fruit of the lips? Open your
mouth wide and I will fill it. In My kingdom
you can create ANYTHING! All power is
given to Me in heaven and in earth and I
have conferred that ultimate authority upon
you by the blood of the cross. RISE UP says
the Lord it is MY NEW DAY and it is yours
to inhabit and rejoice in!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015


(Daily Devotional)

Teusday 22nd December 2015


Text: Malachi "2:1
"I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart and watch to see what he will say to me"

Waiting is hard for me. I want answers now. Postponements perplexes me; deferrals daunt me. I am baffled by God's delays, wondering why and when " How long o Lord"?
The Prophet Habakkuk wanted answers as well, but God chose to take His time. " I will stand my watch....to see what He will say to me". The vision is yet for an appointed time" God replied, "wait for it, because it will surely come"(v: 3).
Faith never give up. It knows that despite appearances all is well. It can wait without outside signs or indications that God is at work., because it is sure of Him. Madame Guyon said " each delay is perfectly fine for we are within the safe hands of God". We too must learn to view each delay as if it were "perfectly fine". Postponements are reasons to pray rather than grow anxious, impatient and annoyed. They are opportunities for God to build those imperishable but hard to acquire qualities of humility, patience, serenity and strength. God never says "wait a while" except He is planning to do something in our situation or in us. He waits to be gracious. So take heart, if God's answers tarry, " wait for it: it because it will surely come". God created the whole world and the fullness thereof in six days, six hours is too much for Him to bring the answers you need.


Father, I thank you for finishing the works concerning my life before the foundation of the world.
I connect to the manifestation of every finished works for my life in Jesus name.


Ezra 6-7; Revelation 12; Psalm 145:8-13



The Sovereign Lorf says today that kingdom portion and ministry assignment are converging in your life. Mercy and truth are rejoicing together. The pillars of My wisdom and My grace are undergirding you and bringing elevation and promotion – unexpected promotion to your life and situation. No more looking back says the Lord for your past is no reflection or indication of what your future will look like. Adopt this day – I call upon you to adopt this day a forward-looking perspective and a proactive approach to activating and walking in your gift. Exercise your gift even among those who don’t acknowledge it. When you move in the giftings of My Spirit accorded to you then I am made manifest to all who are around you.

So exercise your gift even among those who don’t consider themselves believers that you encounter in the public square. The accommodation your gift will create in 2016 a place for you as a principality and a power even in the region and community where you live. Think beloved in terms of supernatural completions – even exponential completions in your life in 2016. There are things being added to your life in terms of blessing and benefit because you have resolved to be a kingdom seeker and a Father pleasure. Blessing will overflow and yes – as the scripture says “with persecution” but you hold fast in fidelity to the gift of God that I have imparted and placed in your life for that is your assignment and that place of faithfulness is where the airdrop of answered prayer is going to be targeted to in your life.

Monday, 21 December 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that you are not helpless. The outlook is not bleak. You are not without a helper for you are not without My presence and My power. The glory that I have placed within you is the glory that raised Jesus from the dead. My glory within you is that resource that Jesus called upon when He descended into hell and came back with the keys of death and the grave. Though the enemy come to steal, kill and destroy I have empowered you to put your foot in his neck and take from his mouth the prey that he has stolen. The righteous are bold as a lion because they know Me and they know who I am on the inside of them. This is who you are and this is your entitlement before Me says the Lord

This day I call upon you to realize that you are not beyond the ability to effect change. I call you an initiator. I call you a fire starter. I am a fire from My loins up and a fire from My loins down and that fire is being directed into your life by your faith filled words. Transformation is possible. Transformation is available. The shift comes now. In every situation remember this – love never fails. Love is who I am and love never fails to produce more love. When the enemy distracts you with the unkindness of others around you do not react in fear or amazement. Step up into love. Love is what causes the mountain moving faith on the inside of you to become active and come online in your life. This is the hour you have longed for says the Lord. This is the time that change comes. Embrace the change and be a part of it as you partner with Me and enter into ruling and reigning at a whole new level!

Sunday, 20 December 2015



1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.(Prov 15v1)
2). Don’t expose your husband’s weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. You are each other’s keeper.(Eph 5v12)

3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. Defensive women don’t have a happy home.(Prov 15v13)
4). Never compare your husband to other men, you’ve no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish.
5). Never ill treat your husband’s friends because you don’t like them, the person who’s supposed to get rid of them is your husband.(Prov 11v22)
6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. Do your duties.(Gen 2v24)
7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.(Eph 5v33)
8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.(Deut 3v28)
9). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband’s sweat is too precious to be wasted.
10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex. You must give it to him how he wants it. Sex is very important to Men, if you keep denying him; it is a matter if time before another woman takes over the duty. No man can withstand sex starvation for too long (even the anointed ones) (SS 7v12)
11). Never compare your husband to your one time sex mate in bedroom, or an Ex-lover. Your home may Never recover from it if you do.(SS 5v9)
12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for you in public opinion polls.(Prov 31v23)
13). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children. Wise Women don’t do that.(Eph 4v31)
14). Don’t forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.(Prov 12v4)
15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.
16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.( 1 Sam25v3)
17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don’t waste your time looking up to them for a final word. You must Leave if you want to Cleave.(Luke 21v16)
18). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?
19). Don’t forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him. Good communication is the bed rock of every happy home. (Gal 6v9)
20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always teamwork.(Gal 6v10)
21). Don’t be too judgmental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife.(Eph 4v29)
22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn’t even know that her body needs a bath.(Prov 24v27)(Prov 20v13)
23). Does your husband like a kind of cooked food?, try to change your cooking. No man jokes with food. (Prov 31v14)
24). Never be too demanding to your husband, enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.(Luke 11v3)
25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty. (Prov 31v11)
26). Don’t associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.(Prov 22v14)
27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.(Heb 13v4)
28). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.(Prov 22v6)
29). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason. (Prov 31v28)
30). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family(1 Thess 5v17)



The Sovereign Lord says today that I have made you
more than a conqueror. I have formed and
fashioned you to have a destiny of dominion.
The enemy thinks he can impede you and
stymie your victory but that is a fallacy and
an error on his part. I AM that I AM says the
Father. What I AM is made available to you
and IN YOU. There shall not be one hair on your head harmed or touched for I AM is
with you and I AM is bringing you over the
top in conquest and victory.
Trust Me says the Lord Follow My lead as
I breath My wisdom and My strategy into
your mind and heart. You will step forth and
you will take the prize says the Lord. The
garland of blessing and overcoming grace
rests upon you. Don’t consider the threats of
the dark one for he is limited and I am
moving to bring him to failure. No weapon
formed against you will prosper. Every
tongue and every tactic of hell that rises
against you will be condemned says your
Trust Me says the Lord Trust Me to do
what I promised and bring you through in

Saturday, 19 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today that the munitions of heaven are set and your breakthrough is about to be made manifest. Get ready for explosive growth and sudden blessing for what I do now in your life will be a quick work that the enemy will be unable to withstand or resist. This is the hour and the day that you will step through the gates that I have opened. There are gates of favor before you and gates of benefit. The threshold of entitlement in My purposes lies before you – step forward in faith and step forward in fidelity to those things I have called you to. The stones of offense and barriers of resistance will be removed from your path. Put your trust in Me and release yourself fully to that which I am revealing.

There is a plan and an agenda for the year ahead says the Lord and it is not about set back or being turned back from the land that I set before you this day. There will be complaints and challenges to who I say you are and what I say you can do – let Moses be your example of meekness under fire. As criticisms come just go low and continue to worship and know that My word and My promise will see you through every controversy. It is not your responsibility to justify yourself – know this that I am your justification and I am your fortress of strength. At the end of the day you will be left standing for I will occupy the naysayers elsewhere as you inherit your inheritance and take the garland of victory in My name.

Friday, 18 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today do not concern
yourself with what others are saying or what
others may be doing. The enemy’s purpose
is to keep you distracted by whisperings and
threats that are nothing more than smoke
and mirrors. Your focus is to be upon
accomplishing the assignment I’ve
commissioned you to fulfill. The outcome is
not in the hands of anyone other than My
providence says the Lord. The outcome is
determined by My grace not the good
opinion of those who have confused religious
institutions for the actual Kingdom of God.
If I am for you says the Father who can be
against you? If I have directed you toward a
goal do you honestly think it’s possible not
to reach the same? Your critics cannot
exclude you from the plan I have for your
life. They can only exclude themselves from
the good thing I would have done for them
had they walked in obedience to My plan
regarding your life.
I’ve made great promises says the Father. I
have made great promises to you so that
you would have clarity of vision regarding My
plan for your life. This present distress is
only one small sub-chapter in your overall
destiny. The obstacles before you may look
formidable from your perspective but they
are the small dust of the scale to Me. Come
and stand HERE by Me says the Father and
The gavel is coming down in your favor and
the outcome is assured. Leave this to Me.
You have sought My face and surely …
SURLEY you will see My hand.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


(Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 16th December 2015


TEXT: "If only my master were with prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy"(2 kings 5:3)

If you are like most people, you think that when God does something important, He uses important people to get it done--people like Billy Graham, Benny Hinn  and all the other big names you can think of in the kingdom. The rest of us just fill space until Jesus comes. But that's not true. Most often in the scriptures, we see that God uses ordinary people to get things done. Just take a look at the unlikely prophets of the old testament and the disciples of the new testament. Some of them were shepherds, fishermen and farmers; ordinary people from everyday life.

The Bible told the story of an ordinary servant girl in 2 kings 5. Yet she bravely suggested that Naaman--her master go to the prophet of Israel for healing. What sounds like a simple request was actually a bold suggestion. For Naaman to go  to Israel, he would be turning his back on the local pagan gods, inviting criticism from his countrymen for putting the entire military might if his nation at risk and he has to battle with his ego as a general in the strongest army at the time. This nameless servant could have paid a steep price for making a suggestion like that, but she knew where the true source of healing was. Because of her deep concern for      Naaman's well being, she courageously put herself at risk to direct him to the source of power and help--the one and only true God.

Like this young servant girl, let's show concern for the spiritual well being of the people around us. Let's be willing to be used by God to guide friends and families to the trust source hope, help and healing.


Father, I surrender myself, use me as an instrument to positively affect the people around me in Jesus name.

Esther 9-10; Revelation 5; Proverbs 30:11-23



The Sovereign Lord says today I choose you. I lay claim to your life afresh and anew this day. You belong to Me. I bought you with a price and you are Mine. The enemy cannot have you. Sickness cannot have you. Brokenness and heartbreak cannot have you. Addiction cannot have you. I break addiction off of your life this day. Demon spirits cannot have you. I dispel the obnoxious presence of the demonic from your life this day. Religious spirits cannot lay claim to you. I banish religious spirits and religious thinking from your life and your mind this day. From this day forward you will think My thoughts with purity and clarity says the Lord.

I bestow upon you the spirit of adoption. Your heart is nestled in your breast like a baby in crib crying “Abba, Father”. I am your Daddy-God. I am your Daddy-Father and you cannot never offend Me by coming to Me in intimacy and affection. Come to Me. Come expecting. Come knowing already that I will greet you and embrace you and shower My love and goodness upon you. I will in fact change and transform your life and transform you into My image for you are My beloved and in you this day I choose to delight Myself.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 15th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Be fervent in Spirit" (Roman 12:11)


The season of Christmas is always associated with cold: Harmattan in certain regions and snow in others. To keep warm you have got to keep the room temperature hot enough. Modern furnaces have taken the place of  the old wood fire places. In the former days, fire was carefully tended and wood or coal supplies were closely monitored. Running out could be deadly.
The same is true spiritually.  We need to closely monitor our spiritual fire so we don't run the risk of losing our spiritual fervor for the Lord.
In the old testament, the priest were instructed not to let the fire on the alter go out.(Lev. 6:9,12-13). This requires a lot of work, not the least of which was collecting firewood in a land that not known for having dense forests.
Some scholars see the fire on the alter as a symbol for the flame of our devotion for the Lord. The spiritual passion is not something to be treated lightly or taken for granted. It will grow cold if we fail to keep it supplied with fuel.
The Apostle Paul addressed the subject of spiritual fervor in his letter to the Romans(12:1-2,11). To keep the fire of our devotion burning strong, we must continue the hard work of stocking our fuel supply with hope, patience, steadfast prayer, generosity, hospitality, and humility(v: 11-16). Our love for Jesus is the key to our spiritual passion. So keep your fire burning.


Father God, I give you my heart as the alter and my love as the flame, help me to keep the fire burning for you o Lord and I will rejoice in your name in Jesus name.


Esther 6-8; Revelation 4; Psalm 142:1-12



The Sovereign Lord says today that the next 16 days remaining in this year
will reveal My WONDERS  in your life. I am a
God works in the timeline of your life from
outside of time. I take eternity and bring it
into your now using a divine schedule
administrated by angels. The halls of
eternity are being reconfigured to
accommodate the massive download of glory
that I have directed toward you in this time
frame. Make room says the Father for I am
coming in power and glory to make Myself
known to you in an unprecedented way.
When heaven comes to earth the most
important thing you can do is prepare the
way. There are things you have been asking
Me to deal with that I have actually put in
your hand. You do what you can do and I will
do what I can do. I will make up the short
fall says the Father. I will add My
omnipotence to your impotence. I said I will
add My omnipotence to your impotence. The
alarm clock of heaven always reads NOW
and it is always chiming. Chime in along with
it. Cry out for your now says the Lord
Declare your NOW. Believe for your NOW.
For now is come that moment and season
and process that brings change in every
strata of your life.

Monday, 14 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord says
today I set
before you a
grace that turns
ashes into
beauty, water
into wine and
brings forth life
where there has
been nothing but death and the expectation
of loss. This is your time says the Lord
You are moving now into the fullness of time
in your personal timeline recorded in heaven
in the archives of glory. This day the books
of a new chapter are being opened and the
old things are passing away never to be
revisited again. Forgive, release, bless and
move on for I’m bringing you out of the
containment of things as they were into a
new season of an open heaven in a greater
glory than you have experienced heretofore.
The weightiness of My presence rests upon
you now. The full measure of My favor will
be seen and experienced. You will not just
hear the report, you will taste and see of My
glory and the powers of the world to come.
No longer will you look to ages past for signs
and wonders – for I will give you a
contemporary and a current experience of
My fullness that cannot be measured by
things that have gone on before. I will be
known of you and I will send out the depths
of I AM THAT I AM in your life until there is
nothing of the natural man that remains –
only the God man reflecting My image will
be seen in your land as My testimony shines
forth from your life without measure says
the Lord

Saturday, 12 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 12th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"The Lord gives us wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding"(Proverbs 2:6)


its been said that common sense is not so common. In a society that has grown increasingly litigiuos, we are filled warnings on products, mostly because some people lack common sense. Here are some of the instructions on some of the products:
*On a hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping
*On an iron: Do not iron cloths on body
*On hot plate: Do not put your hand on plate while plugged.
*On chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hand.

Common can be learned from experience or teaching of those we trust. But God's word is the best source of all to develop discernment and good judgement.
Three words echoes through the book of proverbs: wisdom, knowledge, understanding. God has packed this book with common sense.
Proverbs 11:12 advises restraint: "A man of understanding holds his peace."
Proverbs 17:27 warns "He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of calm spirit".
Proverbs 20:13 is practical: "Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty".
To get more common sense, consult God's word daily. To gain the heart of wisdom ask God for it.(James 1:5). Read regularly from proverbs. Seek out godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 19:20). Knowledge without common sense is folly.


Father, I open my heart to receive wisdom knowledge and understanding for profitable living in Jesus name.


Zechariah 12-14; Revelation. 2:1-17; Proverbs 30:1-10



The Sovereign Lord says today I am going to
separate you from false responsibility and I
am going to give solutions that will bring
relief and even rejoicing to your family. Get
quiet and wait on Me. Do not allow the
turbulence and difficult swirling around you
to manipulate and drive you to frustration
and despair. WAIT ON ME, says the Lord
for I am at hand, and I am bringing solutions
not only to the problem, but to the need.
The Lord says “go first class all the way…”
Put your faith on what only I can make
happen. Remember the shoes of the
Israelites that didn’t wear out for 40 years in
the wilderness. Even your personal property
is blessed of Me. You will see this as a sign
and a wonder and an indication that I am
even involved with your stuff because I am
personally invested in every area of your life.
My thoughts toward you are more than the
sand of the sea and more than the stars of
the heavens. You have washed up on the
shores of a new city and I am now FORGING
NEW CONNECTIONS for kingdom purpose. I am
bringing permanence of promotion into your
live. This is “come up higher time”. I am
drawing you out of many waters and
establishing you as a beacon of My
faithfulness. Your TESTIMONY will touch many
lives and people will even come as it were
to sit at your feet because they see the
favor of God working in you and they
desperately desire it for themselves. Family
members will begin to view you differently
as the gospel of household salvation takes
hold. You are the blessed of your Father and
your blessing time has come!

Friday, 11 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 11th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon Him while He is near"(Isaiah 55:6).


Money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we couldn't secure the necessity or luxuries of life. But there are things money can't buy. A preacher once said, "money will buy luxuries, but it will not buy spiritual power. Money will buy advancement and preferment, but it will not buy the recognition of God. Money will buy...favour and accolades, but it will not buy soul respect.
The greatest good, so great that it is in a category all by itself, cannot be sought. If the entire human race were to bankrupt it resources in an effort to buy forgiveness of sin and eternal life with Jesus, it would be infinitely insufficient. All the wealth of the whole world cannot purchase the supreme blessing of forgiveness and heaven.
We will never accumulate enough riches to purchase a place in the paradise of God. But there is good news! Salvation can be ours "without money and without price", according to Isaiah 55:1
Have you trusted Jesus as your saviour? You need only to stretch out your empty hands in child-like faith to the Lord (John 1:12). Cry our to Him and confess your sin and "He will abundantly pardon(Isaiah 55:7). Your faintest knock of faith will always open the door to forgiveness and blessing.


Father God, I stretch out my hands to you in absolute surrender, fill my life with your mercy and grace in Jesus name.


Zechariah 9-11; Revelation 1; Psalm 140:1-5



The Sovereign Lord says today to get ready to soar.
Get ready for divine interruption and
Godspeed acceleration in your life that will
retool and reconfigure your life for NOW and
for MORE than you can ever ask or think.
Can you take NOW for an answer says the
Lord ? My favor is knocking at the door.
Opportunity is coming not in a singular way
but in a multiplicity of ways.
I am bringing you out … in many ways your
life has in this season been like wandering in
the wilderness, but that is about to change. I
have been the water from the rock and the
manna every morning but now, as Joshua at
Jericho, the walls that have excluded you
from opportunity are going to open up. They
are going to open up, and you are going to
have not one but many – multiple
opportunities opening up to you in
employment, in business and even in ministry portion. As
you seek first the kingdom – all things will
be added. Go out and sow your life into
kingdom purpose and I will cause the job –
even the opportunity you've always dreamed about to rise up to meet you. It
will tap you on the shoulder and become a
“suddenly” from heaven that will reconfigure
your whole life for My blessing says the

Thursday, 10 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today you are up for the task before you in your own strength and more than up for the tasks at hand in the power of the Lord in this new challenge and position before you. I am with you says the Lord and I will never leave you or forsake you. The time of resting and waiting is over – now is the time of ruling and reigning. Your season of increase and promotion is just beginning. You are not going to believe just how easy this is going to be. Lay aside the opinions and the hesitancy and discouragement.

I’ve only shown you a part of where I am taking you. I am about to radically increase your life for ministry portion and kingdom purpose. You are the son and the daughter of My right hand and I am dropping upon you the favor of My throne that will provoke others – you have a Joseph anointing to be the doer of all that is done and you are well able says the Lord and your promotion season and acceleration process has just begun so LAUGH for I am in all for your benefit and blessing!


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 10th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"We are been transformed into Christ's image, from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of God"(2Cor.3:18).

Rick Warren wrote a book titled the purpose driven life. Its phenomenal appeal reminds us that believers and unbelievers alike have a deep longing for a clear sense of purpose. We all want to know that our lives are involved in something worthwhile. Without a strong sense of calling and purpose, life is nothing more than  routine busyness.
Being a follows of Jesus gives us a distinct advantage when it comes to having a sense of purpose. The Westminster catechism sums it up pretty well when it says "chief end of man" is to "glorify God and enjoy Him for ever".
Glorifying God means putting His character, His will and His ways into action in all that we do. The Apostle Paul reminded us that we 'are been transformed into Christ's image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord'.(2Cor.3:18). The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us.
What a profound privilege it is to mirror
God's love, mercy, grace justice, and righteousness to a world whose heart is veiled to God's truth(4:3-4). Our purpose is to show others less of us and more of Him. that's living on purpose with  purpose. Go and do that today.


father, make me an instrument of your love today, so that the world will watch and experience your love through me in Jesus name


Zechariah 5-8; Jude 1:1-25; Psalm 139:19-24


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 9th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Jesus answered and said to her, 'O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire"(Matthew 15:20).


In 1953, a fledging business called Rocket Chemical Company and its staff of three set out to create a line of rust-prevention solvents and degreasers for use in the aerospace industry. It took them 40 attempts to perfect their formula. The original secret formula was successful at the 40th attempt and its still in use today. What a story of persistence!
The gospel of Matthew records another story of bold persistence. A canaanite woman had a daughter which was possessed of the devil. She had no hope for her daughter until she had that Jesus was in the region. This desperate woman came to Jesus because she believed He could help her. She cried out to Him even though everything and everyone seem to be against her;  race, gender, religion, background, the disciples, satan  and seemingly even Jesus(Matthew 15:22-27). With bold persistent she pushed through the dark corridors of  difficulty, desperate needs, and rejection. And the result? Jesus gave her what she desired by healing her daughter and commended her great faith.
We too are invited to approach Jesus with boldness and persistence. Though the year seem to be wounding up, let's keep asking, seeking and knocking and shortly we will find grace in our time of need. God created the world in 6 day, He can do unspeakable things in 6 hours.

Father, thank you for your unfailing promise. As I ask I receive, as I seek I will find and amazing doors are open unto me everywhere I knock this day in Jesus name.


MONDAY   (Daniel 12; 1John 5:1-21; Psalm 139:1-10)

TEUSDAY   (Haggai 1-2; 2John 1:1-1-13; Proverbs 29:29-19-27)

WEDNESDAY   (Zechariah 1-4; 3John 1:1-14; Psalm 139:11-16)

PS: We would like to apologise for not sending the daily devotional for the past 3 days its was due to power related issues. Thanks for your understanding.

Saturday, 5 December 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today I am the anchor of
hope, and I am dropping the anchor of
solidity and stability into your life. I am
moving to still the restlessness and give you
a walk with Me that you have never known.
As you seek Me, I will meet you and make
Myself known to you. I will take of My own
and show it unto you and all the tentacles of
darkness and regret from days past will be
expunged and removed from your life. I will
bring wholeness, says the Lord The day
will come for a general warranty deed
stamped “paid” for a family home. The day
will come where there will be good jobs and
well-mannered and settled children.
Yes the journey will be long and at times
challenging but know that this is the
template that I am working from to liberate
you and to heal your heart from things of
the past and hurts and wounds from your
youth. You have a calling upon your life and
I purpose to make you a joy – a detonation
of joy and rejoicing in your home. This is the
plan that I am bringing forth says the Father
and your eyes will see it and it will be
marvelous to behold in due season says the

Friday, 4 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 4th December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you...might become rich"(2Corinthians 8:9)


Sometimes ago a journalist offered his readers "9 tips for investing in happiness". Interestingly, one of his suggestions was "count your many blessings". He urges us not to brood over the riches of our neighbours but to focus on the many blessings we actually do possess. That's wise counsel, provided that we realise our spiritual wealth in Jesus is immeasurably more valuable than any material possessions.

God didn't give us the Bible as a guidebook for happiness. Yet it tells us how we can eternally be joyful and how we can experience joy on our way to that eternal happiness. So its enlightening to compare biblical truth with common sense advice.
"Godliness with contentment is great gain." Paul wrote to Timothy. The Apostle wanted his protégé to understand that being grateful for the basics of life would help keep him from the trap of covetousness.
So let's focus on the wonders of God's grace, training ourselves to make a spirit of gratitude pervade our lives. That's the way to experience joy today and to be forever joyful


Father, thank you for all you have done in my life. I am grateful for the gift of life, peace, prosperity and your mercy in Jesus name


Daniel 7-8; 1John 3:1-10; Proverbs 29:10-18

Thursday, 3 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 3rd December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

He said and said, "I will not but afterwards regretted it and went"(Matthew 21:29)


Have you faced an unwanted chore and felt as if it were the last thing on earth you wanted yo do? Cutting the overgrown grass on your yard, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, even preparing a Sunday school lesson after an exhausting week can make us feel like procrastinating
When this happens, you need to have a motto that you repeat to yourself "I don't feel like it--but I'm going to do it anyway". There is something about recognising our lack of motivation and then choosing to be responsible that helps us to follow through
God's value on faith and obedience can be seen in the parable of Jesus. Christ spoke about two sons who were asked to work in the vineyard. The first said no, but "afterwards he regretted it and went"(Matthew 21:29). The second said yes, but did not follow through. Then the Lord asked His listeners, "which of the two did the will of his father?"(v31). The obvious answer is the one who finished the task.
Our Lord's illustration underscores a key spiritual principle. God is interested in our faith and obedience--not just our good intentions. Next time you are tempted to shrink your duties, why not say "I don't feel like it,"  then ask God for the grace to do it anyway.


Father, help us, to heed your word, to obey it precept. And give me strength to quench the urge to do things my own way.


Daniel 6; 1 John 1-2; Psalm 136:1-12



The Sovereign Lord says
today “I am
bringing you out
…” In many ways
your life has in
this season has
been like
wandering in the
wilderness but
that is about to
change. I have been the water from the rock
and the manna every morning but now as
Joshua at Jericho the walls that have
excluded you from opportunity are going to
open up. I opening up doors that no man can
shut and shutting down processes of
abandonment and denial that will no longer
operate against you in any way.
Opportunity is opening up to you. A new
opportunity opening up and you are going to
have not one but many – multiple
opportunities coming your way. The Lord
says “seek first the kingdom and all things
will be added…” Go out and sow your life
into kingdom purpose and I will cause your
dreams – even your highest heart’s desires
to become a “suddenly” from heaven that
will reconfigure your whole life for My
blessing says the Lord

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde  Daniels

Wednesday 2nd December 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever"(Psalm 73:26)


When David fled from Jerusalem, driven from his home by his son Absalom who had gathered an army of supporters against him. As he escaped, he instructed Zadok, his priest, to take the Ark of God back to Jerusalem and to lead his people in worship there. "If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord" he mused, " He will bring me back and show me both it and His dwelling place. But if not, " Here I am, let him do to me as seems good to Him'(2Samuel 15:25-26).

Perhaps like David, you' be lost the power for self determination. Someone has seized control of your life, or so it seems.
You may fear that circumstances and human tendencies have overturned your plans. But nothing can frustrate God's loving intention. Someone by the name Tertullian (150-220 AD) wrote , "Do not regret a thing which has been taken away...by the Lord God, without whose will neither does a leaf glide down from a tree, nor a sparrow of one farthing's worth fall to the earth".

Our heavenly Father knows how to care for His children and will allow only what He seems best. We can rest in His infinite wisdom and goodness.
So we can echo David's words: "Here I am, let Him do yo me as seems good to Him".
So if you feel helpless in life's fray, God's mighty power will be your stay: your failing strength He can renew; for He is God that cares for you.


Father God. Thank you for caring for me.
I cast my cares and burdens upon you and I receive your rest in every areas of my life in Jesus name.


Daniel 5! 2 Peter 3; Psalm 135:13-21

Tuesday, 1 December 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that I am giving you
beauty for ashes. I am pouring out the oil of
joy for the spirit of heaviness. This is your
appointment. I have not appointed you to
wrath. I have not appointed you to loss. I
have prepared for you a garment of praise to
replace all the grave clothes of
disappointment in your spiritual wardrobe.
Cast off the widow’s attire beloved and
rejoice as a bride on her wedding day. You
are a tree of righteousness. I have planted
you and I am tending you each and every
moment. My purpose in your life is to be
glorified in signs and wonders and miracles
and provision. This is your entitlement –
purchased by the blood of Calvary.
You get to choose says the Lord. It is your
privilege to choose not to be conformed to
the world around you. In the choosing is the
proving. I will prove you and I will temper
you as you embrace the good and
acceptable and perfect will that I am
bringing about in your life. This is your
measure. This is the faith that I have
accorded you so come forward and believe.
Shake yourself from the stupor of unbelief
and sorrow. The hour of rejoicing has arrived
so get ready for launching into new purpose.

Monday, 30 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 30th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near"(Isaiah 55:6)


money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we couldn't secure the necessities or luxuries of life. As preacher W.A Criswell said, 'money will buy luxuries, but it will not buy spiritual power. Money will buy advancement and preferments, but it will not buy recognition from God. Money will buy human favour and accolades, but it will not buy a soul's respect'.

The greatest good--so great that its in category all by itself---cannot be bought. If the entire human race were to bankrupt its resources in an effort to buy forgiveness of din and eternal life with Jesus, it will be infinitely insufficient. All the wealth of the world cannot purchase the supreme blessing of forgiveness and heaven.
We' ll never accumulate enough riches to purchase a place in the parasite of God. But there is good news! Salvation can be ours "without money and without price",(Isaiah 55:1).

Have you trusted Jesus as your saviour? You only need to stretch out your hands in a child-like faith to the Lord(John 1:12). Cry out to Him and confess your sins. He will abundantly. pardon"(Isaiah 55:7).


Father, thank you for your love and forgiveness in my life.
By the tokens of the blood of Jesus, I take my place of sonship in the kingdom of God in Jesus name.


Daniel 1-2; 1Peter 5; Psalm 134:1-3

Sunday, 29 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 29th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!'(2Corinthians 9:15)


Christmas is season when gifts are exchanged among people of various color and language. And sometimes some of us receive gifts within a gift for instance receiving a treasure chest containing additional boxes with additional gifts of chocolate, jewelries and beautiful clothing. How would describe that - Indescribable right?
When God sent His son Jesus to be the saviour of the world, He gave us many gifts within the GIFT. now when people receive the Gift (Jesus), they also receive these special gifts, which they get in no other way. Observe these extra gifts:

a) Forgiveness of sins. In Jesus, we have redemption through His blood. the forgiveness of sins according to the riches if His grace(Ephesian 1:7).

b)Teaching and empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, whim the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things(John 14:26).

c)Eternal life and a home in heaven. John said "He who has the son has life" (1John 5:12). Jesus promised "In my father's house are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you"(John 14:2).
d) A love like no other. "As the father has loved me so have I loved you...greater love gas no man than this, than to lay ones life for his friends"(John 15:9,13).
Have you received God's indescribable gift? You only need to ask

Father thank you for the gift of you son Jesus Christ. I receive all that you have provided for me through Him.

Ezekiel 47-48; 1 Peter 4 Psalm 133:1-3

Saturday, 28 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 28th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"May the LORD make you increase and abound in love..."(1Thessalonians 3:12 KJV).


What makes a Church successful? A big turnout o. Sunday morning? A multimillion dollar budget? A state of the heart building?

We all know that those things aren't the criteria that defines a successful church. Whether your Church seats stadium sized crowds or just gas a few attendance, numbers are not the measure God uses for success. He looks at the heart of the Church.

Apostle Paul planted a Church in Thessalonica, the capital city of Macedonia. He showed his desire for the Church members there when he wrote: "may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all....so that He may establish your heart blameless"(1Thesd.3:12-13). With these words Paul showed the two characteristics that are vital for a successful body of believers--Love for one another and holiness.

Congregations, Church buildings and budgets come in different sizes. The true measure of success is demonstrated by followers of Christ who love God and one another, and are committed to living a life of holiness. Our challenge can be found in the word of the prophet Micah: "what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?(6:8). So if you believe in Jesus' name, then you are a part of His Church, by loving others, you proclaim: 'we are the church,--we are the heart'.
Therefore, a small church with a big heart of love is better than a big church with a small heart if love. See you in Church tomorrow with your big heart of LOVE.


Father, thank you for making me a part of your Church.
I receive the heart of love to walk in ever increasing love in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 45-46; 1Peter 3; Proverbs 28:1-18)

Friday, 27 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 27th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Abraham believed in the Lord, and it accounted to him for righteousness" (Genesis 15:6)


Any mother can tell you waiting to give birth is an experience that builds patience. But pity the poor elephant. It takes about 22 months for an unborn elephant to mature to birth! The shark known spiny dogfish has a pregnancy duration of 22-24 months.

Abraham could have identified with these examples from nature. In his old age, the Lord made a promise to him: 'I will make you a great nation"(Gen 12:2). But as the years passed, Abraham questioned how the fulfilment of the promise was possible without even the basic building block of a son.  Medically speaking he is old and Sarah had passed the age of child bearing. So God assured him, "One who will come from your own body shall be your heir"(v;4).
Despite his advance age, Abraham believed God and was called righteous(v:6). Yet he waited 25 years from the time of the initial promise for Issac to be born.
Waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled is part of trusting Him. No matter how long the delay, we must wait for him. As the writer of Hebrews remind us "let us hold fast our confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful(Hebrew 10:23). God always performs what he promised.


Father, thank you for working everything for my highest good. I receive the grace to wait to realised all that you've promised me in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 43-44; 1 Peter 2:4-45; Palm 132:1-18

Thursday, 26 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 26th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Whatever a man sows that he will reap"(Galatian 6:7)


Some people grow old gracefully while others become grouchy and ill- tempered. It's important to know which way we are growing, because we are all growing older.
People dont get irritable and short tempered merely because they are getting older. Growing older doesn't have to make you hypercritical and cranky. No, its likely that we've become what we've been becoming all along.

Paul writes: 'He who sows to his flesh will...reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will...reap everlasting life(Galatians 6:8). Those who yields to self interest and thinks only of themselves are sowing seeds that will produce a harvest of misery in themselves and others. On the other hand, those who love God and care for others are sowing seeds that in time, will yield a harvest of joy.

A man by the name C.S Lewis puts it this way: 'every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses into something a little different from what it was before. We can choose to submit our wills to God each day, asking Him to give us strength to live for Him and for others. As He walks in us,  we will grow in grace and kindness.
So the question we need to ask ourselves is, which way am I growing, am I growing toward God or to self.? The answer to this question will tell the kind of future we will have.


Father God, I submit my will to you today, help me to live for your glory.
Grant me the strength to choose that which is right and fitting to the glory and honor of your name in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 41-42; 1 Peter 1;   
1Peter 2:1-3;
Psalm 131:1-3


The Sovereign Lord says today that I am cleansing
you with the astringent of My word. No more
cutting yourself with stones as the Gaderene
among the tombs. I have not called you to a
tomb – life I have called you to abundant
life. Forgive yourself. Be forgiven. Your sins
are remitted and forgiven and now you are
clean through the word that I have spoken to
you. Open your eyes and see not the
transgression of days past but rather see
forgiveness and cleansing as your portion.
I am pouring out the oil and wine of healing,
cleansing and deliverance upon you. Sanctify
your eye gate and your heart from the
pollutions of idols the enemy would put
before you. I am not angry with you and I
am not disappointed in any way. I see your
heart and as you apply yourself I will walk
you out of the prison house of the enemy
and into a new liberty and freedom beyond
anything you have ever imagined in your life
says the Lord

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 25th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

...Thy face o Lord will I seek..(Psalm 27:8 KJV)


Successful marriages are as diverse as the variety of snowflakes that falls from the sky. Athletes marry artistic types, social butterflies marry the shy and retiring. The obvious differences can be a source of conflict. Yet with a growing understanding of oneself and one's spouse, each can learn to adapt to other's idiosyncrasies for the long haul.

Our walk with God is very much like a spiritual marriage. Jesus Christ the bridegroom, has sought us out  for an eternal relationship. Because each of us has a different temperament, uses a different thought process, and is at a different level of spiritual maturity, each possesses a unique relationship with Christ. Jesus our good shepherd, is well aware of our individuality and wants to give us just what we need to grow in our walk with Him. As we study the Bible, we learn more about His amazing personal qualities and compassion for us. And in response to His overtures of love, we will want to find time to spend with Him.

The same fellowshipping seeking God  who walks in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve is reaching out to each of us today. But when should we try to connect with Him? Many people emphasized the importance starting the day with devotions. Someone even went as far as saying, ' no Bible, no breakfast'. But depending on your metabolism and lifestyle, you may be mentally alert at midday or at night. Everyone is different, and God respects these difference and He is ready to meet us where we are at and bring us to where He is.

Prayer Point

O Lord, my Father draw me closer and closer into fellowship with you in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

  Ezekiel 40; James 5; Psalm 130:1-8)



The Sovereign Lord says today that My default
answer toward you is yes. Before you open
your mouth to speak, My yes has been
released from the throne. Come to Me
presumptively says the Lord . I challenge
you to presume upon My love. He that
comes to Me must believe that I am and
that I am the rewarder of those that
diligently seek Me. You have sought Me says
the Lord and you have sought Me, and you
have sought Me yet again, and I declare to
you this day that I will be found of you and
you will not go away empty-handed.
Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall
be opened unto you. Ask and I will answer
with a provisioning that is more than you can
ask or think or contain. I am not a man that
I should lie, nor the son of man that I should
repent. As I said in My word you will not beg
bread or be rejected from My benevolence in
your behalf. You will not be forsaken says
the Father, rather you will be provisioned as
you listen to My voice, respond to My
directives, and place My kingdom first above
all things.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday  24th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"What do you have that you did not receive"(1Corithians 4:7)


The story was told of a wealthy man who enjoyed buying his father unusual gifts for Christmas. One Christmas he found a unique gift: a talking bird that spoke five languages and sang the national anthem standing on one foot. It cost $10,000 dollars. But the man didn't mind. So he purchased the bird and sent it to his dad for Christmas. A few days after Christmas he went over to his father's house to see if he enjoyed his gift. He said, Sad, did you get my present? 'I sure did', his father said. ' How do you like it? The man asked again 'its delicious, we had it for Christmas dinner'. The man's father obviously missed the the point. He treated as ordinary, a gift that was very special.
Too often that's how we treat the blessing of God gives us. Paul asks, 'what do you have that you did not receive? Everything we have including the breath in our lungs, is a gift from God! And James adds: 'Every good thing given... is from above, coming from the father  (James 1:17NAS). In order for us to be good stewards of God's blessings we need to be reminded that everything we have were give to us by God for keeps  that includes : our time, talent and treasures. God will make demands on these things that He has blessed you with so you can be a blessing to others. So anything we give back to God, is just returning to Him a small part of what He has given us, and that qualifies us as good stewards of God's blessings.

Prayer Point

Father, position me to be a blessing to my generation in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 38-39; James 4; Proverbs 28:7-17

Monday, 23 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says to you today, nothing
external to you has any power over you. You
are not subject to any circumstance or any
situation or person that contradicts what I
have promised to you in My word. The
happenings that occur in the material world
are simply observations made regarding that
which I’ve given you authority over. I’ve
given you authority says the Lord even as I
said to Adam. I commanded the very first
man to subdue and have dominion! The
dominion that was lost in Adam is restored
in Christ. In your life (because you belong to
Me) – ruling and reigning begins now! Ruling
and reigning does not begin after death nor
does it require death, for death is My enemy.
Did I not say in My word that the last enemy
that would be put under My feet is death?
And did I not say I would be sat down until
the last enemy is put under My feet? What
part of ruling and reigning is yet to be
framed in your understanding says the
Lord? Come to My table beloved, and
partake! I have prepared a table for you even
in the presence of your enemy and you shall
be unharmed, and unmolested, for My hand
and My name is your defense!
When My Son walked the earth He
demonstrated My standard for human
normalcy! He demonstrated the human
condition as I intended it and then boldly
proclaimed that you have inherited His name
and will do greater works! Enter into the
greater works this day. Expect signs,
miracles and wonders. Expect the unusual,
the unique, the fantastic! Find moving in
your midst to demonstrate My goodness and
My strength in you and to you and through
you in a greater measure then you have ever
known says your God!


6 Ways to Lead Your Child to Jesus

By David Woollen

“Daddy, don’t let the giant get me.”

“Sweetie, the giant isn’t going to get you. It was just a dream…”

I had already come in to comfort my daughter, Elly, several times that night, but feeling suddenly inspired I decided to seize the “gospel” moment.

“…and besides sweetheart, Jesus is stronger than giants and everything else that’s scary. He defeated all our enemies on the cross, so when you feel scared, you can pray and ask him for help.”

I quietly congratulated myself on my applied spiritual insight in parenting as I watched my three-year-old process this.

“Daddy, is Jesus going to put me in a boat?”


I floundered for a moment then realized she was remembering the picture of Jesus in the boat with His disciples from her storybook Bible.

“Yes honey, Jesus is always with us. Even in the boat.”

“Will He push me in the boat?”

“Um… Jesus loves the little children, sweetie. I think He’d give you a push.”

“Daddy, is Jesus going to wear a swim suit?”

“Goodnight Elly. Go back to sleep.”


Rarely do spiritual conversations with your children go the way you envision, especially when they are little!

A child’s short attention span and limited comprehension can make these parent-child interactions slightly comical, but I’m convinced the effort is worth it. Sooner or later, ideas will start to stick. The conversations we have today will form a framework for understanding later on.

Any Christian parent who wants to learn to talk naturally with their children about Jesus can start by identifying teachable moments in their daily routine. 

The following list is hardly exhaustive, but it’s a great place to start.


1. When You Sing Together

Kids love to sing. Shows likeSesame Street and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood revolutionized children’s programming with this insight. So why not be intentional about the music you play and the songs you sing at home and in the car?

I grew up in the 80s listening toPsalty the Singing Song Book. (And I was delighted to discover these CDs are still available online.) But today there are many more options to choose from. 

The new favorite in our family is the Slugs and Bugscollection from Randall Goodgame, in particular the CD “Sing the Bible.” It’s just the right balance of silly fun with spiritual depth. We love that our kids are learning actual Bible verses, as well as the books of the Old and New Testaments.


2. When You Read Together

Educators keep telling us there is nothing better to prepare kids for future academic success than reading to them when they’re little. Why not take advantage of storytime by reading books that will teach your kids about Jesus?

Our girls LOVE The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I don’t know if it’s a common experience for other parents, but after we finish reading a story to them, our girls like to flip back to the beginning and retell it in their own words. 

And when we turn out the light, the Bible story we just read is a great place to start our prayer time. 

“God, thank you for sending your Son as a baby…”

“Jesus, thank you that even the wind and the waves obey you…”

“Jesus, thank you that you rose from the grave and are alive today…”


3. When You Pray Together

Many Christian families pray before meals and at bedtime. Prayer time is an easy opportunity to teach your children to pray and, in the process, teach them priceless truths about God.

Our three-year-old is now at the point of wanting to pray at meals, but she doesn’t know what to say. So my wife or I will pray and, phrase-by-phrase, she repeats our words. Most days it sounds something like this:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this food. Thank you for Daddy, and Mommy, and baby Hannah. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Amen.”


4. When They Are Scared

Most kids get scared when they wake up in the night. When they call out your name for comfort you have an opportunity to talk to them about “the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

When they’re afraid of the dark, you can remind them that Jesus is the light of the world and a light for us when we’re in the dark.

When they’re afraid of monsters (or giants in my daughter’s case), you can remind them that Jesus is bigger and stronger than anything scary. In fact, everything evil is afraid of Jesus, because they know He’s in charge.

When they just want Daddy or Mommy you have a chance to talk to them about God the Father, who loves them even more than Daddy and Mommy do.

And any scenario like this gives you the chance to pray with them and over them!


5. When They Do Something Wrong

Discipline is one of the most stressful aspects of parenting. And our parental reactions when a child does something wrong reveals a lot about our own assumptions.

When I hear myself say, “Why would you do something like that?” or, “I just don’t understand where this behavior is coming from!” it’s an indicator that I’m forgetting the core of the gospel. 

According to God’s Word, she’s not inherently good. She knows how to lie, be sneaky, impatient, mean, and more without having to learn it from others. It comes naturally because, like every person on earth, she was born sinful. She’s sinning because she’s a sinner, just like me. (Ephesians 2:3)

Rather than being surprised by our kids’ sin, we should expect it and have a game plan for addressing it with gospel truth. When your child sins it can be a God-ordained moment to talk with them about how much they need Jesus. Thatonly by His death and resurrection can they have God’s forgiveness, the ability to run from sin, and to desire to do what pleases Him.

Growth in godly parenting requires intentionality and self-scrutiny. Here are several outstanding books that have made a difference for my wife and me


6. When They Are Wronged by Someone Else

Much of our parental energy in discipline goes into addressing the sinful behavior of the offending child, but we also have an opportunity with the child who was wronged. 

This can be your chance to help them understand what it truly means to forgive - that it’s not easy, that the person who wronged them needs their forgiveness, and, most importantly, that we forgive because, through Jesus, God has forgiven us too.



It’s worth the time for you and your spouse to talk through each of these six daily opportunities to point your child to Jesus. Decide what you want to convey ahead of time. 

Of course, it will never go exactly according to script, but over time it will pay off as your child learns the vocabulary of grace and spiritual conversations become a natural part of family life.



From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 23rd November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"On His law they meditate day and night"(Psalm 1:2RSV).


If you've never meditated perhaps you will think its too difficult; you will think its only something monks, mystics or gurus do,  reciting mantras in a lotus position. Answer this, do you know how worry? or have you ever been worried about anything? Okay, then you know how to meditate, because meditating is just:
1) Thinking deeply and continuously about something;
2) Memorizing it;
3) Letting it take root;
4) Owning it until it becomes a life force within you
The point isn't how much scripture you memorize, but what happens to you in the process. Meditating on God's word, clarifies, corrects, enriches and equips you by making you think different thoughts than if you were watching TV, talking on the phone or in the shopping mall.
Jesus once asked His listeners: 'why do you keep on saying I am your Lord, when you refuse to do what I say (Luke 6:46CEV). Good question! The people knew the truth but they weren't ready to act upon it. David said, 'thy word have I his in mine hear that I might not sin against you"(Psalms 119:11). Meditating on God's word will cure the following in your life:
a) It will cure moral and spiritual weakness
b) It will cure the life without focus
c) it will cure lack of intimacy with God
d) it will cure chronically weak faith that keeps making you miss out on God's best for your life
So dust off your Bible, crack it open and ask, 'Lord, what are you saying to me? Then meditate on His answer.

Prayer Point

Father, open my eyes so I can behold wondrous things from your word in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 36-37 James 3; Psalm 129:1-8

Friday, 20 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 20th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"I have learned the secret of being content."(Philippians 4 12).


Sometimes contentment means:
1) Learning to be happy with less. A hard charging executive decided to spend a few days in monastery. ' I hope your stay is a blessed one' said the monk who showed him to his cell. 'If you need anything let us know. We will teach you how to live without it.'. Happiness isn't getting what you want, its enjoying what God has given you. Paul said he learned to be content, 'whether well fed or hungary, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.'
2) Remind yourself that things could be worse. I read the story of a dog called snoopy. He was lying in his dog house one Thanksgiving Day, mumbling about being stuck with dog food while all those humans got to be inside with the turkey, gravy and pumpkin pie. 'Of course, it could have been worse he reflected, " i could have been born a turkey". Reminding yourself it could have been worse is a powerful developer if contentment.
3) Understand that what you seek is spiritual, not material. Paul says to beware of 'greed, which is idolatry'(Colossians 3:5). Our problem isn't just what we want more, its that the condition which underlies all our wanting is that we really want God. As Augustine said, 'Our souls will never rest, until they rest in thee' why would God let us feel at home, when this world is not our home? Our dissatisfaction, if we let it, can sharpen our spiritual hunger and cause us to pray, ' your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Prayer Point

Father, teach me to be content with the measure of your blessing you've wonderfully bestowed on my life and help me to find life satisfaction in you and not in things in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 30-31; Hebrew 13; Proverbs 27:23-27


The Sovereign Lord says to you today, nothing
external to you has any power over you. You
are not subject to any circumstance or any
situation or person that contradicts what I
have promised to you in My word. The
happenings that occur in the material world
are simply observations made regarding that
which I’ve given you authority over. I’ve
given you authority says the Father even as I
said to Adam. I commanded the very first
man to subdue and have dominion! The
dominion that was lost in Adam is restored
in Christ. In your life (because you belong to
Me) – ruling and reigning begins now! Ruling
and reigning does not begin after death nor
does it require death, for death is My enemy.
Did I not say in My word that the last enemy
that would be put under My feet is death?
And did I not say I would be sat down until
the last enemy is put under My feet? What
part of ruling and reigning is yet to be
framed in your understanding says the
Father? Come to My table beloved, and
partake! I have prepared a table for you even
in the presence of your enemy and you shall
be unharmed, and unmolested, for My hand
and My name is your defense!
When My Son walked the earth He
demonstrated My standard for human
normalcy! He demonstrated the human
condition as I intended it and then boldly
proclaimed that you have inherited His name
and will do greater works! Enter into the
greater works this day. Expect signs,
miracles and wonders. Expect the unusual,
the unique, the fantastic! Find moving in
your midst to demonstrate My goodness and
My strength in you and to you and through
you in a greater measure then you have ever
known says your God!

Thursday, 19 November 2015



This are the practical steps to finding happiness. Here I will tell you about the methods, which will lead you to achievement of permanent inner happiness.

Step 1 – Meditate

Do you know about the world’s happiest man?

The brain studies of people, who regularly meditate, have revealed the direct relation between the practice and the state of peace, concentration and happiness.

Meditation has helped me very much toget rid of depression and become happy.

Meditation value consists in the fact that it is a very practical and applied thing. You may know any number of theories about positive thinking and read dozens of books on self-development. But without practice you will implement any theoretically principles much more difficult.

It is easy to say: “Be content with what you have”, and “Pay attention to the positive sides of your life.” But it is difficult to implement. Do these tips help you, when you are angry, in despair and nothing makes you happy? Everyone knows that it is not so easy to become an optimistic person and to notice only the positive sides.

It is as difficult as standing on your head, having simply read an article about how to do it.

It is easy to say: “During the headstand, keep your back straight and hold your look at one point, not to lose your balance.” Will these tips help you, if you’ve never stood on your head? No!

Because you need some practice and trained muscles in order to do this.

You could say that meditation is training of your “happy muscles.” While meditating, you develop strength, which helps you be happy, do not pay attention to the negative things around you and get rid of negative emotions. That is why I have placed meditation before other methods that can help you achieve happiness.

While meditating, you bring your mind into a state of happiness and you gain more control over yourself. When being in this state, it’s easier to keep your optimism and vacant mood. Everyone knows that during depression a person colors the world in gray tones: the surrounding people seem angry and sad, and the reality around loses its color.

Meditation has the opposite effect; it variegates the world, so that you see more good around you, and the usual things bring you more joy.

It is possible to say that while meditating, you open a free, independent of external circumstances and a constant source of happiness!

Of course, it’s not all that simple. Without refining yourself and conscious efforts, meditation will not make you happy! Do not wait for a miracle! This is an important thing and I want you to pay attention to it.

The practice acts not only as an harmless antidepressant, it also helps you understand yourself, be aware of the true reasons for your dissatisfaction, deal with fears, solve internal problems,develop awareness and get rid of unwanted emotions.

It gives you the ability to manage your psyche and work with it. But without this work, it will bring no good results.

Through meditation, people get rid of bad habits and thirst of momentary pleasure. This happens not only because the practice contributes to willpower development and people are able to confront their weaknesses easier.

Meditation gives the feeling of happiness and harmony. And, as I said in the section about pleasure, happy people do not need so much the momentary pleasure, which can be caused by drugs, sex, food, thrills, shopping, etc. Happy people are self-sufficient and independent of their happiness. Because all they need to enjoy the life is already inside them.

You may ask: If everything is so simple, why don’t all people meditate and why there are so many unhappy individuals and people with harmful addiction around us?

Everything is really not that difficult. We do not see many meditating people, for the same reason that not every one of us goes in for sports. Everyone knows how beneficial sport is. But not many people, who suffer from overweight and have health problems, use this method to be more healthy and attractive.

Why is this happening? After all, the benefit of sports is obvious. Most likely, due to laziness, lack of motivation or inability to achieve long-term goals.

Meditation, as well as sports, gives no immediate effect. You need to practice it regularly in order to achieve any results. Not everyone has patience and faith in this method.
Not all people go in for sports, let alone meditation, because this practice status in the mass culture is connected with religion and esoteric east doctrines.

Not all people take meditation seriously, despite the fact that science has been long studying the practice impact on the brain and has revealed a lot of positive effects of meditation.

Meditation is not necessarily a part of religion and it is not magic. It is an applied exercise that teaches you to manage your attention, control emotions and enjoy life.

Learn how to meditate properly.

Step 2 – Have No Regrets

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Accept the consequences of your actions. You cannot change the past. But you can change the present and the future! Instead of grieving at the past, improve your present life and give of your strength for the future.

Step 3 – Take Care Of People

I am not a religious man, but I greatly respect the world religions. In my opinion, the major religions are united not by the idea of the Almighty God (for example, in Buddhism, there is no such idea at all) and not by some belief in supernatural forces, but, above all, by the values of love for your neighbors, compassion, altruism, forgiveness and freedom from passions.

In my opinion, the essence of religion is based, first of all, on these things, not on attending temples, committing ceremonies and rituals, being present at sermons, etc.

I believe that these values are widely applied in our earthly life! They are not only the ways to achieve some kind of post-mortem rescue! No! Compassion, kindness, care of people – is the recipe for earthly happiness!

Did you pay attention to the fact that misfortune, suffering and depression are, by their nature, extremely self-centered states? The unhappy person is obsessed only on his feelings and his grief. He does not care about other people’s problems. He thinks that his personal problems are big and significant!

Altruism and compassion are directed at other people. These qualities mean the ability to get distracted from your problems, your thoughts, your desires, and to understand that all these are not the most important things in your life and they do not create the whole center of existence! Consequently, care of your neighbors means freedom from passions and strong desires! And freedom means happiness.

The value of love for people (Update: not only for people, precisely, but for all living: animals, plants, nature, our planet) is both the cause and the consequence of happiness. Happy people do not close on themselves and do not think all the day about their problems; they bring happiness into the world and try to help other people. And in these actions they find new happiness!

Step 4 – Forgive And Do Not Criticize

Learn to forgive other people. This will teach you compassion and understanding. Offense, hatred and rage give birth to suffering and frustration. Love, kindness and forgiveness give birth to happiness.

Condemn and criticize people less. Stop gossiping and spinning intrigues. This will teach you to stop focusing on other people’ shortcomings and find their positive sides. It will also allow you to pay attention to your own imperfection and your problems’ reasons.

Step 5 – Do Not Complain About Life

Do not complain about circumstances, stop thinking and talking about how bad everything around you is. Can you change something with these thoughts? No. They only spoil your mood and make your life miserable.

I don’t urge you to wear rose-colored glasses and notice only the good things. I want you to stop focusing only on the bad things.

Of course, there are grief and injustice in life. It is a fact of life that you should accept. The world is what it is. There is no sense in whining and rejection.

Courageously accept your fate! This does not mean that you should accept it without resignation. Improve your life, change the world for the better, and accept the order of things in your life, which you cannot change!

This will save you from needless suffering and frustration over the fact that the real life does not always meet your expectations.

Step 6 – Take Responsibility

Stop blaming circumstances and people around for the fact that your life has developed not the way you wanted. You are responsible for it, not your parents, not your friends and not your government. Because you are free to change your life, and you have the biggest impact on it!

The personal responsibility is not the result of guilt, but the consequence of freedom! You make your own life and, therefore, you are responsible for it. Depriving yourself of responsibility means depriving yourself of freedom to have impact on yourself and on the world. And depriving yourself of freedom means depriving yourself of happiness!

Step 7 – Learn To Manage Your Emotions

Freedom from destructive passions, such as envy, pride, laziness, boredom, irritation and rage will make you a happy person! I don’t intend to dwell on here, because I devoted an entire article to the issue – “How To Control Negative Emotions.”

Step 8 – Get Rid Of Strong Attachments

The reason Monks stay in the monastery is to disconnect them from all emotional attachment. However, this method is unlikely to fit each individual. I am attached to my friends, to my wife, to my work and to many other things, and I get pleasure from these affections. I do not want to deprive myself of these emotions.

We are modern people and no one forces us to retire to a temple or monasteries and live there locked up, giving up all the usual pleasures. But this Monk's precept contains a certain wisdom, which can be used by a modern person as well.

No need to get rid of all attachments. You should simply have no strong affections, which fully create the basis of your existence.

Remember, I said that you should not think: “I will be happy when…” It’s not just the fact that you will not find happiness in the future, unless you find it inside you. Even if some activity will please you so much that you will forget about your misfortune, do not let it limit all your thoughts and positive emotions.

Because you will be left with nothing, if something goes wrong with this activity. Because you will have nothing, but this activity, and because it creates the only basis of your happiness. No need to make your harmony dependent on something else

I really want to keep developing this website. I put high hopes on it. But it is not my only joy! If suddenly I will be unable to continue this work for some reason, certainly I will be hard hit by this.

But it will not be the end of my life! I have many other pleasures in addition to the website!

A smart investor allocates his risk by investing his money in a number of different projects, while calculatingly considering the fact that if one of them fails, the rest will yield dividends. Quite the same, you should not attach only to one thing: to love for husband/wife or children, to your business, etc.

And if you think: “I’ll be happy when I’ll find my love” – then you run the risk of becoming dependent on this love, because, except it, you will have no other source of joy! Dependence is never compatible with healthy relationships.

Diversify your affections!

Step 9 – Find Your Calling

I’m not saying that you should definitely find your dream job. Calling is not necessarily identical to profession!

Maybe you like to dig in your garden on your plot of land and not to go to work! Why not consider it a calling? Therefore, you should choose your way of earnings in accordance with this calling, instead of turning this way into calling.

I will not dwell on this topic now, because I have an article on the websiteHow To Find Your Calling.

But remember that you should not be attached only to your calling, no matter what it consists of – working as a lawyer or helping other people! I have already mentioned this in the previous section and I simply want to remind you about this.

Step 10 – Smile!

This recipe for happiness is indicated in almost all materials devoted to the main issue of this article.

And I will not depart from this tradition. Of course, smile more. Psychologists have identified an inverse relationship between your facial expressions and your emotions. This means not only that, when you are happy, you smile. It also means that when you smile, you become joyful!

Step 11 – Content Yourself With What You Have

I know that in Catholic families before meals, people utter a prayer thanking God for their food, which is on the table.

Irrespectively the fact whether this gratitude reaches some higher being or not, I think that this tradition has a practical sense.

We are accustomed to the benefits that civilization gives us: continuous access to a variety of foods, relative life safety (in comparison with wild conditions), health care, relative independence of nature, etc.

We already take these things for granted, even though some part of the world’s population misses them. Many people live in poverty; they are suffering from drought, hunger and diseases. They would be very happy to have what we have. But we, in turn, have been long used to it and forgot to enjoy it.

The tradition of thanking for the food on the table reminds us that food is not givenness, once we thank someone for it. You have it today, but you can miss it tomorrow! Food is the foundation of our lives, without which we cannot exist.

I’m not saying that you should pray and thank someone for it. Just do not forget that if you have food and a roof over your head, and you do not have to gasp for life every day, then you have all the benefits in order to be happy.

Not every person on the Earth has these benefits. You must learn to rejoice over having them, because you do not die of hunger somewhere in a miserable hut. Learn to appreciate what you have.

Step 12 – Benefit From Any Experience

Find the good sides in every life experience, even in the most unpleasant one.

Were you fired? This is your chance to find what suits you best.

Did you have a spat with your wife? This gives you the opportunity to identify the shortcomings of your relations and improve them.

Did something excite you to anger? Life teaches you a self-control lesson. Use it as an opportunity to learn how to control your anger.

Virtually every experience has its advantages. “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” If you notice only the negative side of the experience, then you will miss many opportunities to become a better and stronger person.

Step13 – Maintain Your Health

Good health and sport activity will increase the content of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins cause the state of satisfaction and happiness.

A physically healthy person is less prone to psychological illness, despondency and depression, than people who have bad habits and do not care about their health.

Alcohol and smoking cause only temporary pleasure. But in the perspective, they violate the chemical balance in your brain and badly influence on its natural ability to maintain the happy state.

The more you use alcohol and other drugs, the more you get used to them and the more difficult you enjoy your life, while being in a sober state. Over time, the drugs themselves bring less and less joy, because of the habit. As a result, you do not become happier, but quite the contrary.

I meant this, when I said that sometimes happiness requires you to deny yourself some pleasure.

Quit smoking and drinking. Follow the sleep schedule and eating. Eat healthy food. Go in for sports. Meditate.

Step 14 – Communicate!

Healthy and full communication gives you joy. When you communicate, aim not only at telling something about yourself and about your problems. Learn to listen to your interlocutors and understand other people. What do they feel? What are they worried about? Can you help them somehow?

This will allow you to shift the focus of your attention from your problems to other people’s problems. You will understand that many of your worries and fears are trifling in comparison with other people’s problems.

Listen to people, learn from them and charge with their positive mood, but do not let their negativity get into you. Get acquainted with new people. Be honest and aim at deeper communication, not at some superficial exchange of remarks.


LIGHT FOR THE WAY (Daily Devotional) Friday 29th May 2020 TOPIC: THE BLESSEDNESS OF DIVINE FELLOWSHIP TEXT: "I will be there God, and t...