

Tuesday 31 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today be fixed in your faith. Be fixed in your faith and in your mind that highest heart's desire will be your outcome. There is outcome and there is process in My kingdom. As you cooperate with My process you will come to your outcome. Expecting to have an outcome without the due process of My kingdom is not faith it is wishful thinking. There is a difference between religious vanity and manifesting the substance. Being double minded will not produce in your life. Being double minded will only result in going round in circles and never seeing positive change take place. Begin by making up your mind and your heart where you want to go in life and what you want the outcome to look like. Refuse to conjure up some anemic idea of what breakthrough looks like. Believe for the impossible. Believe for the improbable. Get firmly fixed in your mind with definite conviction that all things are possible and that possibility is your portion and not denial or shortcoming.

Monday 30 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today that My blessings are overtaking you. When you seek the kingdom, beloved - the kingdom is seeking you. As you hearken to My voice and heed My commandments and follow My directives the blessings that you expect and long for will come on you and overtake you in the way. This is My anointed process. This is the level of cooperation that is involved in bringing every good thing and every beneficial resource online in your life. Are you done with lack, and deficit and detriment in your life? Things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different you must do something different. My voice is speaking to you every moment of every day. My sound is going forth into all the earth and into your soul and your spirit. Hearken to My sound. Respond to My voice. Refuse to accept the lie that you cannot hear or have not heard.

You must be willing to get out beyond your understood principles and patterns of behavior that have not served you. Say of your soul "I am ready for change - I am willing to change". I am the Changeless One says the Father. I am changeless, yes but I require of you to live in a constant state of change, flexibility and yieldedness to My heart and My mind that is directing you. Command your eyes to see. Command your ears to hear. See, and hear what My Spirit is saying. I will be the voice speaking over your shoulder saying "this is the way - walk ye in it..." As you do so miracles and signs and wonders will attend your every step. Others will look on and see My favor at work in your life. They will look on and wonder and some will look on and resent the fact that I am blessing and bringing you to breakthrough. Just love them and speak truth to them when they ask. This is what the life of being a disciple involves and includes. Are you a disciple or a mere follower? The answer to that question makes all the difference in your life.


(Daily Devotional)

Monday 30th May 2016

Topic: Start Dancing And Singing

Text: "Let them praise his name in the dance… " (Psalms

One thing Satan hates most is when we praise
God during the attacks he is trying so hard to
impose. Nothing feels worse to a would-be
attacker than a strategic plan foiled. You can
almost picture it—the devil calculates what he is
sure will rip the rug out from under you. Right
when he is about to do his own version of the
victory dance, you start dancing to God! You can
almost hear him squeal, “What? How can you be
dancing? You are supposed to be crying!” This is
just about the biggest mockery in the halls of
hell. Psalm 149:3 tell us to dance to the Lord,
while verse 7 gives the results of it. It says, “to
execute vengeance upon the heathen.” Now, we
don’t wrestle against people—we wage warfare
with evil spirits. Our dance executes revenge
upon demons. Right when they expected victory,
you got immediate revenge because they
couldn’t get you down! The devil knows more
than anyone that if he can get you down, your
potential to get frustrated with God goes up
exponentially. However, he also knows if you
praise when it would be easy to feel down, then
Jehovah God gets involved!
This is why we don’t just dance when things are
going great. Dancing to the Lord liberates you,
and Satan hates it. Go ahead, dance a little more
today and watch the devil lose a foothold over

Hallelujah Lord, I dance and praise Your Name
today! As I dance and
leap, I thank You that joy and liberty fill my heart
and every work of the
devil is destroyed! In the Name of Jesus, amen!


1 Samuel 19,
1 Samuel 20
John 17:6-26 Psalm

Tuesday 24 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today there is no lack in heaven. There is no lack in heaven and no lack in Me. Because I am IN YOU there is supply IN YOU for every need and every deficit. You may find yourself commiserating in the economies of man but it is the economy of heaven that determines your funding and the meeting of every need. I will meet your need according to My riches in glory. This is not some far off repository. The glory that you bank into and pray into is the glory that is on the inside of you right now. Your hope and your miracle is on the inside of you. That is where My throne is and where My kingdom is. You need look no further than where I am seated on the throne of your heart. The death of the cross was the price that I paid to be seated and enthroned in your heart. From there I act and move and answer every cry of your heart.

Look no further says the LORD for I am in you. The fullness of My kingdom and the answer to every prayer is WITHIN you. Every prayer that you could conceivably pray in your lifetime resides in embryonic form in the womb of your human spirit where My Spirit broods, hovers and conceives. All things are possible. Nothing is impossible. All things are yours for all things are Mine and I have taken that which is Mine and given it to you. That is My unequivocal promise. No caveats, no exclusionary fine print - just come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will ease your burden and grant your request. Come boldly. Come expectantly. Yield fully. Hear what My Spirit is saying to you and act accordingly and you will in nothing be ashamed.


(Daily Devotional)

Teusday 24th May 2016

Topic: Power For Total Victory

Text: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of
the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt
you (Luke 10:19).
Life definitely isn’t a problem-free bed of roses!
While we know this is true, we also shouldn’t
expect it to be a bed of poison ivy either! As
believers we need to look at our lives and know
that we have the ability to overcome the
problems that are caused by demonic powers.
We shouldn’t live in fear of some pending attack
lurking around the corner. We need a stronger
mind-set that is confident that Jesus Christ will
enable us to live in victory above these things.
Jesus told His disciples that they could walk
over the power of the devil. He reiterated to
them that nothing has the power to harm them.
This explains why He could escape the hands of
His would-be killers early in His ministry (see
Luke 4:30). It explains why Peter could be
broken out of prison by an angel just before his
scheduled execution (see Acts 12). I once heard
someone say, “If the devil could kill you, he
would have already done so, but the fact that he
hasn’t means he cannot!”
We need more established confidence today that
we have the power to walk over the attacks of
demons rather than them walking over us. Know
what belongs to you today, because the devil
and all his power is under your feet!

Lord, I thank You that I have authority over the
problems of the enemy. I know that no demonic
power has any ability to harm me or my family
today! I am covered by the blood of Jesus and I
live in victory! In the Name of Jesus, amen


1 Samuel 8,
1 Samuel 9,
1 Samuel

Monday 23 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today believe the best and what is best will find you and manifest in your life. The great struggle of life is what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe what the circumstance says? Honestly what a waste of time. The things that are seen are temporal and changeable says the LORD- look rather upon the eternal. That which is eternal controls and dominates that which is natural and temporal. You are where your attention takes you. Why would you prostitute your attention to what man wants you to look at, think about and accept as fact? That is not your portion says the Father. Whatever is pure, perfect, lovely and of good report - that is what I want you to think about. Why? Because I want you to pretend problems don't exist? Of course not says the LORD. I want you to focus on that which is wholesome and positive because that is the familiarity of the benefit and blessing I am now bringing into your life.

I don't want My goodness to catch you by surprise! I want you to center on the good news because your focus - the meditation of your heart determines what is about to manifest in your life. Regardless of how you look at it says the LORD- what is in your heart in abundance determines the character, quality and nature of what is about to happen in your life. Did I not say that as you think in your heart so shall you be in your life? You now have My permission beloved, to actually GET that and INSTALL that understanding in your heart. This is how My process transforms your life, your relationships, your supply and every other thing. As you allow Me to get your mind cleansed and empowered, so your life will become a little bit of heaven to go to heaven in! Are you ready? Alright then - let us begin!

Sunday 22 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Sunday 22n May 2016

Topic: God Will Restore Your Self worth

Text: "…He shall eat at my table, as one of the king’s
sons" (2 Samuel 9:11).

Mephibosheth was the little five-year-old crippled
grandson of Saul who was dropped when his
nanny fled with him after Saul’s household fell
under attack. Long after Saul and Jonathan’s
deaths, David went looking for someone from the
descendants of Jonathan to keep a promise that
he would forever show kindness to his family
(see 1 Sam. 20:15). A former servant of Saul,
named Ziba, told David about Mephibosheth, now
grown but still crippled. In Second Samuel 9,
when Mephibosheth was introduced to David, he
felt completely inferior because of his condition.
In Second Samuel 9:8, he responded to David by
saying, “Who am I that you would pay attention
to a dead dog like me?” It was obvious he had no
sense of self-worth. The effects of the murder of
his father and grandfather, in addition to his own
lame condition, were very visible. Yet, David
ignored this and gave Mephibosheth a permanent
dinner pass to the king’s table! In one day, he
went from worthlessness to royalty!
Everyone has experienced attacks on their self-
worth, but as an heir of Christ you are given a
permanent pass to the table of King Jesus. In
spite of life’s blows, you have gone from
worthlessness to royalty! It doesn’t matter how
others view you; all Mephibosheth needed was
the approval of the king. You have the approval
of Christ the King today, and your self-worth has
been restored!

Father, I receive my place at the table of King
Jesus today. I am no longer
worthless, and all my self-worth has been
restored. I am special, Lord, and
I have value. Hallelujah! Amen!


1 Samuel 5,
1 Samuel 6,
1 Samuel 7
John 12:1-11

Saturday 21 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Saturday 21st May 2016

Topic: You Shall See God's Wonders

Text: "And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and
signs in the earth beneath…. And it shall come to
pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:19,21).

We are in a remarkable period of time. We are
beginning to see some of the most supernatural
events to be recorded in history. However, signs
and wonders may not always appear as you
expect them to, and if we aren’t careful we can
miss them. Isaiah 7:14 prophesied that one of
the greatest signs to appear would be a virgin
bearing a son. However, religious leaders living
at the time the sign appeared didn’t recognize it.
Supernatural wonders aren’t always something
everyone will notice. In fact, according to the
Bible those who aren’t looking for God to
manifest may miss Him when He does appear
(see Luke 19:44). Isn’t that what will happen
when Jesus returns? Some will overlook the
event as if it never took place. However, God will
manifest these wonders because He knows there
are going to be those who will see them and
favorably, just like the wise men when the star of
Christ appeared. Not everyone responded, but
some did and were blessed!
Expect to see wonders in the Heavens through
weather, in government, in nations, through the
church, and even via supernatural healings and
miracles. We are in the season of wonders and
God will use these things to cause many to be

Father, I open my eyes to see the heavenly
wonders You are displaying in this season. Teach
me how to discern them and use them to win
many to Christ. In the Name of Jesus, amen.


1 Samuel
2:27-36, 1
Samuel 3, 1
Samuel 4
John 11:1-44 Psalm



The Sovereign LORD says today that your prayers are never ignored. They are categorized, digitized and stored in the archives of heaven awaiting the answer that is promised. Your prayers are accorded the same value as the blood of the Cross that was shed to assure that they are heard. There are no editors in heaven deciding whether or not you will get a hearing. Every word, every breath, every thought that comes to your mind and heart as acknowledged and responded to as if they were Jesus' own thoughts and words. You are not ignored says the LORD. You are not overlooked. You are not unimportant. Though all the world would need not a savior I would have sent heaven's best just to reach down to you and draw you out of many waters of adversity and establish you in a place of blessing.

No more listening to the lies of the enemy. No more falling into the despondency of one who feels neglected or set at naught. I have set you as the pupil of My eye. I have regarded your need in a time appointed and I have responded. In all the affairs of men multiplied by every life lived out on the earth - you still have My complete and My undivided attention. Know that you are loved. Know that you are cared for. Know that I will give grace and strength to help and deliver you in the time appointed. I am never late. I am never short of resources. I am poised to bless and benefit and make Myself known to you in your situation. Expect My goodness to be seen. Anticipate My lovingkindness to be your portion. Align yourself with My heart and My mind and you will in nothing be disappointed says the LORD


(Daily Devotional)

Saturday 21st May 2016

Topic: You Shall See God's Wonders

Text: "And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and
signs in the earth beneath…. And it shall come to
pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:19,21).

We are in a remarkable period of time. We are
beginning to see some of the most supernatural
events to be recorded in history. However, signs
and wonders may not always appear as you
expect them to, and if we aren’t careful we can
miss them. Isaiah 7:14 prophesied that one of
the greatest signs to appear would be a virgin
bearing a son. However, religious leaders living
at the time the sign appeared didn’t recognize it.
Supernatural wonders aren’t always something
everyone will notice. In fact, according to the
Bible those who aren’t looking for God to
manifest may miss Him when He does appear
(see Luke 19:44). Isn’t that what will happen
when Jesus returns? Some will overlook the
event as if it never took place. However, God will
manifest these wonders because He knows there
are going to be those who will see them and
favorably, just like the wise men when the star of
Christ appeared. Not everyone responded, but
some did and were blessed!
Expect to see wonders in the Heavens through
weather, in government, in nations, through the
church, and even via supernatural healings and
miracles. We are in the season of wonders and
God will use these things to cause many to be

Father, I open my eyes to see the heavenly
wonders You are displaying in this season. Teach
me how to discern them and use them to win
many to Christ. In the Name of Jesus, amen.


1 Samuel
2:27-36, 1
Samuel 3, 1
Samuel 4
John 11:1-44 Psalm

Friday 20 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says  this day I am providing you the resources to
complete the things I have given you to start.
Yes, some situations make it appear as though
you will not be able to complete the tasks at
hand, but know today that the finishing
anointing rests upon you in Jesus name.

Wednesday 18 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 19th May 2016

Topic: Speak To The Wind

Text: "Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind,
prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus
saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O
breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they
may live" (Ezekiel 37:9).

Wind has a powerful symbolism as it is often
identified with the Holy Spirit. Of course, there
are many types of wind in Scripture—some were
winds of destruction (see Mark 4:37; Acts 27:14-
15), while others were winds from God that
came to breathe life and blessings. One such
example was the wind of the Holy Spirit on the
Day of Pentecost. This kind of wind typifies the
breath of God upon something. In the valley of
dry bones, Ezekiel spoke life to the group of dry
bones, causing them to come together and form
what resembled people (see Ezek. 37:1-10).
Then the Lord commanded the prophet to speak
to the wind so that the lifeless figures would
receive breath. The wind came into them,
causing them to live and stand up as a great
army. God has a breath of wind to blow upon the
lifeless things He wants raised up in our lives.
Sure they may look like nothing more than a
group of dry bones right now, scattered across
what looks to be a depressing valley. However,
today God wants to breathe life on these things
that you gave up on. It’s time to speak to the

Lord, I speak to the winds of the Spirit and
command life to come into my
hopes and dreams, which look like they will never
live. I say to these dreams
right now, live! Amen.


Ruth 1, Ruth
John 9:1-34 Proverb

Monday 16 May 2016



The Church provides a good foundation for marriage, but here are a few of the things you might not always hear.

Ever wish you had the answers to a test before you walked into the classroom? Maybe some of you did have the answers, but you better keep that to yourself. If you spent time in college, you remember review days where the professor would give some insights about the impending test. Miss review day, and it would be foolish to expect a passing grade.
But it never failed. I would follow the guideline. I would study the handout. But when it came time, the professor would put the exam on my desk and there would be a foreign formula or equation I had never seen—or, at least, one I did not see on the study guide. Looking back, I realize the teacher did not intend for the study guide to be comprehensive. It was simply not possible to include everything from the required reading, class notes and lectures.

Such is the case with the Church and marriage. I am grateful for the foundation the Church gave me in regard to marriage. It was a good study guide. But there some things on the test I did not learn until marriage began. So I am going to give you some answers to the test that some of you might not expect to see. Here are a few truths about marriage I never heard in church:

1. Sex is a Gift From God. Explore It.

God created sex, but through the years, God’s people have allowed Satan to steal this gift—without much of a fight.

Most people are not educated about sex. Their framework for sex is built by their friends at school and the movies they watched, most especially from the internet. Big uh oh. The problem with this is that a fantasy about sex is created which can stop you from enjoying the fullness sex has to offer.

It is time for God’s people to take back the gift of sex. The lies surrounding it are ruining lives and marriages. If you are married, explore the fullness of sex for the glory of God. Pray for sexual intimacy with your spouse.

2. There is More Than One Person Out There You Could Marry.

Soulmates are made, not born. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more about commitment than perfection. Every person on earth has imperfections. And the reality is there is more than one person we could spend our lives with.

Soulmates are made, not born. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more about commitment than perfection
I meet too many young people who are waiting for something that is not real. “I just couldn’t marry her because she smacked her food.” “He just wasn’t the one. But I know my soulmate is still out there. I just have to keep looking.”
What if God does not want you to find a perfect person, but find an imperfect person who will draw you closer to Him? What if God desires you to marry a person with flaws to expose yours? What if God wants to teach you the value and life found in committing to one person forever, not the exhausting pursuit of searching your entire life to find the perfect person?

3. The First Year of Marriage is Really Hard.

What have we done? Are we going to make it? Why is this so hard? These are all questions that can rise up during the first year of marriage.
You may argue. You may fight. It may be really hard. And every day you may think something is wrong. Most people are not warned about the difficulty of the first year.
If you are in the first year of marriage and thinking about giving up, you’re not alone. Everyone struggles. Persevere. There are better days coming. Your marriage will get better. Stick with it.

4. A Spouse Does Not Complete You.

Jerry Maguire has brainwashed a generation of people to believe a lie. Spouses do not complete people. God said ‘the two shall become one flesh’. The two, meaning two whole becoming one ( i.e 1+1=1), not two halves becoming one.

If you are empty, broken or insecure and you believe a spouse is the silver bullet to your problems, buckle up. It will be a bumpy ride. You will never be able to enjoy the beauty of marriage if you think your spouse’s job is to complete you. Be a complete person and marry another complete person.

5. Marry Someone With Similar Goals, Dreams and Passions.

Marry someone who is a Christian, yes. But I would go further—marry someone with similar passions and dreams. Of course, no two people are going to want exactly the same things in life. But some things are harder to work through than others. For example, if you love foreign missions and your potential spouse hates going overseas, tension is going to arise.
If your spouse has similar passions, they will be able to understand your struggles and fully support your pursuits. There is much power in two people living life with the same goals, dreams and passions for life.

6. Marriage is Not for Everybody.

Paul talks about this in Corinthians. He tells the church at Corinth to remain in the situation they are in. If unmarried, then stay unmarried. If married, then stay married. Later, he says,“So then the person who marries his fiancée does well, and the person who doesn’t marry does even better” (1 Corinthians 7:38).

Maybe it is time for God’s people to accept the reality that God has not called everyone to marry. I have talked with young men and women that are almost consumed with finding a spouse. And most of the pressure comes from church. Once a person reaches mid-twenties, we assume something is wrong with them if they have not married.
Shame on us. Marriage is holy and good, but it is also possible to follow Jesus without a spouse.

7. Marriage is Not About You.

I love weddings. But in an increasingly individualistic, “me” culture, weddings create a potentially dangerous situation. It is all about the bride and groom. Everyone looks at them. Encourages them. Congratulates them.

Many couples have bought the lie of the wedding day: It is all about me. But marriage is at odds with this mindset. A successful wedding day is one where everyone serves you. A successful marriage is one where you serve your spouse. The wedding day is a day where the spotlight is on you. Marriage has no spotlight. The wedding day is joyous and celebratory. Many seasons of marriage are about persevering and not letting go through the storms.

Embrace your wedding day. Prepare for it. Celebrate it. But do not make the mistake of believing the lie that it’s all about you. After your 20 minutes of fame, the spotlight is gone forever. It is no longer about you (and this is a good thing, you will see).


(Daily Devotional)

Monday 16th May 2016

Topic: Key To Overflowing Blessing

Text: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that
there may be meat in mine house, and prove me
now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not
open you the windows of heaven, and pour you
out a blessing, that there shall not be room
enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10).

I have heard many arguments against tithing
(giving 10 percent of your income to God), one of them is tithe is a doctrine of the old testament. How untrue! The fact is, the God of the old testament is the same God of the new testament. Just as God has not changed His mind about how we should walk before Him in holiness and righteousness, He also has not changed His mind about the path He has laid down for us to financial prosperity. Here are two reasons why you must pay your tithe:
1) Its God's command and non compliance will attract dire consequences. 2) Its your covenant key to financial prosperity and liberty. God promised us overflowing blessing when we bring our tithes to Jesus our high priest ( Malachi
I once heard the story of a minister who when they were starting out in ministry  didn't have much money but they were giving their tithe all they could, one of the days, his farmer friend butchered a cow
and unexpectedly gave him two coolers full of
meat! That was not only a blessing, but he had
to go buy a new freezer to store it! It was an overflowing measure of blessing that was more than
he had room for!
A well-renowned Christian counselor
say that in his experience working with
marriages, the couples who tithe have far fewer
financial problems than those who don’t. There
is a promise of blessing caused by tithing that
cross-pollinates into many areas of our lives,
both seen and unseen. Trust the Lord’s promise
for you as a tither, because an overflowing measure
of blessing is truly yours!


Lord Jesus, as my heavenly High Priest, I place
the tithe into Your hands. I trust Your promise
that I shall live in blessing of excess measure all
the days of my life. Amen!

Judges 18,

Judges 19
John 8:12-30 Psalm

Sunday 15 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Sunday 15th May 2016

Topic: Eliminating Hindering spirits

Text: "Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I
Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us" (1
Thessalonians 2:18).

Paul experienced a lot of trouble against His
ministry. Not only was he vehemently
persecuted, but it seems that everywhere he
went the devil was busy stirring up little
problems and aggravating issues to try and
prevent the success of his ministry. In First
Thessalonians 2:18, when Paul said he was
hindered, Strong’s Concordance describes
the word as an obstacle that blocks what is
needed. Paul said it kept happening over and
over again. It isn’t until First Thessalonians
3:10-11 that we see God remove these
hindrances so Paul could get where he intended
to go. What finally made the difference? First,
verse 10 says his group began to pray intensely,
probably because he was tired of the
harassment and began to pray some “enough is
enough” kind of prayers! Suddenly in verse 11,
we see God Himself stepping in with an anointing
specifically to remove these hindrances. The
divine power of Heaven radically stepped in and
brought all the chaos to rest!
If you have felt hindered today by constant little
troubles and harassments trying to prevent you
from succeeding, God is ready to bring these
little fires from the enemy to an end. Begin with
determined prayer, but then call upon the Lord
for it to stop. If those harassing spirits had to
get out of the way for Paul, they shall surely
move for you too!

Lord, I believe today that You are stepping in the
middle of my situation to remove hindering
spirits. I declare that every harassment and
aggravating form of trouble must stop and that I
am going to succeed! In Jesus’ Name, amen!


Judges 16,
Judges 17
John 7:45-53,
John 8:1-11 Psalm



“The Sovereign LORD says this day I am binding the power of hindering
spirits from creating those aggravating troubles
and harassments. Yes, peace is your portion and
the chaos comes to an end, says the LORD”

Saturday 14 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today I am bringing healing into your life what man cannot cure, I shall heal. The
incurable heart, mind, and body is to be cured in
those who will trust and believe in the
supernatural power of Jesus’ Name!
Whatever has been broken in your your shall be mended and brought together again. I am your Healer and the Prince of your Peace. I shall cause you to abide in my peace today and everyday.

Friday 13 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 13th May 2016

Topic: Uprooting Bitterness

Text: "Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look
[after one another], to see that no one falls back
from and fails to secure God’s grace (His
unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order
that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or
hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter
torment, and the many become contaminated and
defiled by it" (Hebrews 12:15 AMP).

When you’ve had a hurtful or tragic experience,
bitterness or resentment can grow in your heart
unknowingly. Sometimes it’s not even toward
people, but toward the Lord. Many have this form
of bitterness. However, not recognizing any form
of bitterness is a danger we all face. It’s a
resentful poison almost impossible to remove
once deeply rooted. Some are so poisoned by
bitterness they can’t have a normal conversation
without spewing venom. While not every form is
this bad, all bitterness carries the potential to
grow to this level. We can be easily blinded to
ourselves, so we need others who can spot when
bitterness is trying to take root.
If you can’t quit rehearsing the bad that
happened, it’s likely bitterness is trying to take
root. Its effects can be devastating and
according to Hebrews 12:15, can even threaten
our very salvation. Ask God to help you uproot it,
then make every effort to move on. Nothing
compares to the peace that comes from
removing bitterness from your heart. Let it be
uprooted today!

Heavenly Father, I ask You to reveal all forms of
bitterness that would try to take hold in my heart.
Forgive me for letting any hurt or resentment fill
my thoughts. I command every root of bitterness
to be uprooted from my life today! Amen!


Judges 14-15; John 7:14-44; Proverbs 11: 29-31; Proverbs 12:1-7



The Sovereign LORD says today you are been led forth with Joy,  peace and righteousness.
So go out in your day and overwhelm the enemy with your joy. My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy. Your peace and your joy will cause the enemy to be bread for you. I will take that which the enemy has sowed in your life and grind it to powder and make him drink the dregs of his own assault against you

It’s time to let go of all forms of resentment,
says the LORD Be not like some who have
allowed it to take root by holding onto hurts.
Release them so the results that bitterness
so that the fruitlessness it has produced in your life will be uprooted from your life.

Thursday 12 May 2016


(Daily Devotional(

Thursday 12th May 2016

Topic: Quench Not The Spirit

Text: "Quench not the spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19).

There are many ways people quench the Holy
Spirit, and some have done so out of a well-
meaning heart. Often pre-conceived ideas and
teachings have caused people to quench the
Holy Spirit. They are afraid that they will get
mixed up in something false. Still others quench
Him because they think some people will not
understand or may
become fearful of the Lord moving in a
supernatural way. However, we need to know
that the darker things become in the world, the
more we need the power of God to work in a real
and tangible way. If the Holy Spirit wants to give
us visions or bring about a miraculous healing,
then we should welcome it even when it
manifests in an unusual fashion. The way to
recognize the difference between the genuine
work of the
Holy Spirit and something false is by comparing
it to what God did in the Bible. In the Bible, God
did many unusual signs and wonders, so we
should not think it odd to experience them today.
He used these unusual and undeniable wonders
to even convince the most defiant of
unbelievers. We find in Scripture that in the last
days these manifestations will increase and the
church must embrace this work of the Holy Spirit
like never before. So don’t quench or hide the
Holy Spirit’s work, but let Him burn like a fire
around your life today!

Holy Spirit, I welcome the unusual wonders from
You today. When I see Your unusual wonders, I
will not be ashamed, but I will give You all the
praise. Work in my life today. Amen!


Judges 12-13; John 6:60-71; John 7:1-13; Psalm 59:9-19



“This is not the hour to quench the supernatural
manifestations of My hand, nor is it the time to
be ashamed of the most unusual things I will do.
So be prepared for unusual wonders if you will
welcome and acknowledge My Spirit wherever it
might work among you.”

Wednesday 11 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 11th May 2016

Topic: Tear Down The Mountain

Text: "Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain,
saith the Lord, which destroyest all the earth: and
I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll
thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a
burnt mountain (Jeremiah 51:25).
Jeremiah 51 describes how God would rise up
against Babylon. While this chapter speaks of
literal ancient Babylon, Revelation 17 depicts its
symbolic sense, which is that Babylon always
represents sin and resistance to God. Jeremiah
51:25 says God will burn the mountain of
Babylon. Then in Zechariah 4:7, the prophet also
tells the
mountain that it will become a plain, meaning
that it will be destroyed. Mountains always speak
of something considered immoveable, so God
destroying it makes the statement that all
resistance must bow to Him. The next question
is, what method did God use to destroy this
resistant mountain? Zechariah 4:7 says the Lord
instructed Zerubbabel to shout at the mountain
and cry grace to it. This brings more
understanding to when Jesus told His disciples
they could literally speak to the mountain to
remove it (see Mark 11:23-24). He was showing
that they had the power to tear the mountain
down or remove resistance by speaking.
You have the ability speak to the mountain
resisting you. It may be tempting to just keep
looking at it and give in to worry, but Jesus gave
you the power to speak to it. Go ahead, shout
and tear the mountain down!

Father, I make the decision to take my eyes off
every obstacle that would resist me. I tell the
mountain of ___________________ to leave today. I
shout grace and say the mountain shall become a
plain! In the Name of Jesus, amen!


Judges 10-11; John 6:25-59; Psalm 59:1-8



The Sovereign LORD says today as you go into this new week, I will come through for you. Multiplication is your portion. I multiply and divide in the earth and I say to you that this is multiplication season in your life. When the multitude hungered I took a little boy's lunch and fed thousands. I blessed the bread and broke it and distributed. Are you willing to be broken bread? You have asked for My blessing but be prepared says the LORD for what I bless I break.

You have asked for the transfer, the distribution of the wealth and it is a resource available to you. Know this, that this blessing comes to those who choose and are willing to be broken bread. Prepare yourself therefore says the LORD What you have asked for is not coming soon it is upon you now. Embrace the challenge. Accept the pressure. Be willing to move forward in apostolic violence for My kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it and seize it by force.



“The Sovereign LORD says, do not be shaken by the
obstacles before you, neither look at the
mountain that stands in your way. Know that I
am against these things to consume them, for that's who I AM the CONSUMING FIRE ! so
it’s time for you to shout aloud and tear the
mountain down! And as you do whatever whatever represents  mountain of obstacles in your life will I consume. Suddenly you will look for them and find them more"

Monday 9 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today as you go into this new week, I will come through for you. Multiplication is your portion. I multiply and divide in the earth and I say to you that this is multiplication season in your life. When the multitude hungered I took a little boy's lunch and fed thousands. I blessed the bread and broke it and distributed. Are you willing to be broken bread? You have asked for My blessing but be prepared says the LORD for what I bless I break.

You have asked for the transfer, the distribution of the wealth and it is a resource available to you. Know this, that this blessing comes to those who choose and are willing to be broken bread. Prepare yourself therefore says the LORD What you have asked for is not coming soon it is upon you now. Embrace the challenge. Accept the pressure. Be willing to move forward in apostolic violence for My kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it and seize it by force.

Sunday 8 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Sunday 8th May 2016

Topic: God Will Come Through For You

Text: For yet a little while, and he that shall come will
come, and will not tarry (Hebrews 10:37).

When you’re really desperate for an answer from
God, it can be tempting to start thinking the Lord
will not respond in time. I once heard someone
say a humorous line about the timing of God.
They said, “God is never late, but He sure is last-
minute!” Sometimes it feels like the Lord is going
to miss the window of time for a much needed
miracle. I am sure there were many people in the
Old Testament who wondered why it was taking
so long for the promised Messiah to appear.
After all, couldn’t God see all the problems
occurring? Without a doubt, many were
convinced that the time for the Messiah had to
be now! Yet it was to be years before His
appearing. They probably were like many of us
and thought God had not come through in time.
What we need to know about the timing of God
is that God is eternal and sees everything from
that perspective. He knows that the events of
today are never the final answer. God is not
about making you suffer, but realize that the
miracle answer will not be late. If you trust that
today, your confidence will agree with His
perfect timing and you’ll realize that things really
are well with you. The bottom line is that He will
come and His answer will never be late!

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You that You have
perfect timing for everything. I trust Your timing
and I know that the  answer I need will not be late.
Thank You, Lord, that You are always right on
time. In Jesus’ Name, amen!


Judges 6-7; John 5: 16-30; Psalm 57:7-11



The Sovereign LORD says today you are more than a conqueror. The warfare around you isn't going to go away. It isn't going to go away because I never walk away from a fight. What you have identified as a battleground isn't really a battleground at all - it's a proving ground. The struggle you are in the midst of is the ground that I have chosen to prove to you just how powerful I am and how passionate I am about putting you over in every circumstance and situation you come up against. You have to get this says the LORD because there are those in religious culture who have wrapped their identity up in fighting a battle that I already won 2000 years ago. What they think is conquest and victory is just picking over the bones of an enemy I vanquished on the cross and triumphed over in the resurrection millennia ago. Enough sabre rattling says the LORD let's get down to some real progress in your life and in the earth of seeing the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of your God and His Christ.

My starting place is your own personal life. I will not use you to pull down a stronghold when you are having trouble finding the motivation to get out of bed in the morning. So know this - I am putting your foot in the neck of your enemy as Joshua did with the elders of Israel in the promised land years ago. I want you to see the fear in the enemy's eyes. Do you know what the enemy fears? You do know that he does fear don't you? Where do you think that Satan got the idea of fear? It originated in his own heart when I declared to him in Eden that the heel of the woman would crush his head. He hasn't been able to sleep since! Do you know what the enemy is afraid of? He is afraid that you are going to show up for the fight. He is very successful in keeping My people from the fight by intimidation, misdirection and confusion but you are neither intimidated, misdirected or confused. Are you? Of course you are not. I would that you understand that the whole of your success in this cosmic struggle of good and evil, between the kingdom of light and the domain of darkness is just showing up. Just show up says the LORD and look to Me. You will be astounded and blessed by what happens next.

Saturday 7 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 5th May 2016

Topic: Honoured And Exalted

Text: "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty
hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time" (1
Peter 5:6).

The world teaches you to scramble as hard as
you can to make it to the top. Of course, there
is nothing wrong with hard work, but our goals
should never be to try and gain a big name for
ourselves so we can enjoy the praise of man.
God does exalt people, but His way of doing so
does not come through our own human efforts;
it comes because we choose humility. I
remember years ago when we were first starting
in the ministry, someone gave us a prophecy that
said, “I am seeing how low you are willing to
bow to see how high I might raise you, says the
Lord!” Well, that wasn’t the most exciting word
we ever received, and we wondered just what
kind of bowing down the Lord was really
expecting! Well, in the years to follow, we
definitely experienced our fair share of humble
pie. But I look back on all those years and
realize that I couldn’t stand in ministry today
without those humbling experiences.
You see, God has a place of honor for you today.
It may not look like that of anyone else, but He
has a plan to exalt you nevertheless. Your
choices to humble yourself will pay off
eventually, and God will exalt you for His
purposes in due time!
Father, I make a decision to humble myself today
under Your mighty hand. Erase all forms of pride
from my heart and help me to handle it well when
you honor me, even as promised in Your Word. In
Jesus’ Name, amen.


Judges 1-2; John 4:1-26; Proverbs 11:9-18

Friday 6 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD says this is come up higher time says the LORD. Recess is fun but the class room of My Spirit is where things get done that make the earth My footstool and your playground. My thoughts are not your thoughts this is true but they are becoming your thoughts. I want you to realize that there is the mind of the natural and the mind of the Spirit - My Spirit within you. Your natural mind can never keep up with Me. It is possible however with the mind of the Spirt on the inside of you to cogitate at the pace that I think at. There is a frequency to all thought says the LORD and with every one of My thoughts there is infinite power and infinite organizing capabilities. If you will yield to to the process I will train you to think and decide and act at a pace that the enemy cannot keep up with. I will show you how to break the tape and succeed even before the enemy gets up to the starting blocks. You are capable in ME of so much more than you realize. So get up and shake yourself from the lethargy of one who refuses to learn. Put on My mind and be guided by My heart for this is what yoke easy and burden light is all about.


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 6th May 2016

Topic: Commanding Your Deliverance

Text: "For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou
unclean spirit" (Mark 5:8).

There are two keys words to secure your own
deliverance from evil spirits. We often say them
when ministering deliverance for others, but
forget to speak them when demon powers want
to meddle in our business. Those simple words
are “Come out!” You can command unclean
spirits to leave your mind, your body, your
finances, your workplace, and wherever else they
may be trying to gain access. Too often when we
see something wrong in our life or surroundings,
we deal with it passively. We casually try to
ignore it or even pray a little about it. Yet
sometimes you have to just wake up one day and
realize that this is the devil! When Jesus met up
with the demonized man in Mark 5, He had
no trouble recognizing the devil was at work. Of
course, sometimes the devil doesn’t hang around
in an obvious way like that, all dressed in a shiny
red devil suit. He comes subtly until you get
used to him hanging around. So how do you
know for sure it’s the devil? Because the devil
and evil go together. If it’s bad and evil, it’s
probably got a demon nearby cheering it on!
Don’t let him set up shop at your house! James
4:7 says to resist him and he will have to flee!
Tell that devil to just “Come out!”

Father, I thank You that I have authority over the
evil one because Jesus gave it to me. I make a
choice to resist the devil today. I speak to every
demon and command them to leave in the Name
of Jesus! Devil, come out!


Judges 3; John 4:27-42; Psalm 56:1-13


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 6th May 2016

Topic: Commanding Your Deliverance

Text: "For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou
unclean spirit" (Mark 5:8).

There are two keys words to secure your own
deliverance from evil spirits. We often say them
when ministering deliverance for others, but
forget to speak them when demon powers want
to meddle in our business. Those simple words
are “Come out!” You can command unclean
spirits to leave your mind, your body, your
finances, your workplace, and wherever else they
may be trying to gain access. Too often when we
see something wrong in our life or surroundings,
we deal with it passively. We casually try to
ignore it or even pray a little about it. Yet
sometimes you have to just wake up one day and
realize that this is the devil! When Jesus met up
with the demonized man in Mark 5, He had
no trouble recognizing the devil was at work. Of
course, sometimes the devil doesn’t hang around
in an obvious way like that, all dressed in a shiny
red devil suit. He comes subtly until you get
used to him hanging around. So how do you
know for sure it’s the devil? Because the devil
and evil go together. If it’s bad and evil, it’s
probably got a demon nearby cheering it on!
Don’t let him set up shop at your house! James
4:7 says to resist him and he will have to flee!
Tell that devil to just “Come out!”

Father, I thank You that I have authority over the
evil one because Jesus gave it to me. I make a
choice to resist the devil today. I speak to every
demon and command them to leave in the Name
of Jesus! Devil, come out!


Judges 3; John 4:27-42; Psalm 56:1-13

Thursday 5 May 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 5th May 2016

Topic: Honoured And Exalted

Text: "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty
hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time" (1
Peter 5:6).

The world teaches you to scramble as hard as
you can to make it to the top. Of course, there
is nothing wrong with hard work, but our goals
should never be to try and gain a big name for
ourselves so we can enjoy the praise of man.
God does exalt people, but His way of doing so
does not come through our own human efforts;
it comes because we choose humility. I
remember years ago when we were first starting
in the ministry, someone gave us a prophecy that
said, “I am seeing how low you are willing to
bow to see how high I might raise you, says the
Lord!” Well, that wasn’t the most exciting word
we ever received, and we wondered just what
kind of bowing down the Lord was really
expecting! Well, in the years to follow, we
definitely experienced our fair share of humble
pie. But I look back on all those years and
realize that I couldn’t stand in ministry today
without those humbling experiences.
You see, God has a place of honor for you today.
It may not look like that of anyone else, but He
has a plan to exalt you nevertheless. Your
choices to humble yourself will pay off
eventually, and God will exalt you for His
purposes in due time!
Father, I make a decision to humble myself today
under Your mighty hand. Erase all forms of pride
from my heart and help me to handle it well when
you honor me, even as promised in Your Word. In
Jesus’ Name, amen.


Judges 1-2; John 4:1-26; Proverbs 11:9-18



The Sovereign LORD says today I am stripping away the false illusions of past misconceptions in your mind and in your life. Many of your dreams and visions were birthed in your heart at a time when this level of intimacy I am bringing you to was foreign to you. I have opened the deeps of My heart to you and now it is time to bring those aspirations and expectations of your spiritual youth out into the clear light of My clarity. You honestly don't think I am that small in scope as to limit you by what you once dared to believe Me for? I am capable of so much more. I am willing to do so much more in your life than you have imagined in times past. This is a point of maturity for you says the LORD This is a moment when I invite you - I personally invite you to step over into a whole new experience of walking with Me.

I want to give you heart burn says the LORD Not the kind you take medication for but the kind that the two on the road to Emmaus experienced as I walked with them in the way. I want to teach you. I want to draw out the line of your personal history and show you how in seasons past you thought I wasn't present but in fact I was present. I want to show you that those experiences that were so confusing to you from your past were not actually chaotic but in reality it was My hand moving at a depth and according to a scope you weren't capable of measuring. What I am really saying to you says the LORD is that you have known My acts and seen My hand but now I want to show you My ways and beyond that I want to teach you My ways. I want to teach you My ways so that you can teach others and lead others out of the malaise of obscurity and insecurity that you have yourself experienced. So get ready says the LORD- for newness of life has found you this day and newness of joy beyond all your prior experiences.

Wednesday 4 May 2016


   (Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 4th May 2016

Topic: Growing Your Faith For The  Miraculous

Text: "…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye
shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to
yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing
shall be impossible unto you' (Matthew 17:20).

In Matthew 17:14-21, the disciples tried to cast
out a demon but couldn’t. They had the power
because Jesus had already given it to them (see
Matt. 10:1). Knowing this, the disciples were
dumbfounded about why it wouldn’t work. Jesus
explained that even though they had the power,
unbelief was preventing it. This is where many
believers live. They know they have power, but
struggle to produce miraculous results.
Jesus gives the key in Matthew 17:20, saying, “If
you have faith as a grain of mustard.” Jesus
wasn’t telling them that if you have tiny faith like
a mustard seed that is all you need. This doesn’t
make sense because He already told them that
they had unbelief, which the Amplified Bible
refers to as “the littleness of your faith.” Jesus
wouldn’t tell them their faith was too little, then
say they only needed a tiny bit of faith. He was
saying that while a grain begins small, the
miracle is not in its size but
in its growth potential. The disciples needed to
take that tiny bit of faith and grow it for that
kind of miracle.
You can take your tiny seed of faith today and
grow it by nurturing it and watering it with
promises of faith from God’s Word. When you do,
it will grow up, and before you know it you will
have grown a miracle!

Father, I take the following verse from Your Word
_____________ and I water my faith for a miracle in
the area of _____________________. I say today that
I shall grow this miracle! In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Joshua 23-24; John 3:22-36; Psalm 55:12-23



The Sovereign LORD says today do you need a favor? I am here in your life today to do you a favor. I have favors lined up for you all the way to the vanishing point of history! Do you need a favor? Ask that your joy may be full. Ask and I will astonish you with what happens next. You do understand that with My favor comes a favor? In fact - let Me do you a favor right now and let you know that I have favors daily backed up for you from here to eternity. My intentionality is expressed in My favor and My favor is something connected with My ways and My pacts and what I am currently saying and doing in your life right now. Do you need a favor? I'm waiting ... go ahead - ask. Ask! You are going to have to ask Me says the LORD. You have hesitated to ask because you fear that you are asking and desiring something I don't want you to have. How can I EVER correct you if you don't come OUT WITH IT? Ask Me. Ask broadly. Ask presumptuously.

I want you to ask so widely that you run right over all the religious ideas and preconditions of performance based mentality. I want you to dare to believe that I am who I say I am in the scriptures. I am dreaming about giving you houses you didn't build. I am dreaming of you drinking of vineyards you didn't plant. I am dreaming of you harvesting bounty that you never planted and never watered. I so enjoy blessing you that I am breaking all the rules men have set for Me as a boundary because they can't stand the idea of just how willing I am to bless you. I am a giver says the LORD. I am far more a giver than the small minded, self-indulgent religious pygmies who want to talk you out of what the cross abundantly talks you into. I am bringing more favor into your life so you know that you have special consideration as a matter of policy from My throne. I am indulging Myself says the LORD in blessing you so you will become confident HIGHLY confident in who I am and what I am doing in your life!

Tuesday 3 May 2016


   (Daily Devotional)

Teusday 3rd May 2016

Topic: It's Demonstration Time

Text: And my speech and my preaching was not with
enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in
demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1
Corinthians 2:4).

Often we talk about the power of God and how it
was displayed so powerfully in the lives of those
in the Bible, historical figures, and in books. But
God didn’t stop these demonstrations with the
early church era, or even a few decades ago. He
manifests supernatural demonstrations because
we are willing to step out on the edge and do
something that causes Him to move. The early
disciples demonstrated the power of God
because they took a risk. God wants to manifest
miracles for those who will just step out.
You’ll need to start small before you can
graduate up to the boldness of the early
apostles. They did some bold things in the Book
of Acts, but they had lots of practice under the
ministry of Jesus first! You can begin with things
like just offering to pray for someone who needs
healing or perhaps sow a larger than normal
offering and expect a breakthrough in your
finances. Do something that reveals your
confidence in God to act on your behalf. You
don’t have to wait and wonder if miracles will
come. The demonstrations of God are already
here! Just step out and watch the Lord display
His power. The more you do, the more you will
see demonstrations of God in your life!
Lord, I believe Your demonstrations of the Spirit
are upon me today! I believe for healing,
revelation, deliverance, financial breakthrough,
dreams, visions, and many wonders of Your
power. Teach me how to demonstrate that
anointing. In Jesus’ Name, amen!


Joshua 21-23; John 3:1-22; Psalm 55:1-11



The Sovereign LORD says
Be called up today . I am calling you up to your destiny. No more looking back. Don't look back says the LORD. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. It is My promise and not man's influence that is shaping what happens next in your life. There are those who claim to be in power and in control but they are as the small dust of the balance - as nothing in the scheme of things. Your life is in My hand. No one can interrupt or impede or turn aside that thing that I have purposed to do in your life. Make up your mind that you will not look at the tempestuous circumstance but rather look at My glory. It is My glory that rules over all. It is My glory that scatters the enemies and exalts My name. It is My glory that I have placed on the inside of you to produce your destiny. My glory - it is My glory within you.


So make it your determination to depend on who I am on the inside of you and not any false resource. The promise of man is false. Cursed be he who trusts in man or makes the arm of flesh his strength. You are blessed and will walk in My blessing when you choose to lean upon Me and rely upon Me in all things. The enemy has said that you cannot do what I have called you to do unless this person or that person cooperates. The LORD says shake the dust off your feet and walk out of bondage into your assigned destiny. I have empowered you and commissioned you. I have made provision for you and it will be made manifest just when you need it. Let this month be a month of shift and change because you have put your trust in Me and determined not to be distracted by anything that diminishes your cooperation with My plan for your life. 

Monday 2 May 2016



The Sovereign LORD  says today that I have established My paternity on the inside of you. You are not only the child of man you are My child. I have birthed you by the DNA of who I am on the inside of you. There is a father of your natural flesh that chastened you after their pleasure. I am the Father of your spirit who chooses to bless you and indulge you after My good pleasure. Did I not say in My word that it is My good pleasure to give you the kingdom? It is My good pleasure to give you righteousness, peace and joy. I give you joy this day. I give you peace this day. I am your peace. Peace is who I am on the inside of you. I am peace and I am Lord therefore PEACE is taking control and exercising dominion over everything happening around you.

I am yours and you are mine - righteousness is your portion. Righteousness is your portion because of who I AM and what I have placed on the inside of you. You cannot fail or falter or fracture because you have yielded and bent the knee to who I am and what I am saying down deep in your spirit. Hear the rumbling of My voice says the Father for I am tabernacling on the inside of you and making Myself known to you. Be lifted up from the place of discouragement. You will not be discouraged but will be encouraged - and in the encouragement you will rise up and take flight into the full height of My blessing and portion and ministry assignment that is yours this very day.


(Daily Devotional)

Monday 2nd May 2016

Topic: Unlimited Blessing

Text: "And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every
several gate was of one pearl: and the street of
the city was pure gold, as it were transparent
glass"(Revelation 21:21).

When you look at the Old Testament tabernacle,
even in the temple of Solomon you see
structures that were created with such a level of
extravagance that it is hard for our modern
minds to even picture such splendor. Entire
furnishings were made of absolutely pure gold.
Most people today can’t even afford to buy a tiny
ounce of gold, which is about the size of two
quarters. Yet God is building furniture with solid
gold! But that isn’t all. If you take a glance at
Heaven, we find the streets paved with gold and
the gates covered by large pricey pearls. God
has some pretty elaborate things!
A lot of people believe that God doesn’t want us
to have anything that is too fancy, and yes, the
Bible does draw attention to how materialism
gets people’s focus away from God. However,
not everyone is bound to materialism, and there
are some good-hearted believers and ministries
who will use these resources for God. Average
has held the Body of Christ back in many things.
I believe to help prosper the Gospel, we need to
tap into the “extravagance and splendor” side of
the Lord. Let’s stop asking Him for too little and
expect a measure of resources that removes the
limitations we have known.

Lord, I ask You to provide a new level of
resources for Your people. Lord, even as you
bless me in a greater way, I commit to make the
Gospel my first priority. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Joshua 17-18; John 1:29-51; Proverbs 11:1-8

Joshua 19-20; John 2:1-25; Psalm 54:1-7


LIGHT FOR THE WAY (Daily Devotional) Friday 29th May 2020 TOPIC: THE BLESSEDNESS OF DIVINE FELLOWSHIP TEXT: "I will be there God, and t...