

Friday, 30 September 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today
that I am beautifying your countenance with My glory. I am releasing to you the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Understanding to hasten you into the blessing place I have prepared for you. Your life has been occupied and busied about with many things but I say to you this is a season to sit at My feet and learn of Me. This is a season of releasing of the mantle of dominion and authority that you have heard about but seldom seen operate in your life. There is a nobility on the inside of you says the Father and there is a crown of glory accessible to you that I have set upon your head. What I am saying is that I am activating the rule of God - the rule of My kingly authority within you IN THE GLORY. This anointing and this authority will cause you to speak a word in season. You will speak My word at the appointed time and it will go out and CHANGE that which needs to be changed and break every yoke of bondage.

Beloved, I have extended to you Edenic authority. It is in your hand to speak the word that expels the serpent and establishes righteousness in your life and the lives of those around you. I have placed you in your life even as I placed Adam in the garden. I placed the first couple in the garden to tend and to keep it. When the serpent raises its head, says the Father, understand that the angels with the flaming swords are there not to expel you - they are on hand to destroy the work of the evil one and implement the entitlements that were ratified on the cross in your behalf through the shed blood of Calvary. You are going to look at the things that don't belong in your life, that don't belong in your family, and you will call on the angels with the voice of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, and you will prophesy over your family and over your home to command deliverance. Rise up today says the LORD into your blood bought portion and mantle and deliverance. Set aside every besetting sin and distraction for this is the day that the bars are cut asunder and the gates open up and victory is declared in your land.


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 30ty September 2016

Topic: Running The Race

Text: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all
run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such
a way that you may win"  (1 Corinthians 9:24

No one gets results at anything with half-hearted
effort. You can’t get a good job without effort.
You can’t cook a meal, enjoy a nice home, or
raise kids without effort. One of the cardinal
rules of life is that if you work at something, you
will experience results. In First Corinthians
9:24-25, Paul says that it takes discipline and
determination to get results in your Christian
walk. Like a runner, you have to do it like you
want to win. Some good Christians rarely get
results because they are indifferent with the
things of the spirit. Some have become
unenthusiastic about the anointing, so they don’t
pray. If you want to see more results, you have
to run like you want it. If you need divine
healing, run for it. If it’s deliverance, run for it.
The prize to run for is not just getting to Heaven
one day. Run for the things you want to see
come to pass in your life right now! In fact, as a
prophetic act of faith that you are going to run
harder than ever before for the things you want
to see take place, jump up and run right now if
you can! It’s time to get up and run!

Lord, I make a determination today to run for the
things I want to see come to pass. I make a fresh
commitment to Your Word and the things of the
Spirit and I make a run for it right now! In Jesus’
Name, amen.


Isaiah 50,
Galatians 6 Proverbs


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