

Tuesday 29 March 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today laugh the laugh of faith. I gave Sarah and Abraham an astounding promise and Sarah laughed. She did not doubt - rather she laughed the laugh of faith because she knew how much I loved her and she knew what I was capable of. She laughed and received. She laughed and conceived. She laughed and according to the time of life a child was born whose name meant "laughter". From that point on as long as Abraham and Sarah lived - when they called Isaac they were calling laughter to them. They loved Isaac - whose named meant "laughter". They loved laughter and they embraced laughter. They nurtured laughter and they fed laughter. They raised up laughter and they promoted laughter. They saw in laughter their future and all their hopes. They saw in "laughter" the answer to every promise I had made to them.

This is not the mirthless laughter of a pessimistic and sarcastic unbelief. This was the laugh of faith. The enemy wants you to weep. The enemy wants you to be so sober about what he is doing and what he is planning. The enemy planned for Abraham and Sarah to die childless and barren. The enemy planned for Abraham and Sarah to be a by-word and a mockery of faith. Abraham and Sarah had the last laugh! When you aren't laughing in the midst of the challenge the enemy is getting the upper hand. When you aren't laughing it is because you have taken your eyes off of My promise and looked at the threats of the enemy instead. You really don't have to figure the enemy out. He is on the losing team after all. He isn't all knowing or all powerful. He is limited but I am unlimited. He has an energy that can be exhausted but I have a boundlessness that will bull doze over the works and plans of darkness and bring you out into a new place of peace and blessing. So go ahead and laugh says the LORD for I have everything under control. Just start laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing. My joy is your strength and I want to strengthen you with might in your inner man. Laughter is the weapon of warfare I give you this day and it will not fail to bring you to a new place in Me.

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