

Sunday, 24 January 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am giving you favor with those you need to have favor with. Work situations, employment challenges, all of those interactions with the world around you - they are firmly in my hand. Surely in the world you may see indifference, selfish hearts and even outright hatred but I will cause even those that hate you to be at peace with you in My name. Roll the care of that circumstance over on Me. Those problems and challenges haven't taken Me by surprise and it's not a problem. Trust Me. Don't move in desperation. Don't give in to panic or small solutions. I am a big God and I am prepared to do big things. Dream a bigger dream. Broaden your horizons and believe for greater things, better things, new things for I am all about increase and benefit and blessing even where creature comforts are concerned.

Remember the prayer of Jabez, Beloved and know that I hear and respond to every petition lifted up in My name. I enlarged the coast of Jabez and he didn't have the shed blood of Calvary over which to petition Me. The covenant that you stand on is a covenant of more that what Abraham could hope for, or Noah, or Enoch. You desire to see increase in the coming year, in 2016, and the Father says, I will be petitioned of you even as I was petitioned of Jabez in the Bible. Is the place where you are at too narrow for you? Ask of Me and I will enlarge your coast, and enlarge your life. Enlargement is available, but you must enter into a dialogue with Me regarding the enlargement that you're crying out for. I am ready to listen and ready to speak. I am ready to bring My wisdom online in your life that will shift your whole existence to a whole new place of blessing!

Saturday, 23 January 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today I have a caravan of blessing on it's way to you. I am not meeting just one need, not just two needs, but also the entire inventory of concerns that are in your heart. All of those concerns that are beyond YOUR capability are not outside MY reach Beloved. Know that I am superintending your life and moving in your behalf. Concerning your loved ones and those close to you know this - I have the ways and the means to get through to them in their struggles. They have made choices and those choices have consequences - HOWEVER the will of man is no match for the wooing power of My Spirit. The things that you want for them are the things that I want for them as well. Redemption. Salvation. Healing. Deliverance. All this is their portion and My resolute plan where they are concerned.

I want you to realize that you are a part of the process through which I will bring change in those lives. In every area of need and particularly where other people are concerned, My plan is not for you to sit on the sidelines passively expecting something to get better. You are a part of the deliverance of those close to you who need to come to the foot of the cross. You have wondered when I will send that perfect worker to get through to them in their lost condition - know this that I choose YOU. It is My will to redeem. I will lift them up out of the pit. I will bring them to a place of intimacy with Me. But know that you are My chosen messenger to speak to them in My behalf even as you have cried out to Me in their behalf. Be willing to gather your courage and with My wisdom bring again the gospel of salvation and deliverance and blessing to those who are outside the boundaries of the shed blood of Calvary. I will go with you and I will confirm your words with signs following. You will see results and your rejoicing will be great!


(Daily Devotional)

Saturday 23rd January 2016


TEXT: Ephesians 1:17

"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father
of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of him"

There is a vast difference between natural
human wisdom and supernatural wisdom from
God. Of course, we need natural human wisdom,
which was given by God to govern our daily
lives. Examples of such would be things like
“don’t touch a hot stove, because it will burn
you,” or “keep an organized budget so you will be
better equipped to live in financial stability.”
However, there is supernatural wisdom that God
gives into situations, especially when all the best
human efforts can’t solve the problem. His
wisdom can sometimes sound foolish to natural
wisdom. Sure, you can try to solve your financial
problems with careful penny pinching. However,
in God’s wisdom there is the principle of giving
away finances that acts as the road to financial
Sounds foolish to natural wisdom, but divine
wisdom cannot be explained.
Expect a divine impartation of wisdom today and
that the Lord will give you a key piece of insight
that will help you solve some tricky situations
with divine inspiration. James 1:5-8 tells us to
have faith for that kind of wisdom. Start
declaring, “God’s wisdom is in me today and I
know exactly what to do!”


Dear heavenly Father, I ask You for divine wisdom
concerning _________________. Reveal to me things
I need to do differently and provide me a key
piece of insight in this area. I receive it and will
respond today like I know Your divine wisdom is
upon me! In Jesus Name, amen.


Genesis 40-41; Matthew 24:1-21; Proverbs 2:12-22

Friday, 22 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 22nd January 2016


TEXT: " Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee…" (2 Timothy 1:6).

The Holy Spirit makes the gifts of the Spirit available to empower us. They provide divine utterances, perform miracles, and do mighty exploits. Too often, when ministering to others or even when dealing with our own lives, we leave out the spiritual gifts and endowments the Holy Spirit has provided (see 1 Cor. 12:4-10). These divine gifts are available to benefit us whenever there is a need. Our job is to
expect and stir up those gifts. A key way to do that is to pray in tongues, because praying in tongues is a faith-builder (see Jude 20). Another way to stir up the gifts is to just step out by faith. You could compare that to how Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water (see Matt. 14:28-31). Peter took the first step and then expected the power of God to be available.

Take small steps as you learn to flow in these gifts. Perhaps if you are ministering to someone, just give them a short, polite word of encouragement regarding what you believe the Lord is saying to them. You can even prophesy this same way to your own situations. The key is to know that divine gifts and manifestations are available. Just stir your faith to believe and take a step.


Dear Lord, I stir the gifts of the spirit through faith today. I declare that
miraculous gifts shall operate through me, not only for others, but for myself.
Holy Spirit, I thank You that circumstances shall be changed today by Your
power and supernatural gifts! In the Name of Jesus, amen.



Genesis 38-39; Matthew 13:36-58; Psalm 11:1-7



The Sovereign Lord says today that faith is a science. There is no contradiction between science and faith. Faith can be found out as surely as a single celled creature can be discovered in microscope. Faith is not blind. Faith is the only thing that actually sees. Determine this day to be a creature of inquiry. I formed your mind to question and to seek out truth. Know that all of life around you is declaring My glory. Every atom and every molecule is crying out glory and praise to My name. This earth is Mine. This earth and this universe in all its fullness is My domain and I have given you authority to subdue it and have dominion. Be a creature of dominion this day. Move into the jurisdiction of heaven. You are My child and the signet ring of My promise is on your hand.

Make declaration in your life saying "that will be enough of that!" Strife will cease. Peace will come. Sorrow will flee away. Rejoicing will be heard in your land. Lack will disappear as the deep treasuries of My favor and provision fill up every deficit in your life. This is what "as in heaven - so in earth" looks like. I have put you in your life as I put Adam in the garden. You have jurisdiction and authority. The angels stand ready to act on your words of acknowledge and confidence. Make your edicts of blessing as I commanded Abraham so I command you to go and bless others even as I bless you this day with every good thing that you have need of.

Thursday, 21 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 21st January 2016


TEXT: Matthew 18:4

"Whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"

As adults we tend to become more cautious with age. That may be all right in driving a car or spending money, but its stifling in our relationship with God.

When the disciples of Jesus wanted to know who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, the Lord pointed to a child as He spoke of conversion and humility: "Whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"(Matthew 18:4).
How we should long to become more child-like each year with our heavenly Father instead of more hesitant, more calculating, more insistent that He guarantees the result before we take a step of faith. Rather than becoming more cautious as we age, we should become more daring as we walk with God. Instead of being more obsessed with landing safely and looking good, we should leap with abandon toward our heavenly father's arms, knowing fully well that He will not let us down. Child-like faith focuses on our heavenly father, not on our fears.


Father God, I trust you with my whole life, I trust you with my whole life, lead me to the place you've prepared for me in Jesus name.


Genesis 34-35; Matthew 12: 46-50; Matthew 13:1-17;



The Daily Prophetic Word:

Request a Prophetic Word for 2016

The Sovereign Lord says today that I am your sufficiency. Your trust in Me is not a bounced check. The bank of heaven holds funds adequate to every need in your life at this moment. Let your tongue be the pen of a ready writer. It doesn't matter what is going on in the world around you. All that matters is who I AM and what I am doing this moment in your behalf. The treasuries of heaven are open to you. Your accounts have accrued the dividends of the promise of My word. The angel tellers stand ready and attentive to respond to the demand you make at the window of faith I have opened to you. This is your time. This is your moment. This is your entitlement.

The full faith and confidence of the currency of the kingdom is backing your life this day. The deposits of hope that you have held high in your heart are ready to be tendered into your life. There is no hold on the reserves of heaven in your behalf. I am not reluctant to cash out the economy of the kingdom to meet your need. Ignore those who stand in the way denying your entrance. They will not enter in and will not allow anyone else to enter in. They are blind leaders of the blind. Leave them in the ditch of their theology of failure and false suffering. The price is paid. The way stands up. Abundance and liberty are your portion this day so enter in and know that in nothing shall you be disappointed.

Monday, 18 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Monday 18th January 2016


TEXT Luke 12: 15
*Beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possess"

The pursuit of possessions continues to be the most powerful motivations that people can experience. But does the accumulation of things bring true satisfaction?
In Luke 12:15, Jesus answered that question with a firm and uncompromising "No!" During a discussion about material wealth He said "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possess". Life must always be more than just inventory of the things we own.

King Solomon also attempted to find satisfaction in TGE pursuit of things. He discovered it to be full of emptiness(Ecclesiastics 2:1-17). If we have placed the abundance of the things we possess at the centre of our lives, shopping, and our carrier may in fact, have become substitute for God, but such endeavour will always results in emptiness for He said "without me you can do nothing" (John 15:5)
David prayed, "You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing"(Psalm 145:16). Only God is able to bring real satisfaction to our lives


Father, open your hand and satisfy my desires in Jesus name.


Genesis 29-30; Matthew 6: 25-34; Matthew 7:1-23; Proverbs 1:8-19)

Genesis 31; Matthew 12:1-21; Psalm 9:13-20)

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Highlights of today's message


* Every advance human life begins with an idea in the mind of a single person

*Its the idea you generate more than anything else that will enable you solve your problems

*Your ability to generate constructive ideas is unlimited, so your potential is unlimited as well

Ideas are mode of transportation, a vehicle that you can use to get yourself from where you are to where you want to go

*There is virtually no obstacle in life that you cannot overcome with the power of thought, with the power of concentration and with the power of ideas.

*There is virtually no limit to what you can accomplish except for the limit you placed on your imagination.



The Sovereign Lord says today that all your paths are
peace this day. You will go out with joy and be led
forth with peace. Make time for My peace. As
Jesus sat down on the well in Samaria – sit down
and draw from the well of My peace this day. Do
not allow the urgent and insistent demands of life
to exclude you from this time of intimate refreshing
that I am bringing to you now. When you make time
for this quiet hour you are making time for Me, for I
linger and I speak in the quiet placed by My still
small voice. So take a breath and find the stillness.
As the prophet – wrap your face in the mantle of
My presence and command your ears to hear and
your eyes to see for I am moving in visitation in
your life this day.
I am washing and healing the wounds of broken
relationships this day. Infections brought from
harsh words and cold speeches are being
cleansed. I am renewing your simplicity and your
innocence. I am your protection and your
preservation. Softness of heart is being found
once again on the inside of you. The abscesses
of disappointment are being filled in with My
goodness for I am the friend that sticks closer
than a brother. I am yours and you are Mine
beloved and I have gifts coming for you that will
sweetly surprise and refresh you. You have some
suddenlies and some surprises ahead for you as I
call you to a fresh cooperation with Me as I
manifest the fresh fragrance of hope for a new
unexpected future.

Saturday, 16 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Saturday 16th January 2016


TEXT: Proverbs 3:25

"Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes"

All of us have had one bad dream or the other, perhaps we are falling from a high building, fleeing from from masquerades or hideous creatures, or worse seeing dead relatives in our dreams. The fears that some of these dreams create can be overwhelming. The fact is, the name of Jesus has freed us from every form of fear.
We read in John 6 that Jesus' disciples were afraid when in the dimness of the nightfall they saw a strange figure walking on the stormy sea of Galilee. But the mysterious figure was not part of the bad dream--He was real. Matthew reports that they " cried out for fear"(14:26). Then the disciples heard a familiar voice: "It is I; do not be afraid"(John 6:20). It was Jesus. Their fears were calmed, as well as the sea.
The saviour speaks the same assurance to us today amid the many fears in our christian journey. Solomon said"The name of the Lord is strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are safe" (Proverbs 18:20).
Fears will come, but we are assured that Jesus is always the a light in the darkness.
You need not fear the darkness, if you are walking with the light of the world.


Father God, thank you for being my tower of refuge. I hide me and my family in glory in Jesus name.

*Every evil decrees over my life and family through dreams are cancelled by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.


Genesis 27-28; Matthew 10:32-42; Matthew 11:1-15; Psalm 9:1-6


The Sovereign Lord says today that faith is the ultimate
realism. They have said to you “be realistic” when
you shared your vision and your dreams. They
scorned. They criticized. They ridiculed. I say unto
you that you are not fantasizing when you dream
the bigger dream. You are not deceiving yourself
when your heart cries out “Father anoint me with
the oil of gladness above my fellows…” There is an
anointing that breaks every yoke and crushes every
impediment. Your life is a blank canvas to be
painted with the intentionality of My promises. Let
your faith choose the vibrant colors and radiant
hues of a more-than-you-could-ever-ask-or-think
promise. This is the ultimate realism says the
Lord– to know that “all things are possible” is
not just a concept but a living reality reshaping your
life this very hour.
So get ready says the Lord. Shod your feet
with the preparation of the good news of
tomorrow’s harvest. You will reap where you did
not sow. You will live in houses you did not build.
You will drink from vineyards you did not plant.
My favor will find you and My love will enlarge
you. The very ground you walk on is crying out
for the manifestation of who I have ordained you
to be. So walk in that ordination! Walk in the
ordination of sons. I call you not merely servants
– I call you sons and I hand down to you now
the son-ship entitlement that breaks every yoke
and answers every prayer and causes everything
you do to become as effective as if I said it and
did it!

Friday, 15 January 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am bringing to the
birth in your life. Your quiver of benefit and blessing
will be. You will reach back in a time of need and
find that you are never without My goodness within
reach to meet every challenge. This is My heart
toward you. My heart toward you is the heart of a
Father and I will not loose My grip on your life.
Though you traverse the precipice of loss and
wonder if you will survive know this – you will not
only survive but thrive and put all this struggle
behind you.
So beloved let the word of My peace and and
the assurance of My comfort be in your heart.
There is no need to wonder if others will live up
to their promises for I am living up to My
promise therefore you will not be disappointed.
My hand of covenant is upon you even as Isaac
laid his hand upon Jacob. The benefit is yours.
The birthright is your portion in Christ. The right
of the first born of Calvary is finding it’s way to
you and making a whole new avenue of
opportunity and blessing available and that right
quickly says the Lord


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 15th January 2016


TEXT:  Esther 4:14

"Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this"

Adventure can be fun and scary. They usually involve a bit of the unknown, intrigue, and the rush of adrenaline can make the shyest of all persons to always want to give it a try.
As we fellowship with God, its possible that our lives will experience many unique adventure and opportunities to serve Him. If we're reluctant or scared and we turn down an opportunity, we miss out. Will God still get the Job done? Of course. But someone else will receive the blessing.

In Esther 4, Mordecai encouraged the the younger queen Esther to help rescue her people. He cautioned: "if you remain completely silent....deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this"(v:14).
Esther was naturally frightened to take this assignment. But God used her courage and faith to deliver her people. Trust God to show you the way, there is so much exploits to be done for God this new year.


Father, thank you for the life of Exploits that you have ordained for me this year.
Lord, I ask for courage and faith for every task; A heart kept clean by a high desire, and a conscience purged by holy fire in Jesus name.


Genesis 25-26; Matthew 10:32-42; Matthew :11-15; Psalm 9:1-6

Thursday, 14 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 14th January 2016


TEXT: 2Kings 23:3

"The King stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the Lord....And all the people took a stand for the covenant"

I read the story about a preacher that once lived in Liverpool, England called Evangelist J. John. In a crusade he spoke  the eighth commandment of the Bible: "You shall not steal"(Exodus 20:15; Deut. 5:19). The result was very dramatic.
The people's  heart were changed. One author reports that large amounts of stolen goods were returned, including hotel towels, hospital crutches, library books, cash and more. One man who is now in the ministry, even returned towels he had taken from the Wimbledon tennis championships years ago when he worked there.
Something similar happened with King Josiah in the 18th year of his reign. Because of the long line of evil kings, the record of God's law has been had been lost. So when Hilkiah found God's laws and Shaphan read it to King Josiah, the king tore his clothes and immediately began making religious reforms in his own life and throughout the nation, with just one reading of God's word, he changed the course of the nation(2Kings 22:8-23:25).
Today, many own hard copies of the Bible and soft copies on various devices but are we changed by the truth found there? The preaching of the gospel is ever so wide spread but is our nation been changed? We are called to hear, read and obey His word. It should cause us like Josiah to take immediate action to bring our lives and nation in Hamony with God's desires. Then and only then will our lives and nation be revived and we shall have "Good Success(Deuteronomy 1:8).


Father God, grant me more grace to spend time in your word and to fully obey it in Jesus name.


Genesis 24; Matthew 9:14-38;; Psalm 8



The Sovereign Lord says today that promotion is your
portion. I am speaking increase over your life. I am
bringing promotion over you as the wave of My
Spirit brings new favor and new appointments. Get
ready for an unexpected appointment with new
responsibility that may intimidate you at first but
know that I am moving in the midst of it all. You
are well able says the LORD for I am the one
opening the doors. Fear not the unknown part of it
because your success is not wrapped up in what
you know or any particular piece of information
however critical. Your success and your
forthcoming is based on a life lived in intimacy with
I am speaking promotion over you and it will
manifest almost immediately although you won’t
think it is soon enough. You will now begin to
move in leadership and heavier responsibility. Let
your heart not waver. Do not waver in the
response of “I’m not sure…” or “I don’t know if I
can…” Rather say you are well able. Simply thank
your benefactors for showing the wisdom of
seeing My hand at work in your life. As Laban
with Jacob those around you will know when
they favor your righteous cause things go well
with them – not because of luck or any such
thing but because of the benediction of My
goodness that follows you wherever you go.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 13th January 2016


TEXT: John 10:38

"Though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the father is in me, and I in Him"

Did Jesus really walked in water or simply use some nearby sand bar? Did he actually multiply bread and fish to feed 5,000 or just hypnotize the crowd into thinking He did? Was it miracle or magic?
A christian illusionist once explored those questions for a BBC television program he set aside his personal beliefs to examine the biblical miracles with an open mind. The program was concluded that Jesus could not have tricked people into believing they had witnessed a miracle. In other words, it wasn't magic but real miracles.

But many who actually saw Jesus miracles refused to believe that He was the Messiah. They were ready to execute Him for claiming to be the son of God(John10:30-31).
Jesus told them, "if I do not the works of my father, do not believe me; but if I do, though you not believe me, believe (the miracles), that you may know and believe that the father is in me and I in Him"(v:37-38).
The miracles of Jesus identified Him as the son of God, the Saviour who had come to give His life for the sins of the world. His works and resurrection were not magic tricks, but miracles of love and grace. So believe in God and you will believe in miracles, believe in His Son and you will experience miracles today

Father God I believe that you are a miracle worker, do amazing things in my life today in Jesus name.


Genesis 21-23; Matthew 8: 23-34; Matthew 9:1-13; Psalm 7:10-17


The Sovereign Lord says today that there is strength in you
because I AM on the inside of you. There is
strength in you that has yet to be measured. You
have a resilience in you that you do not always give
credence to. Don’t be intimidated or fearful. Refuse
to fret or wonder what tomorrow holds. My strength
and My courage in you is rising up to meet the day
before you ever open your eyes. You may feel at
times you are too assertive or too opinionated or
too sharp but this is not a character flaw but it
flows from a place within that I have prepared in
you to carry the authority inherent in the jurisdiction
I have given you.
At times you may feel that your words are brash
but I have formed and fashioned you in such a
way unvarnished truth can flow out almost
without thinking. This has gotten you in difficulty
at times and you have tried to “study to be
quiet”. But the Father says this is your hour and
this is your time. The fire is in your bones and
you will have to speak. You have a gifting and an
anointing and a word of wisdom. The word of
wisdom flows strongly in you. The visionary seer
gifting will begin to flow more freely in you now.
Do not allow yourself to be held back or stifled
but open your mouth and allow My wisdom to
bless others in a timely way and make room for
you by the gifting I have deposited in your life for
this hour.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today that obstacles are being
removed. You will walk unhampered in My promise
and in My process this day. Do not be discouraged
when confronted by time and happenstance to get
things done. You do not need to wait for some
magic moment. I am the God of time and eternity
and I declare to you that your time is now. Today is
your now time and tomorrow will be your now time
and a 100 years from now you will still be walking
in the now that I have ordained for you to walk in.
Rejoice in My now says the Father for now is all I
have to give you. Yesterday is gone and Tomorrow
is a figment of fallen man’s imagination. Bask in
My now and know it as the pallet upon which the
pigments of My promise are painting your life in the
bright colors of My joy and My rejoicing.
Suffering and trouble are being overcome. Put
them under your feet. Walk out and walk away. I
will enlarge your steps and I will show you the
exit strategy. The direction of life that tends to
destruction is being barred and I am become
your way, truth and life. You are coming out.
This is coming out time. This is renewal time.
Believest thou this? If you can believe then all
things are possible. Step into possibility. Rise up
in faith. No more rationalizing away My promise.
No more imprisonment or failure. This is your
time because it is My time. Time is at My feet
and therefore your blessing time is at hand – so


(Daily Devotional)

Monday 11 January 2016


TEXT:  "I have this against you that you have left your first love"(Revelation 2:4)

Why does spiritual passion fade so easily? when we first experience God's love we spent hours thinking about Him, studying His word, and telling others about how much He means to us. Then it happens, our busy schedules, and other things we care about slowly dampens our passion and our longing for Jesus and our study of His word now becomes an occasional glance. Surely the object of our affection has changed.
The Church of Ephesus wrestled with maintaining its spiritual passion. Jesus through John wanted to help them re-ignite and restore there love for Him. Though He commended this Church for their works, Jesus saw that they have left their first love--Him.(Revelation 2:4).
The Ephesians had lost their first love and their spiritual passion for Jesus. It had become a cold and mechanical religious practice. I wonder if they had allowed the stealthy culprit of religion and busyness of religion to enter into their hearts. Whatever it was something has stolen the affection they once had for the Lord.
Have you allowed something to steal your passion ? if so it can be re-ignited, restored, and maintained when you consistently do the following: a) Remember His amazing love demonstrated at calvary. b) Repent of your sinful, unloving attitudes c) And out of love for Jesus repeat your "first works". like: spending time to study His word, spending time with Him prayer, spending time for Him in evangelising. simply put--caring about what He cares about. Devotion to Jesus is the key that re-ignites our spiritual passion.

Father God, thank you for your mercy and grace at work in my life.
Today, set my heart on fire anew for your glory in Jesus name


  Genesis 17-18; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 7:1-23; Proverbs 1:8-19

Saturday, 9 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Saturday 9th January 2016


TEXT:  Luke 24:32

"Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and He opened the scriptures to us?"

In the book of Acts 17, Apostle Paul went to Mars Hill to declare the truth of Christ's resurrection. Many listeners gathered there were not spiritual seekers. Luke who wrote the book of Acts records that they spent their days simply wanting to discuss the latest news ideas with little interest in acting on what they learned (v:21).
Too much information can be dangerous. All the ideas can blur together and become incoherent, leaving us unchanged by what we know.
Centuries ago, the  historian Plutarch warned of the danger on living on a purely informational level. He widely said " The mind is not a vessel to be stirred but a fire to be kindled."
The followers of Christ on the way to Emmaus would have agreed( Luke 24). As the grieved the death of Jesus, the risen Christ Himself joined them but hid His identity. He began instructing them on the ancient prophecies of those events found throughout the old testament. Later that day, Christ revealed Himself to them and then departed.
After Jesus' departure they marvelled at what they had heard. The things He taught were not sterile facts but fire that kindled their hearts with devotion for Him. May we likewise trust the Shepherd of our soul to kindle our hearts as we grow in His word.

Father God, revive me to start living in the reality of the finished works of Christ in Jesus name.


Genesis 14--16
Matthew 5:43-48
Matthew 6:1-24
Psalm 6

Friday, 8 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Friday 8th January 2016


TEXT Genesis 16:13

"(Hagar called the the name the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You are the God who sees; for she said, " have I also here seen Him who sees me?"

There are many Locators and tracking devises in the market today that promise to help us keep track of elderly parents, children, wallets, pets, parolees, even potential kidnapping victims.
As useful as these gadgets are they would have done Hagar no good. No one seem to care enough about Hagar and her unborn child to monitor their well being in the desert. No one but El ROI--Hebrew for "you are the God who sees"(Genesis 16:13).
Hagar served Sarai, Abraham's wife. Sarai felt like a weak link in the chain of God's promise to bless Abram with many descendants. She was barren so she told Abram to sleep with her maid servant and build a family through her. This ill advised suggestion-born amid intense cultural pressure to provide an heir led to nothing but trouble. When Hagar became pregnant, she despised Sarai for her inability to have children. Then Sarai treated Hagar so badly that she ran away. There in the desert feeling the misery of her past and the uncertainty of her future, Hagar met God, who saw her and took care of her.
Jehovah(El ROI) sees your past miseries, your present pain and your uncertain future. He is watching over you, He is so watchful that He knows when a strand of hair falls from your head, He knows when the smallest sparrow perishes (Matthew 10:28-31). And He is the God who sees and cares for you today. You can entrust an unknown future to a known God. So keep your eyes upon the Lord, because He never takes His eyes off you.

Father, thank you for your care over my life. I present my past, present and future to you build my life for your glory in Jesus name


Genesis 12-13; Matthew 5:21-42; Psalm 5

Thursday, 7 January 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 7th January 2015


REXT: Proverbs 15:15

"All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast."

A woman who lived to be 104 years was asked the secret to her longevity, she credited  " Laughter, the Lord and the little things" as things that kept her going. She still found enjoyment each day in talking with people, taking a walk and reading the Bible as  she has done since childhood.
Some of us might not live to be up to 104 years but we can learn from Tamer Lee, how to enjoy each day we are given:
1) Laughter- "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by a sorrowful heart the spirit is broken."(Pro. 15:13). True happiness happens deep inside and emerges on our faces.
2) The Lord-- "The fear of the Lord, is the instruction of wisdom, and before honour is humility."(v:33). When God become the central focus of our lives, He can teach us His way through every experience of life.
3) The little things-- "Better is dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with with hatred."(v:17). Maintaining loving relationships and enjoying the basic things of life are most important than wealth and success.
Not all of us will live up to be 104 years old, but we all can live well each day, with laughter, the Lord and the little things of life. The world is filled with so much good--little things that bring us pleasure--But Christ can fill our lives with joy beyond all earthly treasure.
So, happiness is not a destination but a day to day journey.

Father God, I present my heart to you today, fill me heart with joy beyond every earthly treasure in Jesus name

Genesis 8-11; Matthew 4:22-25; Matthew 5:1-20; Psalm 4


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