

Sunday 24 January 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am giving you favor with those you need to have favor with. Work situations, employment challenges, all of those interactions with the world around you - they are firmly in my hand. Surely in the world you may see indifference, selfish hearts and even outright hatred but I will cause even those that hate you to be at peace with you in My name. Roll the care of that circumstance over on Me. Those problems and challenges haven't taken Me by surprise and it's not a problem. Trust Me. Don't move in desperation. Don't give in to panic or small solutions. I am a big God and I am prepared to do big things. Dream a bigger dream. Broaden your horizons and believe for greater things, better things, new things for I am all about increase and benefit and blessing even where creature comforts are concerned.

Remember the prayer of Jabez, Beloved and know that I hear and respond to every petition lifted up in My name. I enlarged the coast of Jabez and he didn't have the shed blood of Calvary over which to petition Me. The covenant that you stand on is a covenant of more that what Abraham could hope for, or Noah, or Enoch. You desire to see increase in the coming year, in 2016, and the Father says, I will be petitioned of you even as I was petitioned of Jabez in the Bible. Is the place where you are at too narrow for you? Ask of Me and I will enlarge your coast, and enlarge your life. Enlargement is available, but you must enter into a dialogue with Me regarding the enlargement that you're crying out for. I am ready to listen and ready to speak. I am ready to bring My wisdom online in your life that will shift your whole existence to a whole new place of blessing!

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