

Thursday, 31 March 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today be rooted in My love. Your heart is open ground that will not remain barren. Something is going to put roots down in your heart - let it be My love. Let love - My love root down in your heart and shape and remold you into My image. The root of bitterness will mar and spoil you - be quick to forgive. Forgive, release and bless. Refuse to look back. There is no redemptive purpose in looking back with regret. Let the past be the past. Put your hand to the plow of My NOW purpose that is being worked out in your life.

There are memories and relationships that you will never again revisit if you purpose in your heart to follow on to know Me. Realize this - I am able to keep that which you have committed to Me. Those things that you cannot change. Those minds that are set against you. Those hearts that have been hardened and estranged themselves from you. Give them to Me. Leave them to Me. I am able to do what your grief and pining away will never accomplish. I am the mender of broken things. Trust them to Me and move on till the miracle I bring to pass rises up to meet you. Then you will see the impossible become your reality.


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 31st March 2016

Topic: God Will Take Care of You

Text: Ezekiel 28:26 (Amp)

"And they shall dwell safely in it and shall build
houses and plant vineyards; yes, they shall dwell

So many people in recent years have gone
through the pain and upheaval of the housing
crisis, and many are in a dilemma regarding
where to live or simply what their future living
standard may become. Some are facing
foreclosures, while others are just trying to
maintain a secure income so they can pay for
some form of living quarters. Another group is
perhaps speculating about what they will be able
to provide their family. The bottom line is that
we are living in some very shaky economic times
and nothing in this world is certain.
The good news is that we as believers can rely
on the Lord, who will make certain we have a
secure living. As those who commit all we have
to the Lord, giving our tithes to Him, sowing our seeds and partnering with God in every way possible and serving
Him wholeheartedly, we can live in a level of
safety that the world does not have. Even if you
lose a home or job, you can be sure the Lord will
provide something
else and that you will never be left without
provision. God is faithful, so don’t allow worry to
consume you about where your future will take
you (see Matt. 6:28-34). The Lord will see to it
that you will always have a safe and secure
dwelling place!

Father, I thank You that I don’t have to live in fear
about tomorrow or what will take place in the
economy. No matter what happens in this world,
You will always provide for me as promised in
Your Word. Thank You, Father. In the Name of
Jesus, amen.


Numbers 28-29; Luke 8:1-18; Psalm 38:12-22

Wednesday, 30 March 2016


  (Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 30th March 2016

Topic: Exposing The Trap of The Enemy

Text: Psalm 91:3

" Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the
fowler… "

During Jesus’ ministry, the Pharisees and
religious leaders of the day tried many times to trap Him. Mark 14:1 (AMP) says they were using secrecy and deceit to trap him. Yet their repeated attempts to take Him out always failed.
Every attempt was somehow either thwarted or
exposed. Why? It’s because there was an
anointing upon Jesus, making them unable to
touch Him even when Jesus was plainly within
reach. He either knew their intentions or
supernaturally escaped their traps. It wasn’t until
Jesus gave Himself into their hands to be
crucified that they were able to lay hold of Him.
As heirs of Christ, we also need to know that the
Lord is delivering us from the traps of the
enemy. Instead of falling into the subtle traps of
deception, sins, false doctrine, and offenses, the
anointing causes us to see them in advance and
avoid them (see 1 John 2:26-27). The Lord can
show you when a trap has been set for you if you
are willing and open in your heart to the Holy
Spirit. We also need faith to believe that we will
supernaturally avoid and overcome the traps we
don’t see. Trust the Lord today that every trap of
the enemy laid in your path
will be exposed!

Father, I thank You that I am delivered from every
trap of evil set against me. I ask that You would
cause me to see and avoid these traps. I also ask
You to place an anointing upon me that shall
deliver me from every snare. In the Name of
Jesus, amen!


Numbers 23-25; Luke 7:11-35; Psalm 38:1-11

Numbers 26-27; Luke 7:36-50; Proverb 8:12-21

Tuesday, 29 March 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today laugh the laugh of faith. I gave Sarah and Abraham an astounding promise and Sarah laughed. She did not doubt - rather she laughed the laugh of faith because she knew how much I loved her and she knew what I was capable of. She laughed and received. She laughed and conceived. She laughed and according to the time of life a child was born whose name meant "laughter". From that point on as long as Abraham and Sarah lived - when they called Isaac they were calling laughter to them. They loved Isaac - whose named meant "laughter". They loved laughter and they embraced laughter. They nurtured laughter and they fed laughter. They raised up laughter and they promoted laughter. They saw in laughter their future and all their hopes. They saw in "laughter" the answer to every promise I had made to them.

This is not the mirthless laughter of a pessimistic and sarcastic unbelief. This was the laugh of faith. The enemy wants you to weep. The enemy wants you to be so sober about what he is doing and what he is planning. The enemy planned for Abraham and Sarah to die childless and barren. The enemy planned for Abraham and Sarah to be a by-word and a mockery of faith. Abraham and Sarah had the last laugh! When you aren't laughing in the midst of the challenge the enemy is getting the upper hand. When you aren't laughing it is because you have taken your eyes off of My promise and looked at the threats of the enemy instead. You really don't have to figure the enemy out. He is on the losing team after all. He isn't all knowing or all powerful. He is limited but I am unlimited. He has an energy that can be exhausted but I have a boundlessness that will bull doze over the works and plans of darkness and bring you out into a new place of peace and blessing. So go ahead and laugh says the LORD for I have everything under control. Just start laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing. My joy is your strength and I want to strengthen you with might in your inner man. Laughter is the weapon of warfare I give you this day and it will not fail to bring you to a new place in Me.

Saturday, 26 March 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today
I am not going to be denied says the Lord therefore you are not going to be denied. No longer do you have to stand in a place where you have to defend yourself before the people. The LORD says enough is enough is . Go on the offense. Start doing, start saying, start demonstrating what I give you to say and do. Stop speaking about past things. The past is in the past and I don't want to look there. And I don't want you wasting your time looking there. Look for me. I am Christ in you that is the hope of glory to the earth and we have things to do. We have got a job to complete. So be encouraged and go forth and the power of My Spirit will take you, the power of My Spirit will carry you. You only have to be available and that daily bread will carry you into your destiny as you make yourself available to Me in greater measure than ever before.


  (Daily Devotional)

Saturday 26th March 2016

Topic:  The Oil Of Thanksgiving

Text:  Leviticus 7:12(Amp.)

"If one offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall
offer with the thank offering unleavened cakes
mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers spread with
oil, and cakes of fine flour mixed with oil"

When God taught the priests of the Old
Testament to bring an offering of thanksgiving
before Him, they were instructed to bring it in
the form of unleavened cakes mixed with oil.
These two elements are key ingredients that
have prophetic significance for us in how we
offer praise to the Lord today. We know the
unleavened bread represented purity and a holy
lifestyle (see 1 Cor. 5:6-8). Oil represents the
anointing of the Holy Spirit. Notice in the verse
above that the unleavened cakes were brushed
over with oil.
When we offer thanksgiving to the Lord in the
environment of a holy lifestyle, the oil of the
Holy Spirit washes over us and our lives literally
become covered in the anointing. One of the
ways David offered thanksgiving to God all
through the Book of Psalms was to rehearse a
list of things God had done for him. Rehearse to
God the good He has done for you and allow that
praise to cause the oil of a fresh anointing to
wash over every aspect of your life today. When
it does, miracles and blessing will be sure to

Lord, I rehearse the good things You have done in
my life today. I make a list of these things by
remembering when You _______________________.
Thank You, Lord! Now, even as I thank You, I
expect the anointing to increase on me! In Jesus’
Name, amen.


Saturday 17-18; Luke 5:17-32; Psalm 37:10-20

Friday, 25 March 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today it is time for you to fly! I am making your life seriously aerodynamic in the realm of My Spirit that you might come up higher and experience higher things in My kingdom. The winds of My Spirit are coming up underneath you and this day you are flying far above the circumstances and difficulties. You are flying high above the enemy's apparatus to track or deter you. The war that you have warring in life is about to see a fresh bombardment of faith that will cause the enemy to flee and the angels to rejoice for this is the good fight that brings victory and dominion into your earth once again. In times past you knew what overcoming was and your faith soared high in the great expanses of dominion and blessing. The day has now come that those victories and that place of dominion will be inhabited and taken possession again as in times past.

The LORD says said that your faith and your confidence in Me is a secret weapon that I have been preparing and planning for this time that you are coming into now. You are coming into your season of dominion and blessing. I have been working with you by My Spirit. I have been planning. I have been purposing. I have been keeping you tucked away, as it were, in a place of hiddenness so that you were not exposed to the enemy. I have held you in a place of security and peace and now I am commissioning and bringing you forth. I am announcing you to the earth by My Spirit. Scores of angels are moving with you, to accompany you so make sure that your yes is going to be yes and your no is going to be no. You are going to open your mouth and speak the oracles of God and I am going to back up My word in your life. You can take it to the bank. I am going to do just that. I am being found faithful in your land as you arm yourself in faith and fill yourself with hope and walk in fullness of love - you will not be disappointed.


  (Daily Devotional)

Friday 25th March 2016

Topic: The Guiding Light

Text: Luke 1:78-79
"Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby
the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to
give light to them that sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way
of peace"

The Lord is the day that springs up from the
darkness! No matter what you are dealing with or
trying to sort through, God is always the light
that leads you out of it. The reason we often
have trouble following Him out is because we
are too busy examining the darkness. We go
over our trials, work problems, financial
problems, health issues, and family troubles
again and again trying to figure a way out. We
need to refocus our eyes on the Lord. He is the
Light. He is the dayspring. The best part of it is
that He is more than willing to shine the light to
help you. Not only is He the Light, but He is
merciful to give it to us. You may not feel like
the light guiding you is very bright today, but you
can get out of a tunnel with just a flashlight! It
doesn’t take much to guide you to safety. Look
for the light of God guiding you every day, every
moment, and in everything. Mercy is leading you
out today

Dear Lord, I thank You for Your mercy that is
shining light upon me. Help me to see Your
guiding hand in every situation. I make a choice to
take my eyes off the darkness right now and I
stand in the light of Your mercy! In Jesus’ Name,


Numbers 15-16; Luke 4:38-44; Luke 5:1-16; Psalm 37:1-9

Thursday, 24 March 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 24th March 2016

Topic:  Recovering Lost Time

Text:  Joshua 10:13

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,
until the people had avenged themselves upon
their enemies…"

Topping the charts of extreme miracles ever
recorded was the time when Joshua literally
stopped the progression of time until he finished
defeating his enemy in battle (see Josh.
10:12-14). He spoke to the sun and commanded
it to stand still. In fact, the Bible states that
there wasn’t a time other than this in which the
Lord listened to such an extreme demand.
While we don’t have any other examples in
Scripture of time actually being altered like this,
it does stand to reason that the Lord can take
time and “stretch” it. In other words, He can
enable you to accomplish more than normal in
the time you have. God can take the 24 hours
before you today and, in a sense, make it
multiply so you can accomplish more than you
thought possible. The key to having your lost time restored is to first give your time to
the Lord, then He will give time back to you. We
have all felt that we have more to do in one day
than possible, but if we give our time to God, He
will make sure we have plenty of time to do what
we need. Expect Him to multiply and expand
your time today!

Father, as I give my time to you this day, I ask
you to multiply my time. Not only do I ask You to
teach me how to manage my time wisely, but I
ask that You will enable me to accomplish more
than I expected possible today! In the Name of
Jesus, amen.


Numbers 14; Luke 4:14-37; Psalm 36:1-12



The Sovereign Lord say today,  though all men forsake you. Though the world hate and despise you, fear not. My goodness cannot be breached in your life. Though a 1000 fall at thy right hand and 10,000 at thy left that is no commentary on what happens next in your life. It isn't about random happenstance or hoping against the odds that you will be overlooked by the enemy. It matters not. The enemy can put you in his crosshairs and I will still be your strength and your stay. I say to you fear not. In My word I declared 365 times FEAR NOT so there is a "fear not" for every day of your living throughout the year. You have nothing to be concerned about. Be careful for nothing but rather give thanks and attenuate your focus on what I am saying and doing and not on upheaval, destruction or sudden terror that comes by day or the pestilence by night. You are My beloved and I have you safely in the palm of My hand!

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


   (Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 23rd March 2916

Topic: Born For Signs And Wonders

Text: Isaiah 8:18

"Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath
given me are for signs and for wonders…"

God is supernatural, and we are made in His
image. That means if God does supernatural
things, then we can expect His supernatural
power to work in and through us. When Jesus
was on earth, He gave supernatural power to His
disciples (see Mark 3:14-15). From there, they
went about Galilee healing the sick and casting
out demons. That first surge of power never left
them. In fact, it went to another level after
Pentecost. Jesus told them in Acts 1:8, “But ye
shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is
come upon you.” Once the Holy Spirit fell in Acts 2, the disciples ministered with supernatural
power everywhere they went.
God wants to use His people to perform signs
and wonders to a lost generation that
desperately needs to see God’s power manifest.
They are constantly presented with demonic
power via television and similar mediums. They need to see God’s genuine power. That power
can manifest through your words, actions,
prayers, and also through various other
supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
Ask the Lord to use you in miracles today
because you are made in His image. Yes, you
were born for signs and wonders!

Father, I ask You to teach me how to minister for
You with supernatural ability when I speak to
people, pray for them, and minister in the gifts of
the Spirit. I thank You that You shall perform
signs and wonders through me! Amen.


Numbers 12-13; Luke3:23-38; Luke4:1-13; Proverbs 7:21-27



The Sovereign Lord says today I am calling you up to your kingdom destiny this hour. I will speak to you according to My glory in you and not your limitations, failures or shortcomings. I have called you not merely to be a consumer of ministry but to be a producer of My glory and anointing out to the needs of others. I see you as one who dispenses ministry. You see yourself as one who is "less than" but you are not less than. I am rising up on the inside of you to demonstrate My strength and My character. You will not only be taught you will be a teacher. You will not only be led you will be a leader - a guide to those who cannot see and do not know that they might experience My glory. You don't see yourself as I see you - but I am changing that. You see weaknesses, you see liabilities and even disabilities, but the Father says that's not how I see you. I see you as one who is strong. I see you as one called to be a nurturer, a lover of the loveless, one who dispenses the compassion of God to those who have been cast aside.

The Lord says I am breaking down the words that have worked against you, the judgments that have been spoken against you and I am destroying the work of the enemy in your life. I am working to bring vision where there has been a lack of clearness about your future and about who you are and what I put you on the earth for. The fracture in your character and failings of the past are being mended. I am shattering that defective lens of self image that has caused you to see yourself other than as I see you and I am going to cause you to see yourself with crystal clarity from My perspective and be encouraged and emboldened to believe Me for bigger dreams and greater visions. This is your day says the LORD - rise up and rejoice!



But here on this mountain, God -of-the-Angel-Armies will throw a feast for ball the people of the world, A feast of the finest foods, a feast with vintage wines, a feast of seven courses, a feast lavish with gourmet desserts. And here on this mountain, God will banish the pall of doom hanging over all peoples, The shadow of doom darkening all nations. Yes, he’ll banish death forever. And God will wipe the tears from every face. He’ll remove every sign of disgrace From his people, wherever they are. Yes! God says so!

Isaiah 25:6-8 MSG

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


  (Daily Devotional)

Teusday 22nd March 2016

Topic: Victory Over Fruitlessness

Text: Psalm 1:3

"And he shall be a like a tree planted by the rivers
of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his
season; his leaf also shall not wither; and
whatsoever he doeth shall prosper"

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by our own
shortcomings. Even the most dedicated
Christians have times when they feel like their
failures outweigh their successes. A key
principle for overcoming that sense of failure is
found in a sermon by John the Baptist in
Matthew 3:8 when he said, “Bring forth therefore
fruits meet for repentance.” He was saying to
begin developing character traits that reflect true
repentance. Of course, fruit growth doesn’t
happen all at once. It grows over time, but what
makes it successful is the right environment.
The right environment for us to bear good fruit
comes by staying in God’s Word (see Ps. 1:1-2).
His Word will cause us to live according to His
counsel, which will develop a stable spiritual root
system. With that in place, fruit will grow! Ask
the Lord to reveal counsel from His Word today
and let it create the environment for fruit-bearing
in your life. Watch as the multiplied growth of
that fruit gradually begins overtaking all the
negatives that have held you back before and
your successes start outweighing your
shortcomings! God wants you to be fruitful, actually God is glorified when you begin to bear fruits ( John 15:8). As you continue to abide in God's word and that word start to bear fruit in you, it will begin translate into physical successes in every areas of your life.

Father, I make a fresh commitment to stay close
to Your counsel so that fruit will grow in my life.
Help me be a fruit-bearing Christian. I thank You
that I am able to overcome every bondage that
would hold me down! In Jesus’ Name! Amen.


Numbers 10-12; Luke 3:1-22; Psalm 35:19-28



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am a creative God and I am creating still in your life. Get ready for the unusual and unique things that I will do in the coming days to interrupt the normal course of events. You have had a heart to glorify Me and give testimony to Me and that's the reason you will see Me using you in a remarkable way. You won't take the glory to yourself. You will not take credit for the miraculous things that will be coming forth. For this reason I am bringing you out and I am announcing you to the earth because you have determined to lift up My name and not seek your own notoriety. Look up with expectancy says the Lord, look up with great anticipation. My plan and My purpose is to mold and shape your life into something beautiful, a trophy set in My house. You are a vessel of honor, one of My golden vessels that is set in My kingdom. It is all about advancement and fulfillment of My promise that you have believed and cried out for - it is coming to pass in a remarkable way.

As you face each day says the Lord, know this that the territory at times will be unfamiliar. For some time, you have gone round and round in a wilderness season but that is all about to change. Listen closely to the voice of My Spirit as I speak and reveal and make plain the path that takes you out of the dry place and into the battle against the enemy you have been spoiling for. You aren't presumptuous. You won't be disappointed. Others have suggested "who do you think you are..." but Beloved I rejoice when I see you doing what I would do were I in your shoes. The outcome is assured. You owe no man nothing except to love them. They want you to do what makes them comfortable but I haven't called you to make men comfortable with what I have called you to do. Just step out and let the naysayers cope with your call for I am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you - your victory is assured!

Monday, 21 March 2016



The Sovereign Lord says today
Things are going to work out so do not believe negative reports or bad news. The lines are falling unto you in pleasant places. As you make moves and make little sacrifices, it will yield bigger results than expected. I am placing an anointing of more than enough upon you. There shall be a springing forth of those things you have planted and the reviving of those things which have long been forgotten. You've asked me of them and you seem to have forgotten if the answer will ever come. The Lord says the time for those things  to fully benefit you has come,  get ready, be vigilant, for I will swiftly bring them to pass....


   (Daily Devotional)

Monday 21st March 2016

Topic: Living On Purpose

Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18

"We...are being transformed into(Christ) image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord"

Dr Rick Warren's book titled the Purpose driven life is a phenomenal appeal to remind us that believers and nonbelievers alike have a deep longing for a clear sense of purpose. We all want to know that our lives are involved in something worthwhile. Without a sense of calling and purpose life is nothing more than routine busyness.
Being followers of Jesus gives us a distinct advantage when it comes to having a sense of purpose. The Westminster catechism sums it up well when it says " the chief end of man is to " "glorify  God and enjoy him forever".
Glorifying God means putting His character, His will, and His ways into action in all that we do. The Apostle Paul reminded us that "we are being transformed into Christ's image from glory to glory, just as by the the Spirit of the Lord(2 Corinthians 3:16). The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us.
What a profound privilege it is to mirror God's love, mercy, grace, justice and righteousness to a world whose heart is "veiled" to God's truth!(4:3-4). Our purpose is to show others less of us and more of Him. That's living on purpose with a purpose.

Dear heavenly Father, I submit my life to you afresh, grant me more and more grace to live my life for your glory and to promote your plan in my daily living and in my generation in Jesus name.


Numbers 7; Luke 2:21-40; Psalm 53:1-10

Numbers 8-9; Luke 2:41-52; Psalm 35:11-18



The Sovereign Lord says today it is a day of celebration for you this day. I am sending you My "presence" and My "presents" as a token of My love and tender mercy in your life. In loving kindness, My blessings are arriving just in time and directly on target for every need you have. There are good things that I have for you that are not about something you earned, something you accomplished, something that you aspired to but rather on the basis of My unconditional favor. It is My en-giftedness that I am bringing in four different areas that you can identify: in your finances, in your relationships, in your ministry portion, and in the area of your health. I declare to you this day that your health is going to spring forth speedily. I am increasing your vitality. I am giving you a new robustness that you might be prepared for the purposes that I am bringing you into.

I have need of you and a design for you in the work toward and work with in My kingdom. I am bringing ministry portion and purpose to light in your life. Though it seems in this area nothing has been moving forward, the Lord says it has not been a delay but rather timing for strategic launching. There has been a divine pause as I have prepared you for a season. Now get ready because things are picking up and the pace of your life will seem dizzying at times. You're going to be moving from assignment to assignment to assignment. It will seem like just when you put one thing to bed there is going to be another thing right there demanding your attention for I am doing a quick work. Yes, you will feel the stress and experience the strain but just be patient and trust Me for the outcome. What seems like stress is not coming because of the enemy but rather the velocity of My purpose being unfolded in your life.


  (Daily Devotional)

Monday 14th March 2016

Topic: The Tipping Point

Text: Romans 12:1

"Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God"

It has been observed that struggling businesses are often turned around by one key decision. Many once struggling companies are now thriving because of a choice that became the tipping point.

Though targeted to those in business management, the principles also applies to those who are committed to advancing the course of Christ. Sometimes we find ourselves up against a wall, struggling with a decision, or situation  that threatens to cripple our capacity for effective service to our King. It's at those critical junctures we can make a "tipping point" decision to turn things around.
What's the decision? Surrender your will and heart to God. James 4:7 says, "Submit to God". And Romans 12:1 tells us "Present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God". Be willing to sacrifice your agenda for His greater purposes.
What if Noah had told God "I dont do boats". What if Joseph had not forgiven his brothers and failed to protect them from the life threatening famine? Or what if Jesus had refused to die on the cross?
Surrender is the tipping point. When we make that choice, God can use us to do great things for Him.
Surrender becomes victory when you yield to God completely.


Father take my life and make it wholly yours.
Fill my heart with your divine love
Take my will, my passion, self and pride. Let your presence abide in my life in Jesus name.


Leviticus 23-24; Mark 15:1-32; Psalm 31:19-24

Leviticus 25-26; Mark 16:1-20; Psalm 33:1-11

Saturday, 12 March 2016


   (Daily Devotional)

Saturday 12th March

Topic: Give Thanks

Text: Psalm 92:1

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O most high."

Psalm 92 is a "song for the Sabbath day", a resting place for those who are troubled.
The song begins with a commendation of praise: "It is good to give thanks to the Lord." It does us good to turn our unsettling and anxious thought to declare God's "loving kindness in the morning, and (His) faithfulness every night"(v:2). God loves us and is always faithful! He makes us glad.(v:4).
Praise doesn't just make us glad, it makes us wise. We begin to understand something of God's greatness and creative design in all that He does(v:5-9). We fain wisdom that us hidden from those who do not know God. The wicked may "flourish" and "spring up like the grass" for a moment(v:7), but ultimately they will wither away.
The righteous however, are joined to the one who dwells in eternity(v:8). They "flourish like the palm tree" and "like a cedar in Lebanon"(v:12), symbols of graceful beauty and an unbending strength. For they have been "planted in the house of the LORD"(v:13). Their roots go down into the soil of God's faithfulness: they draw on His unquenchable love.
Give thanks and praise to the Lord today.


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for your faithfulness over my life and family.
Let the song of praise and thanksgiving not depart from my mouth in Jesus name.


Leviticus 19-20 Mark 14:43-72;  Proverbs 6:30-35

Leviticus 21-22; Mark 15:1-32; Psalm 31:19-24

Friday, 11 March 2016



"'Action is the antidote to despair"

"In challenging conditions just stay in movement. Excellent actions in negative conditions must eventually yield excellent effects



The Sovereign Lord says today,
My wind is beginning to blow afresh and anew in your life. I am coming to you on the winds of My Spirit to cause you to know and to be made known in My courts. My whirlwinds will be in evidence even in the natural you will feel the blast and think "that is not mere wind - that is my Father!" Even as the scripture says, whirlwinds of the south are coming to bless and benefit you. This day My blessings are coming upon you and they are going to overtake you. This will not be a one-time occurrence but will come over and over and over. A whirlwind is reciprocal. It's a wind that doesn't blow in a straight line. My whirlwind is coming to you and through you in dynamic power to produce in your life the consequence of My loving-kindness and gentleness and longsuffering in your behalf. This is your time and your day to know My magnanimity toward you My beloved and the largess of My kindness and willingness to change, and bless and benefit you beyond all your expectations.

Thursday, 10 March 2016


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 10th March 2016

Topic: The Eye Of God's Mercy

Text:  Exodus 25:22

"And there I will meet with thee, and I will
commune with thee from above the mercy seat…"

Notice that the place God chose to commune
with Moses was from above the mercy seat. The
mercy seat in the Old Testament was a fixture of
two angels atop the golden Ark of the Covenant.
It was a natural fixture that symbolized God on
His holy throne. One angel (or side) on the
fixture represented God’s mercy, while the other
represented God’s justice. In between was to be
the representation of God’s throne
called the mercy seat. These angels were always
facing the mercy seat (see Exod. 25:17-22; Exod.
37:7-9). When the Old Testament priests atoned
for the sins of the people through the blood
sacrifice of an animal, they placed the blood
upon the mercy seat as a sign before God that
the death penalty for sin was paid. However,
when Jesus died and rose again, His blood
became the final death sacrifice to be placed on
the mercy seat. His blood would wipe away all
our sins in God’s eyes if we would believe it (see
Heb. 9:1-12). The fact that the angels were to
face the mercy seat represents that God is
always communicating to us through that mercy
plan. To commune with Him in return, we must
continually reaffirm trust in that mercy plan.
When God chose to meet face to face with
Moses in the location of this wonderful mercy
seat, it was a beautiful picture that God looks at
us through the eyes of mercy. He is communing
with you today through mercy’s eyes.


Dear Lord, I thank You for seeing me through the
eyes of mercy. I ask that You would give me a
fresh understanding of how to fellowship with You
under the power of Your great mercy today. In
Jesus’ Name, amen.



Leviticus 17-18; Mark14:17-42; Psalm 31:9-19



The Sovereign Lord says today I am breaking off the lies and the deceptions, those mind-binding spirits that have tried to discourage you from knowing that you know that you know that you have heard from heaven. I break every illegitimate authority over your life and this day I pull the stoppers of doubt out of your ears, the blinders off your eyes because you do have ears to hear, you do have eyes to see. You are one I have proven a trust with. I can trust you. I'm going to show that - you have been faithful in little, I'm about to make you ruler over much. There is a big plan for you, so just be confident and know that I going to do the work that you were prepared to do from before the foundation of the world. I called you from your mother's womb. I prepared you for this day, this hour and this day. So just open all the things I am unpacking in your life. Delight yourself in your relationship with Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


  (Daily Devotional)

Wednesday 9th March 2016

Topic: Key To Financial Abundance

Text:   "As it is written, He [the benevolent person]
scatters abroad; He gives to the poor; His deeds
of justice and goodness and kindness and
benevolence will go on and endure forever!"
(2 Corinthians 9:9 AMP)

The verse above uses a key word regarding
financial giving. The word is scatters. Farmers
know that they stand a better chance at reaping
a productive harvest when they have a lot of
seed in the ground as opposed to just a little.
There is a difference between planting a few
seeds and scattering seeds. Scattering speaks of
planting in lots of places. It is ongoing planting,
not just occasional. Throughout Second
Corinthians 9, Paul teaches the principle that in
order to be furnished with financial abundance
you must not just plant seed, you must scatter
seed (see 2 Cor. 9:9 AMP). You must be in the
habit of giving of your finances for the Gospel all
the time. The end result is that your seed will go
on forever. In other words, the harvest that
comes from your practice
of “scattering” becomes so large that it can’t
help but be ongoing! That is what the Bible
means when it says the plowman will overtake
the reaper (see Amos 9:13). The harvest
becomes so plentiful that you can barely get
more seed in the ground before a new crop is
coming in!
Look for places to keep scattering your financial
seed. In fact, sow a seed somewhere today!
Before long, your continual sowing will become
continual reaping!

Dear heavenly Father, help me build the habit of
being a continual giver. As a first step of faith
toward that, I plant a financial seed right now to
_________________. Let this seed bless them and
cause me to be furnished with abundance! In
Jesus’ Name, amen!


Leviticus. 15-16 ; Mark13:32-37; Mark 14:1-16; Psalm 31:1-8

Tuesday, 8 March 2016



For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.   Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
Isaiah 15:12-13



"Problems are really nothing more than platforms for even brighter opportunities.
In truth, no condition is either good or bad...The way we perceive it makes it "bad" or "good".


(Daily Devotional)

Teusday 8th March 2016

Topic: Triumphant Victory

Text: Matthew 4:1

"Jesus was led up to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."

Eden was a breathtakingly a beautiful garden all year round it was in that garden that Adam and Eve bask in the stunning creation of God and the joy of perfect harmony with Him and with each other. Until satan  arrived on the scene, bringing weeds, thorns destruction and death.
You can't help but notice the contrast between the landscape of Genesis 1 and Matthew 4. The same tempter who once entered God's garden now welcomes God to his turf--the dangerous, barren wilderness.
The wilderness can be the picture of what the world and life becomes  when satan  has his way. With one decisive blow, the joy of Eden was replaced by the barrenness of shame(Gen3). But Jesus was victorious over satan's  turf(Matthew 4). In that victory, He too gives us hope that we too can have victory. A victory that assures us that the day is coming when we will no longer toil in satan's  wilderness but be ushered into the fullness of God's blessing, where the joy of Eden will be ours for ever. Now that's something to look forward to. As you journey through the wilderness of temptation, Christ victory is yours in Jesus name.


Heavenly Father, I receive the victory you have provided for me through Christ Jesus on the cross of calvary in Jesus name.


Leviticus 11-12; Mk 12:13-27; Psalm 30:1-7

Leviticus 13; Mark12:28-44; Proverbs 6:20-29

Leviticus 14: Mark 13:1-31; Psalm 30:8-12



The Sovereign Lord says today keep hoping and expecting. In this season of your life I'm going to render unto you the double. You have hoped and continued to hope and haven't given up on your dreams. Therefore, I say to you as I spoke through Zechariah of old "Turn you to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope ... even today do I declare that I will render double to you". My salvation will be seen in your land says the Lord. My glory will be seen over you and My arrows will go forth as the lightning in your defense. This day I will blow the trumpet and there shall go with whirlwinds of My Spirit over, around and through you. I will defend you and empower you to subdue your enemies. I will save you and those you love as a shepherd saves His flock and you will know again exaltation and joy and safety by My hand.

Know this - that there is salvation says the Lord, that I am working in your life. The saving power of the shed blood of Christ is yours to lay claim to as you see My deliverance being made manifest. Refuse to play the blame game. There are many things you could have done differently but there is forgiveness and mercy in My heart for you. My promises are not made to perfect people but to YIELDED HEARTS. Yield your heart to Me today and trust in My keeping power. I will even make your mistakes to prosper. I will cause you to break forth upon the right hand and upon the left. When you lack wisdom I will impart it. When you make a mistake I will work in the midst of it. When failure seems to overwhelm you - like a flood I will engulf you in My favor and make everything turn out right. I am with you says the Lord and I will never leave you or forsake you. This is your day and this is your time of rejoicing for the favor of your Lord is being made manifest in abundance in your life.


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