

Thursday 9 May 2019


( Daily Devotional )

Thursday 9th May 2019


TEXT: "For I know the plan that I have towards you... "

God has ordained a glorious destiny for you. For every destiny fulfillment there is a given path to follow. Here are the four principles I’ve observed from the story of Esther that can be a good template for destiny fulfillment

1. God has a special plan for your life.

Esther was placed in a royal position, not by chance, but for a purpose.

Reminds me of one of my favorite verses. Proverbs 16:9, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”

God didn’t make a mistake in where He has you today. I think we spend too long in our life trying to figure out where God wants us to be or wishing we were somewhere else, instead of just allowing God to do something with our life where we are, while waiting for more to come.

2. Sometimes you will have to go against common sense, against what others advise, even against what you want to do, in order to follow God’s plan.

Esther would have to approach the king, though she didn’t have permission. This could have meant certain and sudden death for her since it was even against the law to approach the king. Esther’s response: “If I perish, I perish!”

Sometimes God’s will makes perfect sense, as you examine your experience.  That doesn’t mean, however, that you won’t be required to take risks for God. The best things in life often come with the greatest risks. The degree of difficulty is not an indication that God is not in it. In fact, the opposite would be closer to truth.

3. The time to follow God’s plan is now.

I find Esther 4:14 interesting. “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

We mostly consider that last part of the verse, but notice the “Who knows?” It’s a question. They weren’t sure. They knew she was in the position as queen. She had opportunity to see the King. They knew God wanted to save the people. They knew for whatever reason Esther had been made aware of the plan. But did they know for sure that’s what Esther was supposed to do? Apparently not! They went without being 100 percent certain. Who knows?

There will be times in your life when you’ve gathered all the information you can, you’ve prayed as well as you know how, you’ve sought godly counsel; whatever you are doing is not sinful … but there is something inside of you that’s still not sure. You can sleep on it. That’s something I always do. Esther waited three days, but at some point you just have to muster the courage to move forward. Without all the answers, are you ready to step out and walk by faith? Don’t be afraid to allow God to determine the outcome.

4. Trusting in God completely brings great rewards.

Esther 8:17—In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.

Esther saved a nation. Her obedience saved God’s people from destruction! The reward for obedience was even better than expected. Esther went before the king prepared for the worst case scenario … she got the very best! Many people became followers of God! The people were inspired by the faith of one woman and one man that everything changed in that nation.

It will always prove profitable in the long run to obey God. When others see us living in radical obedience, obedience that makes no sense, they’ll want some of what we have. The world around you is looking for answers, trying to figure out how to make life work. We may not have all the answers, but we know about a God who does.

When was the last time you asked, God what do You want to do through my life? Are you ready to walk by faith? 

Step out today asking yourself two questions : what good would God have me do today and which best way can I get it done.

I am an evidence that Jesus Christ is alive and at work. Today I declare my pathway is made straight. I walk in the fullness of divine grace and power in Jesus name.

* Father God, thank you for your faithfulness and grace in bringing me and family to seeing this new day in Jesus name

* Father God, thank you for your plan and purpose for my life in Jesus name

*Father God,  align my life to your will and to your ways in Jesus name

* Father God, help me see your plan and purpose in every situation of my life in Jesus name.

*Father God,  I command the power sponsoring the failure of purpose for this generation to be terminated over my life in Jesus name

* Father God,  empower me to be all that  you have designed my life to be in Jesus name.

* Father God,  I command the power of delay to multiple fulfillments in life be destroyed now in Jesus name.

* I command every obstacle on my pathway to destiny fulfillments be uprooted now in Jesus name.

*Thank you Father for hearing and answering my prayers in Jesus name


Leviticus 15, Leviticus 16Mark 13:32-37, Mark 14:1-16Psalm 31:1-8


" The purpose of life is living a life of purpose"


I declare prophetically today that as Esther rose from a slave girl to becoming the most influential personality in her generation, the power of God will locate you for a unique lifting in Jesus mighty name.

*I see your limitations broken and your influence spreading all the world in Jesus mighty name

For more Prayers & counseling contact us at

Fragrance Of Christ Church Int'l

Tel: 08098863321, 08136677555

Email: tundedaniels@gmail.com ; fragrancelag@yahoo.com

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