

Friday 15 February 2019


From The Desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

(Daily Devotional)

Friday 15th February 2019


TEXT:   "We are made for...the once for all sacrifice of Jesus ' (Hebrews 10:10)

Some of the greatest battles fought in the history of the world is the battle for socio- economic and political freedoms of nationhood. These struggles can sometimes be hard and painful.

 But the battle for us to be free spiritually was won once and for all by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and grace has been released for us to live the life we’ve always wanted in Christ Jesus. Therefore it’s not what we do but what He did that gives us a standing before the Lord. Though rigid adherence to a list of do's and don'ts appeals to our religious sense and self-sufficiency by fostering the myth that if we work hard enough we can earn God's favor. That's fear based thinking, and '...God has not given us the spirit of fear...'(2Timothy1:7). There is no fear is love. Fear has to do with punishment. (1 John 4:13). Legalism or the gospel of works is the fear that God isn't big enough to forgive your sins, that unless you do the right thing in the right way at the right time and do it perfectly, and then you are in trouble. When we fear making mistakes we become timid, and limit ourselves from living abundantly. We let analysis permeate our decisions as we lead quiet, desperate, anti-faith lives, afraid to move with the bold confidence that grace gives us to walk in certainty, unafraid of rejection. Speaking against work based religion, Martin Luther said, 'be a sinner and let your sins be strong but let your trust in Christ be stronger...rejoice in Christ...the victor over sin'. Is Luther advocating for us to continue in sin so that 'grace may abound' No! He wasn't excusing sin! He was restoring grace to its rightful place, affirming that nothing can separate us from God's love (Roman8:38-39). He wasn't downgrading the law, he was upgrading grace. Grace means talking to God and listening for His voice when it’s easier to just consult the rule books. The truth is when Jesus entered heaven to appear before God on our behalf, He freed us to have a relationship with Him without fear of sin separating us.


Totally yeild to what the finished work on Calvary today


I am an evidence that Jesus Christ is alive and at work. Today I declare that the grace of God is sufficient for my every need. I declare I am free from every entanglement of sin and guilt; I stand in the liberty wherewith the Lord has made me free in Jesus name


*Father thank you for bringing me and my family to this wonderful day in Jesus name

*O Lord thank you for your grace and mercy at work in my life in Jesus name

*I speak grace, grace and more grace over over every mountain of resistance on my pathway today  in Jesus name

*O Lord God let your grace terminate every struggles of my life this day in Jesus name

*O Lord let the grace for maximum impact and results rest on me now in Jesus name

*O Lord let the grace for effortless breakthroughs rest on me now in Jesus name

*O Lord let the grace to flourish and for unending fruitfulness rest on me now in Jesus name

*O Lord let your grace for all sufficiency be abundantly supplied to my life in Jesus name

*O Lord God flavor my life with your favour this new day. Let your favour announce me where it matters today in Jesus name

*O Lord God, upgrade my destiny status by your grace and mercy  in Jesus name

*O Lord God, upgrade my career status by your grace and mrrcy n Jesus name

*O Lord God upgrade my social status by your grace and mercy in Jesus name

*O Lord God, upgrade my spiritual worship status by your grace and mercy  in Jesus name

*Thank you Lord for the abundance of your grace in Jesus name


Esther 6, Esther 7, Esther 8Revelation 4Psalm 142:1-11


"Whenever we don't rely on God we descend into the abyss of self doubts and unnecessary pain"


This day I am enduing you with GREATER GRACE. I am bringing you from hearing about miracles to the demonstration of my Spirit and Power. You are not going to have to talk about My power – for My power will be demonstrated IN YOU and THROUGH YOU……this day marks the beginning, so get in the flow……

For more Prayers & counseling contact us at

Fragrance Of Christ Church Int’l

Modupe House, 152 Iju Road, By Conoil Filling Station

Fagba B/Stop Iju Ifako-Ijaiye Lagos

Tel: 08098863321, 08136677555

Email: tundedaniels@gmail.com ; fragrancelag@yahoo.com

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