

Thursday 1 February 2018


(Daily Devotional)

Thursday 1st February 2018


TEXT: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him (Acts 10:38).

To be anointed means to be smeared or rubbed with oil. The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. When the Bible says that Jesus was anointed, it means He carried upon Him the person of the Holy Spirit. He had the Spirit without measure(John 3:34 ). By the power of the Spirit. He did notable exploits and  brought solutions to the people around Him wherever He went.

Exodus 33:11 says Moses met God face to face. It wasn’t that he literally saw God’s face, because God tells him that no one can see it and live (see Exod. 33:20). It means Moses was communing directly in God’s presence. You would think this was the highest possible encounter one could have with God. However, it must not have been, because later Moses begs God to reveal His glory to him (see Exod. 33:18). Why did he act as though something was still missing? Unlike us, Moses had not experienced the glory within him. When he left the tabernacle where God was, he didn’t have the same presence there with him. In addition to the glory without, we who are in Christ experience the glory within everywhere we go!  And by the glory of this anointing we should bring solutions to our generation. Moses would have dreamed to know what that was like. It’s what Jesus communicated to the woman at the well in John 4:21-23. It wasn’t about going to a particular location to meet God, but rather having God in you everywhere you go. Jesus had that glory and anointing everywhere He went, and He did amazing things and left a mark that no man can erase.

Because Jesus lives in you, you are anointed without and within. That same grace  and power goes everywhere you do this new month.  As you go into the day, spread the glory of that anointing and do uncommon exploits


Today walk in the consciousness of the fact that you are anointed.

I am an evidence that Jesus Christ is alive and at work. Today
I declare that the Spirit of the living God is actively at work within and upon my life. This day I spread the fragrance of that anointing wherever I go. God’s solutions is manifesting through me. I bring to naught every works of the enemy around me, and I attract the people that matter to the fulfillment of my destiny in Jesus name.


*Father God thank you for your grace and mercy over my life and destiny in Jesus name

*Father God, thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit at work upon me and my family in Jesus name

*Fresh Anointing uncommon exploits rest on me now in Jesus name

*O Lord let the anointing for destiny establishment and prosperity rest on me now in Jesus name

*Anointing for destiny preservation and protection, rest upon me and my family now in Jesus name

*Anointing for a life of miracle, signs and wonders rest upon me now in Jesus name

*Anointing for uncommon favour and breakthroughs and fruitfulness rest on me now in Jesus name

*By the anointing of the Holy Ghost I command any yoke in and around my life, be broken now in Jesus name

*By the anointing of the Spirit within me Lord bring me into the deep spiritual secrets in Jesus name

*Thank you Lord for fresh anointing on my life this day in Jesus name


Ezra 1, Ezra 2:-67 Revelation 8, Revelation 9:1-12 Psalm 144:9-15


"I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come indirectly through accident, except the phonograph. No, when I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes."

-- Thomas Edison


*This month  I release fresh oil of the Spirit into your for supernatural exploits in Jesus name

*In this new month what you couldn’t do by yourself, the power of God gets it done for you in Jesus name.

*As you go into this new month I command a fresh glory of the anointing for Dominion  to rest on you now in Jesus name.

For more Prayers & counseling contact us at

Fragrance Of Christ Church Int’l
Modupe House, 152 Iju Road, By Conoil Filling Station
Fagba B/Stop Iju Ifako-Ijaiye Lagos
Tel: 08098863321, 08136677555
Email: tundedaniels@gmail.com ; fragrancelag@yahoo.com

To Make Donations
Pastor Tunde Daniels
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0232114732 GTB

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