Always coming in contact with or
Dreaming of black cobwebs at the corner of your house has two fold meaning:
1) To dream of a cobweb represents feelings about
a situation being hopeless or pointless. Living
with a problem that you've gotten used to or
can't find a solution for. Feeling trapped by a life
situation. Awareness of negativity in your life
that you can't do anything about.
2) You have to put your spiritual house in order and get rid of clusters of works of darkness in your life
(3 days with fasting or 7 days without fasting without fasting).
Note: Your prayers should include but not limited to all the prayer points below. Pray by the Spirit also.
2 Timothy 4:18
Colossians 1:13
Colossians 2:15
Galatians 3:13-14
* Thank God for His mighty power to save and deliver you from any form of bondage.
*Confess your sins and the collective sins of your household
*Begin to cover yourself and your household with the blood of Jesus
*I release myself from any inherited bondage and limitations in Jesus name
*Every circle of repeated problems in my life, break by fire in Jesus name.
* I release myself from every evil domination and control in Jesus name.
* Holy Ghost fire purge my life and remove every unprogressive labels from every aspects of my life in Jesus name.
* Every confused situations of my life, receive divine solutions in Jesus name.
*Yoke of backwardness and stagnation operating in my life, break by fire in Jesus name.
*O Lord enrich my life with your grace and blessing in Jesus mame
*O Lord fast tract the your promises into fulfilment in my life in Jesus name.
Thank God for answered prayers.