

Sunday 10 April 2016



The sovereign LORD says today I want to give you a new mirror. I want you to begin to see yourself as I see you. The mirror that you have been looking in has distorted the reflection of how you see yourself. The reflection that you see is not the reflection that I see. I want to give you a perspective that is going to manifest before your eyes and cause you to see yourself as I see you. You have perceived yourself as shallow in your spiritual understanding and not capable of receiving the deep revelations that are in My word. You look in My word and listen to others teach My word and think "where do they get this understanding?" Those depths are also in you says the LORD I am opening your eyes and illuminating My word to you in a greater measure because you are a lot deeper spiritually than you give yourself credit for.

There are people around you that do not have the longing or desire for deep things and I am changing that. They do not see the depths of My Spirit in themselves and they don't see the depths of My Spirit on the inside of you. When they glance at you they see one thing but they do not see in you what I see and what I am revealing in this hour. The LORD says, I have put My depths down on the inside of you. I am sounding out your depths. I will be measuring your depths in the next few months because I want you to know what I have placed down on the inside of you. Depths to such a degree that no natural light can penetrate. The natural mind cannot conceive these things because they are spiritually understood. Now is the time and now is the season for you to open your heart and come aside into the secret place. I will commune with you and show you things that you know not of and you will be changed. This is My portion for you and this is the answer to the cry of your heart says the LORD

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