

Wednesday 6 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today that My love is endless and My grace is unfathomable in your life. I am not that hard to get along with. I am not an austere God sitting on the throne of heaven hurling lightning bolts of judgment against you. If you are going to truly know who I am then you are going to have to relentlessly jettison from your life the widespread and false understandings of who I am not. I am not the author of confusion. I am not the point of origin for suffering in your life. I am not unkind or unmerciful. I do not hold Myself aloof from your pain or withdraw from you in times of suffering. All of these things have been taught in My name by those who claim to have the authority to impose upon you their understanding of My character. They have Me all wrong.

I am a good God and a loving God. I am patient with you beyond any human metric. I brood over your life constantly to bring forth life and light and blessing. Every breath that you breathe is a direct gift from My hand. I have crafted your destiny and written all your days in My book. I have no plans to hurt or harm you in any way. I love you because I love you. I have provided the grace of Calvary to set you free from every aspect of your character that conflicts with My nature. I have provided you all things that pertain to life and godliness. Be willing to receive the transformation of your character as well as the transformation of your circumstances. Sin is a reality in the human condition and you are not exempt - however I have afforded you forgiveness, repentance and transforming grace to stamp you with My image and remove every vestige of transgression and iniquity from your heart. Trust Me and receive Me on My own terms and know Me as I truly am for I have come through for you and I am moving in your life in a radical way this day.

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