

Wednesday 20 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today that it is not too late. The enemy has told you it is too late but it is not too late. The circumstance and the situation say that it is too late but know this - I am the God of time and eternity. I hold all your days in My hand. All of your days are written in My book and that book is not a tragedy or a twice told tale of foolish hope. Keep your eye upon Me. Refuse to believe or allow the circumstance to dictate to you the parameters of your expectations. I am stepping back through time and through the circumstances and situations of your life. I am turning back the devastation and disappointment and bringing forth beauty from ashes and renewed hope from disillusionment and what appeared to be utter failure.

The things that are seen are temporary - subject to change. The things that are seen are subject to those things that are eternal. Relinquish your outcomes to Me. Your hand will not bring salvation. You must trust Me and listen to My voice and obey promptly that which I have assigned you to do. Give Me your Isaacs and your Ishmaels and trust that I will superintend and arrange your life in such a manner that the benediction of your heart will be "Lord you do all things well..." You are going to have to come up higher and begin to think My thoughts with My mind or nothing will make sense as I begin to move. The promotion I bring is promotion into what looks like chaos to the natural mind but is in reality a pattern and plan so broad and so deep that finite man could never anticipate just how much blessing and destiny and purpose I am establishing in you and through you says the LORD

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