

Monday 4 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today take your eyes off of man and keep them on Me. Man will disappoint you. Man will misinform you. Man will fall short of My glory oftentimes says the Father but make it your determination that your confidence and your expectation will be anchored in who I am in your life and not any other resource. Know that I work in the midst of human frailty and human failure. Do not deprecate yourself or despise yourself because you have not achieved or accomplished those things that only I can bring about. I am working and I am determining and you can trust My timing. The timing of heaven will never come up short in your behalf. I will be on time and on target with My blessings in your life as you align yourself with My heart and My purposes and not seeking after the good opinion of those who are not part of what I am doing where you are concerned.

Lift up the hands that hang down. Refuse to be discouraged. Refuse to look to the right hand or to the left. The hand of man cannot save you. The hand of man cannot redeem. Though a tower would be built up to heaven to accomplish some great feat the end result will only be confusion and dispersion and scattering. Stay focused upon what I am doing and saying at all times. Find the secret place where My voice will be heard and not another. Get quiet before Me. I will speak to you most clearly in the silence between your own thoughts. Trust Me and walk in love toward those around you. Let My love flow through you in unconditional measure. Do not parcel out your love only to those who can repay or recompense. Love lavishly. Give generously. Determine in every interaction to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Go out in your day - every day in this month to be someone's answer to prayer. Come up higher. Come up into the rarified atmosphere of My favor and you will see and know and experience that metric of My goodness that is beyond anything you have ever reckoned in the narrative of your life. 

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