

Monday 25 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says doors are opening in front of you this day. Things may look closed off and opportunity may seem distant but LOOK AGAIN. I will be petitioned of you this day says the LORD Ask and the door will appear and stand open with fresh potential and blessing that will make its way to you. Knock and the angels assigned to you will cause the gates of impediment to open to you of their own accord and bring you to great liberty. Liberty is your entitlement. Where My Spirit is there is liberty that you will walk in and take full measure of even this day. There are times that discernment is required to realize just what is in front of you. Jesus walked through a door to find his disciples cowering in fear. To them He came through a wall but He actually walked through a door that none could see. I am giving you vision says the Father and with the vision comes not one but multiple opportunities. You get to choose!  


As I was with you in the days of constraint and detriment so I am with you this day - in this day of your blessing to bring an effective golden door being ministered to you under this sun. Seek it. Expect it. Know it is your portion and your blessing from My hand. I will bring the miracle but you must cooperate and act.  I'm going to open the way, but I do that by your seeking, by your asking, by your knocking.  And I'm going to show you what's on the other side and you're going to be delighted, you're going to be surprised at times, but you're going to be delighted that your course in life has brought you to the place of effective ministry.  The Lord says, you've done your homework.  You've done your research.  You have searched me.  You have found me and I have been found of you.  And I will found of you.  And people will inquire of the hope that's within you and you're going to be able to draw from the resources of my life inside your life.  

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