

Saturday 23 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today refuse to be distracted from My glory. I said in My word I would meet all your need out of My riches in glory. When the enemy distracts you from My glory he is attempting to delay the manifestation of breakthrough that My glory produces. When the enemy seduces you saying "lo here is Christ" or "lo there is Christ" know this that My anointing that changes YOUR life is within you not in some outward resource. I have not commissioned you nor ordained you to chase after anointings. The greatest anointing available to you is resident in you in My glory. Look within. My kingdom is within you. My kingdom is not some process or outcome that comes to you through the progression of some linear purpose through time. My glory is a resident, dynamic power on the inside of you working its way out to change every aspect of your life.

So know this today and walk in recognition of the fact that My kingdom is within you. Christ in you is your hope of glory. Christ outwardly proposed by men to be in some ministry or in religious infrastructure is not your hope of Glory says the Father. Do not be distracted. There are many false Christs. There are many misdirected men and women who are blindly leading My people away from who I already am on the inside of you. You are not waiting for anything. I AM already here on the inside of you. You are not deficient in any way for I AM on the inside of you pressing out of your belly in a river of living water that is reshaping your land for My glory. Press into My glory says the Father. Turn toward who I am on the inside of you. Know My glory and rejoice in My glory for there the price that was paid will make its full dividend of blessing to be made manifest in your life.

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