

Thursday 21 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today this is a time of "night season intimacy". As I stood by Paul in the night so I am coming to you in visitation to stand by you and cause you to receive that which I would communicate with you. I will bring night visions to you. I will open things up to you and draw back the curtain of the natural and show you what is really going on around you in the realm of principalities and powers. You are not isolated or left to yourself. As the young prophet I will cause you to know that greater in number are those that are for you than those that are against you opposing. I will make the realm of spiritual things more real and substantial to you than you have ever expected. As Paul who looked in on the Roman church by the Spirit, so you will awaken and not know whether you went somewhere in the Spirit or in reality.

Have you considered translation as a form of transportation? Scoffers may mock and religious authorities ridicule but as happened to Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch you will find yourself in one place and then another without reliance on the instrumentality of a natural mode of transportation. You see says the Father you are not a natural being having a spiritual experience you are a spiritual being having a natural experience in time and space. Adopt this mentality today knowing that you belong to Me and I have you safely tucked away in My pavilion. Though the world, the earth and all things in the Spirit be opened to you in vision, discernment and unveiling do not be intimidated. Just hold on to My hand and I will lead you. Do not expect others to understand. This isn't about impressing others - it is about a new place of understanding and authority in Me - where I get all the glory and you get to enjoy the benefits of what I have given you this day.

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