

Saturday 9 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today I am doing a new thing in your life. Though My plans were established from the foundation of the earth I have stored up some blessings to be revealed now - even this week. Open your heart and look expectantly for what I am doing today in your situation. It may look stagnant, as though nothing will ever change, but that is not how things really are. The things that are seen are temporal and changeable. Say that in your heart. See in your heart - blazoned across the threshold of your inner man "SUBJECT TO CHANGE". I am a changeless God that requires you to live in a state of anticipated change. Your security and stability does not arise because of what man does or plans or concedes to. Your security is in Me.

So be at peace says the Father. Come into the place of rest. Trust and know that your assignments and the tasks that I put before you are not in vain. Do not allow the urgency of outward demands to usurp the priorities and initiatives of heaven in your life. I am working with you. I am working in you. I am working through you. You are not a spectator to the process so never assume that you will sit idly by without any demand being placed upon your faith. Be a risk taker. I favor what you do, not what you think, or what you think you believe. You are not going to think yourself into breakthrough, you are going to walk yourself into breakthrough as you trust in Me and step out this day and every day with a radical expectation that I will change the things that need to be changed and rewrite your destiny according to My expectations for you and not man's.

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