

Friday 15 April 2016



The Sovereign LORD says today render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and render to My kingdom the balance of your life in trust and expectation that I do all things perfectly in My timing. You are not subject beloved, to the economy of man. You are not bound nor limited by the valuation that men lay upon your life. What man extracts from you I return seven fold for you are My beloved and it is My kingdom that rules over all. Fret not. Fret not when the kingdoms of this world impose their agenda upon your life. This world's governments, rulers and potentates hold the staff by My indulgence and there is nothing that man can take from you or do to you that I am ultimately not in charge of.

Even as I said in My word. My rule and My lordship over your life is the superintending force that provides for you and promotes you and elevates you into an experience of being seated with Me far above all power, or might or any name that can be named in this earth. Your treasuries are sheltered not in a bank vault or a protected account held by the institutions of men. Your treasuries are secure by My hand and you do not have to wait to exploit the dividends of that resource in your life. Let your heart rise in faith and let your mind begin to cognate with a deep and over arching comprehension of My sovereignty even over the mundane matters of finance and transactions of natural resources. I am your banker says the Father and I am making the deposit of heaven in your life to cause you to ride prosperously above the high places of the earth even this day.

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