

Monday, 31 August 2015


The idea of being “successful” is ultimately a matter of personal judgment. But regardless of personality, industry, or point in history, there are timeless truths about what it takes to achieve one’s potential.
Self-made industrialist Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man on the planet in the early 20th century and was a student of what it takes to achieve greatness. In 1908, he met with the journalist Napoleon Hill and decided that Hill would be the vehicle for sharing his strategies with the world.
Their conversations and Hill’s research on hundreds of self-made millionaires became the basis of the 1937 book “Think and Grow Rich,” which remains one of the bestselling books of all time. In 1954, Hill held a series of lectures in Chicago that expanded on the principles explored in his book.
These lectures are now collected for the first time in print in “Your Right to Be Rich.” Below, we’ve collected his observations on what it takes to be exceptionally successful from the sixth speech in the series, on personal initiative.
Here are the habits he found the most successful people have in common.
1. They have a definite purpose.
“The majority of people in this world could be very successful if they would just make up their minds how much success they want and on what terms they want to evaluate success,” Hill writes.
2. They know their motives.
Becoming a consultant at a big firm after two years at a top business school is a great goal for some people, but it means nearly nothing if the motive is simply that it’s a well-tread path. The most successful people are always aware of why they have their goals and are driven by this passion.
3. They surround themselves with people smarter than them.
It’s common to find huge egos among the power players of any industry, but they also know the extent of their capabilities and seek out people whose talents can complement theirs.
4. They are self-reliant.
A talented network and support group are necessary, but the most successful people also have a degree of self-reliance that allows them to pursue their definite purpose regardless of circumstances.
5. They have self-control.
Exceptionally successful people know how to control their emotions, not letting disappointments crush their spirits or achievements lead to cockiness. They also know that an impulsive decision can destroy years’ worth of work.
6. They are persistent.
Hill says it’s necessary to not only withstand difficulty but to use your setbacks as motivation to try even harder.
7. They find productive uses for their creativity.
People make an impact on the world by finding ways to direct their imagination to “definite and constructive ends,” Hill says.
8. They are decisive.
“If you do not have the habit of making clear-cut decisions promptly and definitely, you’re loafing on the job, procrastinating, and destroying this very thing called personal initiative,” Hill says.
9. They gather information before reaching conclusions.
On that note, Hill adds that it’s important not to make decisions or form opinions about a person or topic on a whim, ignoring relevant data.
10. They can control their enthusiasm.
All successful people are salesmen of a sort, Hill says. That’s to say they have a genuine passion for whatever drives them and are able to communicate this enthusiasm to others without overdoing it.
11. They are open minded.
“Unless you form the habit of maintaining an open mind on all subjects — toward all people at all times — you’ll never be a great thinker, you’ll never have a great, magnetic personality, and you certainly will never be very well liked,” Hill says.
12. They always do more than expected.
If you aspire to truly excel, you will do more than what you are paid to do.
13. They are diplomatic.
Hill says one of the things he found most remarkable about Andrew Carnegie was that he never saw him give a command, yet he still had employees who would go out of their way to help him. It was, Hill explains, because he was tactful with everyone he spoke with, always maintaining a polite and cool air about him. In “Think and Grow Rich,” Hill says there’s a reason despots are so often violently overthrown; it pays to be graceful.
14. They listen more than they speak.
The most successful people don’t use conversations to fuel their self-worth, but rather as a way of learning from another person.
15. They pay attention to details.
“A good executive, a good leader, or a good anything is a person who observes all the things that are happening around him, the good things and the bad things, the positives and the negatives,” Hill says. “He doesn’t just notice those things that interest him, he notices everythingthat may interest him or affect his interests.”
16. They can take criticism.
Hill says if you aspire to do something noteworthy in your field, you will draw criticism regardless of who you are or how well you do your job. Exceptionally successful people aren’t disturbed by critical remarks, but they do pay attention to ones that have merit and take lessons from them.
17. They are loyal.
“If you don’t have loyalty to the people that have a right to your loyalty, you don’t have anything,” Hill writes. “It doesn’t matter how brilliant, or sharp, or smart, or how well educated you are. In fact, the smarter you are, the more dangerous you may be if you can’t be loyal to the people who have a right to your loyalty.”
18. They are incredibly charismatic.
Hill says it’s a mistake to think you’re either born with an attractive personality or you’re not. It ultimately comes down to adopting the simple practices of listening closely to whoever you’re speaking with and being sympathetic to their perspectives.
19. They are focused.
The best leaders focus their attention and energy on a single project at a time. “Concentrated effort gives one power that can be attained in no other way,” Carnegie told Hill.
20. They learn from their mistakes.
A key difference between those who achieve their purpose and those who fall short is the perception of mistakes as worthwhile educational experiences rather than humiliating failures.
21. They accept responsibility for their subordinates’ failures.
Carnegie taught Hill that real leaders privately address their subordinates’ mistakes with them, but take the blame publicly without dissent. When you lead a group of people, they become reflections of yourself.
22. They praise the achievements of others.
Those who achieve a high level of success are comfortable with themselves and do not seek praise from others. They do, however, build strong relationships and inspire their team members by recognizing the good work of others.
23. They treat others the way they’d like to be treated.
Hill adopted Carnegie’s belief that business should be done according to the Golden Rule. “When you make any decision, or engage in any transaction involving the other fellow, put yourself in the other fellow’s position before you make a final decision,” Hill says.
24. They maintain a positive attitude.
It’s often easier to give into cynicism, but those who choose to be positive set themselves up for success and have better reputations.
25. They don’t make excuses.
“Success requires no explanations; failure permits no alibis,” Hill says.
26. They focus on what they want.
“Instead of thinking about the things you don’t want, the things you fear, the things you distrust, the things you dislike, think about all the things you like, all the things you want, and all the things you’re going to become determined to get,” Hill writes.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 31st August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Who is slothful in his work is a bother to great destroyer" (Proverbs 18:9)


God is interested in what you do for work and He is also interested in how you do it. The truth is your prospect for the future is determined by
 your work ethnic. For the next few days let's look at work ethic and how to either acquire it or avoid it if you want God's blessing

Laziness: 'I went pass the field of a sluggard...the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone was in ruins...I learned a lesson, a little sleep..folding the hand ...poverty will come on you like a bandit. (Pro 24:30NIV). Laziness produces just like a thief will rob you. The Bible says lazy people are (a) procrastinators ' A little sleep..folding of the hands. They say 'I will do it tomorrow ' but never comes.
(b)They are expensive to maintain. 'He who is slothful in his work is a brother to a great destroyer. They complain, cut corners, cripple business and cause hardship.
(c) They are quitters. They quit before jobs are finished. The lazy man does not roast his game.(pro12:27). He hunts the deer but won't clean it. Unfinished projects filled his life. Half built cupboards, half painted rooms, half tidied garages. Sound familiar?
(d) They are masters of excuses. 'The sluggards says there is lion outside or 'I will be murdered in the street!' (Pro 22:13). When he runs out of credible excuses, he goes for ridiculous ones. He will say 'you want me to get sick going to work in this weather? Whatever your work, do it conscientiously. Dont let laziness rob you of success.

Prayer Point

Father God, I reject laziness, I reject  procrastination. I receive God's ability to succeed at my work today.

Daily Bible Reading

2Chronicles 26-28; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm103:12

Sunday, 30 August 2015


From the desk Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 30th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)



If your children stood outside your house pleading to get in, what would you think? Would you say, 'come in you are my flesh and blood, I love you, you done need to beg? Well we can come into God's presence at any time. We are no longer strangers...but fellow citizens of the household of God... A holy temple. What a great privilege. These are the realities of our citizenship

1) As ' fellow citizens' we represent God's kingdom on earth. We are His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). What does an ambassador do? You ask. He stays in communication with his  king, understands his will and makes sure it's carried out to the letter. He also knows he doesn't belong in his hosting country permanently., so he lives ready for recall at any time, at a moment's notice. Getting the idea?

2) because we belong in the household of God we can come confidently before God at any time, with any need. And know that we will be received with love. God is the father you always hope for and you are the child He always wanted. If you have any doubts look at the cross; that's how much God values you. Remember every family member is supposed to contribute, be loyal, make sure the family good name is protected.

3) As God's household, we are a holy temple. In the old testament God has a temple for His people, but now God has His people for His temple. The Bible says, 'Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honour God. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Isn't is wonderful to know the very God the whole world is searching for lives gloriously within you. When you live with these realities you start to walk in a realm of divine possibilities that few know about.

Prayer Point

Father, thank you for making me your ambassador on earth. I will not disappoint my generation in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2Chro 10-12; 1Cor. 24:1-9; Pro 20:15-24

Saturday, 29 August 2015


The Best Kept Secret to Highly Successful Couples

According to Adam Grant, Wharton’s most popular and youngest tenured faculty member, author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, people fall into one of 3 distinct categories: Givers, Matchers and Takers. While Grant’s book is written for a business audience, its theories provide extraordinary insight into romantic relationships. The category you fall into may well determine the success andhappiness of your relationship!

For example, has a romantic relationship ever made you feel like you were not good enough? Have you ever been taken advantage of by a romantic partner? Have you ever felt like you gave everything to someone and ended up completely worn out? Then you may just fall into the “Giver” style of romantic partner.
Interestingly, while the Giver style may have its drawbacks, Givers are also usually the most attractive partners and more likely to have long-term relationships! A study examining the trait most highly valued in potential romantic partners suggests a different story: both men and women rate kindness as one of their most desired traits. Moreover, givers are also most likely to be affectionate, a trait which determines the long-term success of a relationship (as I describe in this post).
In order to understand where you fit in and how to best navigate your relationships with others, here’s a summary of the 3 styles of romantic partners.
3 Styles of Romantic Partners
Givers are people whose primary motivation is to take care of others, to make sure others are well, and to contribute to others and society. In a relationship, these are people who are always thinking about gifts for their partner, who take their partners’ interests into consideration, and who are always thinking “What else can I do for you?” They’re pretty awesome. As Grant mentions in his book—everyone likes having givers around because they are always happy to contribute and thinking of others. They understand the relationship as an opportunity to give and take care.
Givers often end up thinking there is something wrong with them when they are unhappy in a relationship. They are the ones who think they are not lovable or good enough because they take personal responsibility for making the relationship work (rather than blaming their partners). They can end up burned out and exhausted, from continuously giving at their own cost if they do not receive the support they need from the relationship.
Matchers tend to keep a balance sheet in a relationship. When matchers give they do so with an expectation of getting something in return. When they receive something, they feel like they have to give something back. Matchers are the ones who are keeping tabs, and view relationships as somewhat like a commercial transaction.They are the ones who are most likely to say something like: “I did this for you, but you didn’t do that for me” or “You paid for this, so I’ll pay for that.”
Takers are just that…takers. They usually treat people well only if and when those people can help them reach their goals. Interestingly, Grant points out that they often appear as the most charming and charismatic people on the surface. They know how to work the crowd and seduce, but under the surface they are actually motivated by self-interest. You can recognize a taker by how poorly they treat people that they believe are of no use to them. You know you’re in a relationship with a taker when you feel sucked dry for all you have (whether it’s money, affection, time etc.). Once the taker has everything they want from you, you may be relegated to the “unimportant” sphere of their life. Their primary focus is themselves.
So Who is Most Successful and Who is Least Successful?
Grant points out a fascinating fact about who, among these 3 styles, is happiest and most successful: It is givers. What about those who are least successful? Also givers! Why? Givers who learn to successfully navigate a world with matchers and takers make out great. Everyone loves givers, trusts them, and supports them when they are in need. So why are Givers also the least successful? Because some givers don’t know how to navigate that world and, as a consequence, end up taken advantage of. If you’re a giver, you’ve been there at least once both professionally and personally.
Imagine a relationship between a giver and a taker? These end up with the giver completely worn out, having perhaps spent their savings, time and energy on someone who keeps demanding more and never or scarcely provides for their partners’ needs (unless they do so temporarily because it behooves them at that moment).
So what makes a successful giver? Read Adam Grant’s book to get his complete lists of tips. One that stood out to me was the idea of being a “giver with awareness.” Awareness of what? Be aware that the world has givers, matchers and takers. Watch people’s words and actions, and you will know who is who. When you navigate romantic relationships, friendships or business partnerships, investigate which category your potential partner belongs to and don’t get blown away by first-impressions (as noted above, Takers are masters of first-impression charm). Then what? In a non-romantic situation, you can deal with Matchers and Takers by adopting a matcher-like attitude (I know, hard to do for a giver!). Start speaking in terms of “ok, we have an agreement, you do this and in exchange I will do this.”
What about in romantic relationships? I conferred with Adam Grant while writing this article and he shared the following tip about long-term love: “In the most successful relationships, both partners are givers. In other words, when a romantic relationship works, matchers and takers are focused on giving. Both partners might be giving in different ways, but they should be willing to support each other without expecting something in return. That said, when things get too far out of balance, I think we all become matchers.” Imagine a relationship where both partners are always caring for each other’s needs. Where when there is a fight, both are the first to say “I’m sorry, it was my fault.” In which both live their life with their partner’s best interest in mind. You better believe that matchers and takers are also looking out for givers so, if you’re a giver, be sure you seek one out for yourself too because you deserve it.
If you recognize yourself as a matcher or taker then—first of all—congratulations on being so honest with yourself. Of course, because of givers’ affectionate and service-oriented qualities, it is also in your best interest to have a partner who is a giver. However, I’d like you to consider 2 things:
First, givers will never be fully happy unless you support them as they support you. They will eventually feel worn out and perhaps even leave. In a recent studyby Amie Gordon at the University of California-Berkeley, those who experienced more gratitude in their relationship also felt closer to their partner, more satisfied with the relationship and tended to engage in more constructive and positive behaviors within the relationship. Ultimately, for a good relationship that benefits you, you will want your partner to be happy and will want to support them in return.
Second, as Grant’s book clearly outlines, givers are the ones who end up being most successful and happy, if they watch out not to be taken advantage of. A large amount of research now shows that a lifestyle comprised of kindness and service leads to greater fulfillment as well as health and happiness. If you want to be happy and successful, it therefore behooves you too to be or become a giver.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 28th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

" A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17 NKJV).


If you want frienship, you cannot always be the strong one. This can be a frightening reality, particularly if you've been hurt or manipulated by someone you once trusted. But a true friend will have to see you in your weakness at one time or the other and this can be the acid test for your relationship. Because the test of true frienship is whether or not you will be accepted after your weaknesses come to  light.

True friends serve each other. When was the last time you performed the act of servant hood for a friend to whom you are devoted. If you can't remember, you are probably living in core loneliness. A friend is someone you commit to not because of what they can do for you but because they're your friend. And friends listen. Even though they are busy. Listening is an act of love. It says I'm going to put my agenda on hold, and devote myself to knowing and caring for you. furthermore, when something goes right, friends celebrate. Do you do that? When was the last time that one of your friends had God bless them and you threw a party?

If you are not in this type of true and lasting relationship now you can't make it happen. But you can open yourself up to it. You can start pursuing it. You can ask God to guide you. You can take little rational risks. And if you already have friends like this, prize them. Protect them, enrich them in every way and take that friendship as deep as you can.

Prayer Point

Father, thank you for the people you've brought into my life. I receive wisdom and the heart of love to make the best of them in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

  Chro 21-23; 1Cor15:50-58; 1Cor16:1-4; Pro21:1-4

Friday, 28 August 2015


The best things in life may be free, but that doesn’t mean they won’t take time, sweat, and perseverance to acquire.
That’s especially the case when it comes to learning important life skills.
In an effort to ascertain which talents are worth the investment, one Quora reader posed the question: What are the hardest and most useful skills to learn?
We’ve highlighted our favorite takeaways.
1. Time management
Effective time management is one of the most highly valued skills by employers. While there is no one right way, it’s important to find a system that works for you and stick to it, Alina Grzegorzewska explains.
“The hardest thing to learn for me was how to plan,” she writes. “Not to execute what I have planned, but to make so epic a to-do list and to schedule it so thoroughly that I’m really capable of completing all the tasks on the scheduled date.”
2. Empathy
“You can be the most disciplined, brilliant, and even wealthy individual in the world, but if you don’t care for or empathize with other people, then you are basically nothing but a sociopath,” writes Kamia Taylor.
Empathy, as business owner Jane Wurdwand explains, is a fundamental human ability that has too readily been forsworn by modern business.
“Empathy — the ability to feel what others feel — is what makes good sales and service people truly great. Empathy as in team spirit — esprit d’corps — motivates people to try harder. Empathy drives employees to push beyond their own apathy, to go bigger, because they feel something bigger than just a paycheck,” she writes.
3. Mastering your sleep
There are so many prescribed sleep hacks out there it’s often hard to keep track. But regardless of what you choose, establishing a ritual can help ensure you have restful nights.
Numerous studies show that being consistent with your sleep schedule makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up, and it helps promote better sleep in general.
4. Positive self-talk
“Ultimately it doesn’t matter what others think of you,” writes Shobhit Singhal, “but what you think of yourself certainly does, and it takes time to build that level of confidence and ability to believe in yourself when nobody else does.”
On the other side of positive self-talk is negative self-talk, which Betsy Myers, founding director of The Center for Women and Business at Bentley University, believes can slowly chip away at your confidence.
5. Consistency
Whether you’re trying a new exercise routine, studying for the LSATs, or working on an important project,Khaleel Syed writes that consistency is vital to maintaining any kind of success.
People often stop working hard when they reach the top, he explains, but to maintain that top position, they have to work harder and be more consistent in their work.
6. Asking for help
“I once was told in a job interview, ‘You can’t have this job if you can’t ask for help when you need it,'” Louise Christy writes. “Naturally, I said I could. Later, I found out that the previous person with that job had screwed up big-time because he was in over his head but couldn’t admit it and didn’t ask for help.”
She explains that knowing when you need help and then asking for it is surprisingly difficult to learn and do because no one wants to be perceived as weak or incompetent.
But a recent study from the Harvard Business School suggests doing so makes you look more, not less, capable. According to the study authors, when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.
7. Knowing when to shut up — and actually doing it
“You can’t go around whining about every other thing that seems not-so-right to you in this world,” writesRoshna Nazir. “Sometimes you just need to shut up.”
There are many instances when keeping to yourself is the best course. “When we are angry, upset, agitated, or vexed,” writes Anwesha Jana, “we blurt out anything and everything that comes to our mind.” And later, you tend to regret it.
Keeping your mouth shut when you’re agitated is one of the most valuable skills to learn, and of course, one of the most difficult.
8. Listening
Along with shutting up comes listening, says Richard Careaga.
“Most of us in the workplace are so overwhelmed with things to do — instant messaging, phones ringing. I mean, our brain can only tolerate so much information before it snaps,” Nicole Lipkin, author of “What Keeps Leaders Up At Night,” previously told Business Insider.
One tip for active listening is repeating back what you heard to the other person. “It makes things so much easier when everyone is on the same page,” she said.
9. Minding your business
“It takes ages to learn and master this,” writes Aarushi Ruddra.
Sticking your nose into other people’s work isn’t helpful and wastes time and resources, she says. “You have no right to put forth your two or four cents, even if you are the last righteous person standing.”
10. Mastering your thoughts
To do what you want to do and accomplish what you want to accomplish, you need to consciously direct your thinking, writes Mark Givert.
“The challenge is that we are the product of our past experience and all of our thinking is the result of this,” he says. “However, the past does not equal the future.”


5 Principles For Employee Empowerment

So, how do you empower your employees? Dan Sanker, CEO of CaseStack, a logistics outsourcing company, cites encouraging open communication, providing plenty of contexts, and requiring accountability as key factors in employee empowerment. Here are five other principles to follow to reinforce employee empowerment:

1. Share your plans

Employees perform better when they know what they are working on. They will contribute better if they know they are part of something big in the company. Give them a clear picture of what you wish to accomplish and they will willingly set their course without requiring so much supervision from you.

2. Don’t put blame on people

Putting blame on people won’t get you the response or answer you seek. Instead of pointing fingers, look at what is wrong with the system. Perhaps something needs to be changed in the work flow that’ll help employees perform better.

3. Listen

This is something a lot of managers and executives forget. Oftentimes, they simply hear their employees but never really listen. As employees aspire to get their voices heard, leaders should be more mindful of these voices in order to inspire professional development and performance. People perform better when they know they are heard. Remember that a little humility goes a long way.

4. Value your employees

Whether it is through language, facial expression, or words, it is vital that you show your employees how much you value them. Show your appreciation for each unique insight and never falter to show gratitude when it is due no matter how minuscule the achievement is.

5. Reward and recognize

Under-noticed, under-valued, and under-praised employees don’t provide consistent results. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index estimates that unhappy employees cost a whooping $300 billion per year in lost productivity. That figure alone is enough reason to encourage employers to recognize and reward employees who show great effort in accomplishing their tasks as needed. Set goals that are appropriate to each employee and give praise openly when necessary. This will provide the motivational push needed to keep them committed to the company.
Empowered employees create an empowered company. As they are well motivated, they won’t hesitate to go the extra mile for the company. In today’s cutthroat competition, companies who are able to fully utilize and empower their employees stand the greater chance of success.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 28th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Do not be anxious about tomorrow" (Matthew 6:34AMP)


Most of the things we worry about never happen, or turn out better than we anticipate. Worry like faith is a spiritual force. Like magnet, it attracks the very things we fear, clouds our judgement, and distorts our perspective. God never intends for us to carry tomorrows burdens along with today's. So here are three steps to overcome worry:

1) Replace it. Telling someone not to worry doesn't necessarily stop it. Anxiety is like a an emotional spasm, the only way to change it is to relace it. "....whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy think about such things (Phil. 4:8). In other words, change the channel! Replace it with the word of God.

2) Dissect it. '...fear involves torment' (1john 4:18). Worry torments you, your imagination runs amok, conjuring all kinds of scary scenarios. But it's also illogical; when you take it apart rationally and systematically it loses it power.

3) Rise above it. A man was flying in an airpalne when one day when the sky grew dark. 'We can't see where we are going' he exclaimed. Calmly the pilot replied, 'we just need to rise above the ground heat, dust and smoke'. After climbing another 1000 feet they emerge into a clear, beautiful sky. Corrie Ten Boom called faith 'the rada that pierces through the fog'. When worry tries to fog you in, you can rise above it by moving to a higher dimension-the dimension of faith."....those who trust in the Lord will soar like Eagles...(Isaiah 40:31NLT). Hand your worries to Him today

Prayer Point

My father, I cast my worries and fears unto you because I am fully convinced that you are in charge of my life and you are able to do exceedingly above all I ever ask or think or do in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2Chro19-20; 1Cor15:35-49; Pro. 20:25-30

Thursday, 27 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 27th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Give and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 6:38)

The universe operates on laws and principles. The discovery and application of these laws has brought great scientific breakthroughs that is helping humanity in every sphere of life. In the same vein, the scripture is full of great spiritual principle that can guarantee a life of bliss of on earth. One of such law is the law of increase, it says 'give and it shalll be given unto you'. In other words. You don't get till you give something. God establish this law is Genesis 8:18... 'As long as the earth remains seed time and harvest shall not cease'. In other words if you have a need plant a seed!.  If harvest is your expectation, then plant a seed. A farmer never expect to reaps where he has not sown. Here is how it works:

1) You can give your way to great blessing. Jesus said 'Give and it shall be give unto you(Luke 6:38). A little seed has a potential  to bring great increase. A mango tree is in a mango seed, but if you don't release the seed you never get the tree. Increase begins at the point you release it.

2)What you do for others determines what God does for you. 'Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord(Ephesians 6:8NKJV).

3) Your gift is the key to your future, but you must be willing to give it. 'How?' You ask. By finding a cause greater than yourself and pouring your life into it.
The law of increase begin by focusing and starting with what you have not what you don't.

Prayer Point

My father, I receive the heart of generosity and the heart to help others in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2chro16-18; 1Cor15:1-34;Ps102:12-17

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


When you’re in a highly competitive field, talent and intelligence are prerequisites.
To excel, it helps to know how to connect with others and develop relationships. Nothing replaces a charismatic personality.
Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich” — one of the top-selling books of all time — wrote about the habits of the most likable people in his essay, “Develop A Pleasing Personality,” published in the collection “The Science of Success.”
He introduced his steps to having a “million-dollar personality” by explaining it was steel magnate Charles M. Schwab’s charming demeanor that in the late 19th century elevated him from a day laborer to an executive with a $75,000 salary and a frequent million-dollar bonus (a massive amount for the time).
Schwab’s boss, the legendary industrialist Andrew Carnegie, told Hill that “the yearly salary was for the work Schwab performed, but the bonus was for what Schwab, with his pleasing personality, could get others to do.”
Here are what Hill determined to be the habits of people who are so likable that others go out of their way to help them.
They develop a positive mental attitude and let it be seen and felt by others.
It’s often easier to give into cynicism, but those who choose to be positive set themselves up for success and have better reputations.
They always speak in a carefully disciplined, friendly tone.
The best communicators speak deliberately and confidently, which gives their voice a pleasing sound, Hill says.
If the idea of speaking in front of an audience terrifies you, practice until the experience of presenting to a crowd no longer feels alienating. It’s all a matter of repetition.
They pay close attention to someone speaking to them.
Using a conversation as an opportunity to lecture someone “may feed the ego, but it never attracts people or makes friends,” Hill says.
They are able to maintain their composure in all circumstances.
An overreaction to something either positive or negative can give people a poor impression. In the latter case, says Hill, “Remember that silence may be much more effective than your angry words.”
They are patient.
“Remember that proper timing of your words and acts may give you a big advantage over impatient people,” Hill writes.
They keep an open mind.
Those who close themselves off from certain ideas and associate only with like-minded people are missing out on not only personal growth but also opportunities for advancing their careers.
They smile when speaking with others.
Hill says that President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s greatest asset was his “million-dollar smile,” which allowed people to lower their guards during conversation.
They know that not all their thoughts need to be expressed.
The most likable people know that it’s not worth offending people by expressing all their thoughts, even if they happen to be true.
They don’t procrastinate.
Procrastination communicates to people that you’re afraid of taking action, Hill says, and are therefore ineffective.
They engage in at least one good deed a day.
The best networkers help other people without expecting anything in return.
Wharton professor Adam Grant categorizes these master networkers as “givers,” and he’s found that they build much stronger and more fruitful relationships than those who see professional connections as a zero-sum game.
They find a lesson in failure rather than brood over it.
People admire those who grow from failure rather than wallow in it. “Express your gratitude for having gained a measure of wisdom, which would not have come without defeat,” Hill says.
They act as if the person they are speaking to is the most important person in the world.
The most likable people use conversations as an opportunity to learn about another person and give them time to talk.
They praise others in a genuine way without being excessive.
“Praise the good traits of others, but don’t rub it on where it is not deserved or spread it too thickly,” Hill says.
They have someone they trust point out their flaws.
Successful people don’t pretend to be likable; they are likable because they care about their conduct and reputation, Hill says. Having a confidant who can be completely honest with them allows them to continue growing.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 26th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Nothing can get between us and God's love" (Romans 8:39 TM).


Opinions are powerful things! They either build us up or tear us down. They create ceiling above which we sometimes find it difficult to rise above. That's why its important to get God's opinion of you and stick with it. If others disagree it won't really matter. You wouldn't be so critical of yourself or so conscious of the opinions of others if you know how God felt about you. He made up His mind about you before you sinned. So when you sin, repent. Then dismiss the guilt because guilt is a product of doubt, it denies you the benefit of God's grace.

We live in a love starved world. People run form persons to persons looking for love. But there is an Oasis of love in the word of God. Its the living love letter, a statement of intent from the father who wants nothing but the best for His children if you doubt that read this "Do you think anyone is going to draw a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is now way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threat, not back stabbing....not even the worst sin listed in the scripture....none of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that...Nothing can get between us and God's love (Roman 8:35-39TM). Hallelujah! What a love!

But you say 'I fall so far short', we all do! Yet nothing nothing you've done has changed God's mind about you and nothing ever will! His love remains, its unconditional, constant and guaranteed. "His mercies endures forever" (Psalm 136:1NKJV). God's love for you is set in titanium, it has no cut off point! And that's the foundation you can build your life on today and always.

Prayer Point

Father I thank you for changing me and blessing me with your love in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2 Chronicle 13-15; 1 Corinthians 14:20-40; Psalm 101:1-8

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


'You cannot change what you will not confront! You have the ability through the power of the blessing to revolutionize your life and control your future' -- John Hagee



"You may feel like you are on the ropes, but help is on the way. God is going to subdue your enemies before you. The knock out punch to your enemies is now been delivered by the Spirit of God. The anointing removes the burdens from your life, and the yoke around your neck is crushed to dust and blown away by the wind. Pray in the spirit and give God praise for your victory, for surely this day is one in which you will go forward, unhindered by the things of the past. The echoes of your past is giving way to the voice of your destiny. The very same God who delivered Moses, David, Daniel, Naomi and many others is rescuing you now. Bless His name! Bless the name of the Lord for He is great and greatly to be praised. Lift up to the Lord your highest praise, for as you do the Lord is sending, sending, yes sending His mighty Angels of deliverance to make ways for you. Shout His praise, for the battle is the Lord's, and He has won the  victory for you." Hallelujah!!!


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 25th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Cloth yourself with humility" (1Peter 5:5 KJV)

Apostle Peter writes, cloth yourself with humility...for God is ooposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on Him, because He cares for you (1Peter 5:5-7). Peter expressed four very important thoughts, let's look at them each of them:
1) When Pater said cloth yourself with humility he actually was referring to a white scarf or apron typically worn by servants. Did you get that? We are called to servants. Though we carry the anointing of a king God wants us to wear the crown with great humility.
2)'God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble'. Those who are self centered find themselves at odd with God while the humble enjoy His blessing

3) 'Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time. The phrase ''the mighty hand of God is used in scriptures to symbolise two things: God hands of discipline and His hand of deliverance. And you need both. So submit to His discipline today and you will enjoy His deliverance.
4) Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.' Peter addresses the core issue worry that if we don't look out for ourselves nobody else will. But if we really believe that God cares for us, we neednt worry about serving our own interests. We can focus on the needs of others, confident that God will spare nothing when it comes to meeting our needs.

Prayer Point

 Father, I humble myself under your mighty hand, lift me up to my high places in life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2Chronicles 10-12; 1Corithians 14:1-19; Proverbs 20:15-24

Monday, 24 August 2015



This day, God is opening the door of hope, expectation and great manifestations to you and your family, you will sing and rejoice greatly in Jesus name.


'God will either give you what you ask, or give you something better '-- Robert Murray McCheney


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 24th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"How good when people live together in unity" (psalm 133;1)


Cooperation is working together with another. It's when the whole is greater than its parts. And creating positive cooperation is having the right people, at the place, at the right time, focusing on the right goal. I read that after world war II Chester Nimtz, Chief of US Naval operations wanted to keep alive public interest in naval aviation. As a result The Blue Angels Naval Flight Demonstrations Squadron was created and performed its first operation in one year. To this day the team has a clear objectives. They select only qualified candidates who consistently operate at peak performance. After been carefully screened, pilot must receive sixteen votes from the existing members. If one votes no, the candidate is out of the race. No reason or explanation required, that's the level of trust and respect the members have for one another's judgement. As a blue Angel, your team becomes your family. And when a new member is enlisted, you entrust him with your life. Making by the squad isn't the most important thing either. You are responsible for  playing your part, demonstrating your value and pursuing excellence on daily basis. Nothing short of total commitment is accepted.
Being a team player can be challenging but it can also be most rewarding in term of results and fulfilment.
Are you a soul trader or team player? Are you loyal and reliable? When the chips are down, can others rely on you to put their interest ahead of your own?

Prayer point

Father, as I work along side side others I receive the wisdom and strength to do my best in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ecclesiastes 4-6; 1 Corinthian 7:17-35; Proverbs 19:23-29; Proverbs 20:1-4

Sunday, 23 August 2015


From the Desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 23rd August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"I will save the limping (ones) and make them a name' (Zephaniah 3:19 AMP)


David and Jonathan had a covenant relationship that trickled  down to their heir . So when Jonathan died and David became king, he looked for someone to bless for Jonathan's sake. Just like God is looking to bless you for Christ sake. (See Ephesian 1:3). Jonathan had a son, Mephibosheth, who was lame and lived in Lo-Debar, -'the place of no bread'. That's significant because when your self esteem is non-existent your surroundings usually reflect it. You either give up or go the other side by striving to make your performance, your home, your appearance etc, look perfect. And that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself!

Mephibosheth knew he had certain rights because He was king Saul's grandson, yet he continued to live in poverty and isolation. And since his lameness embarrass him he avoided people who could help him. Are you doing the same by refusing to pursue God's blessing for your life? When you constantly see yourself in a negative light you tend to think God does too. Thankfully that's not true. Even those with a limp can succeed when they realise that their imperfections don't limit God. The truth is we all have a limp in some area! That's why God promised to save the limping ones and make them a name in every land of their shame'. Come on, you've have lived in Lo-Debar for too long its time to get in the place of the covenant and begin to enjoy God's blessing. It's time to claim your inheritance, to take your place at the king's table. Let go and let God!

Prayer Point

Father, I invoke the covenant of the blood of Jesus over every situation of my life, I come into supernatural help and blessing in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2Chro. 10-12; 1Cor. 14:1-9; Pro. 20:15-24

Saturday, 22 August 2015



"Great things are happening in your life this season, glorious things without measure, enlarge your heart, be expectant, for I have removed your restrictions. I am renewing my covenant, and restoring that which the enemy has taken away."


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 22nd August 2015

(Daily devotional)

"...For you have need of steadfast patience" ( Hebrew 10:36


One of the toughest times is when all we know about God seem not to be helping us get our desired results. That us when we learn about His silence.

Whenever God doesn't say a word (a) He is teaching us even in His stillness (b) He is allowing us to grow by forcing us to think, study and arrive at conclusions, while He stands by with a hushed smile and a watchful eyes. He is fathering us!

Faith comes by hearing, patience comes by silence! Patience is what God gives you when bad things remain unchanged and expectations are not met. It's God sedative for your troubled heart. It's the balm He rubs into your aching muscles when you feel like you are been stretched to your breaking point. These are the times that the pain last so long that only God can give the patience required, the sheer grace to sustain you. The truth is patience is nothing but strength harnessed, power focused and faith taking its time.

Listen, just keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finish this race we are in. Study how He did it. Because He never lost sight of where He was headed- that exhilarating finish in and with God- He could put up with anything along the way: The Cross,  shame, the pain of rejection and betrayal. And now He is there, in the place of honour, right alongside God. When you find your faith slowing down and you feel like throwing in the towel, go over this story again. If God didn't leave Jesus  in the grave, He won't leave you in the ditch. Go through!

Prayer Point

Lord thank you for fathering me with your grace and mercy. Though I do not understand all that you are doing in my life, I will always trust you in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2 chronicles 8-9; 1 Corithians 12:2-34; Psalm 98:1-9

Friday, 21 August 2015



1) Because you have a past.
You can't go back, but He can. The Bible says "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever(Heb 13:8). He can walk into those places of sin and failure, wipe the late clean and give you a new beginning.

2) Because you need a friend
Jesus knows the worst about you. Yet He believe the best about you. Why? Because He sees you not as you are but as you will be when He is though taking care if the issues of your life.

3) Because He alone holds the future.
Who else are you going to trust? In his hands you are safe and secure today, tomorrow and for all eternity. His word says for I know the plans that I have for you...plans for good and not for evil, to give a future and a hope...in tjose days when you pray I will listed (Jeremiah 29:11-13 TLB).

Pray this Prayer to commit your life to Christ.

"Lord Jesus, I invite you into my life. I believe you died for me and that your blood pays for my sins and provides me with the gift of eternal life. By faith I receive that gift and acknowledge you as my Lord and saviour. Amen.

*If you have made this decision, please make contact with a local church in your area  for further spiritual assistance.

God bless


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