

Saturday 15 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 15th August 2015


"This one thing I ask that will I seek after" (psalm 27:4)


Hindrances are things that stand in ones way. And if you are really serious about developing your spiritual life, begin by assessing what stands in your way. This will require honesty. The first challenge is how to deal with the stress in our lives and the resulting obstacles they produce in our minds. In his book Dr Howard Hendricks gives us 4 sources of things that clutter our minds:

1) We say yes to far too many things! Dr Lewis Sperry Chafer once said, 'much of our activity is little more than a cheap aneasthetic to deaden the pain of an empty life' all our going and doing fails to   our core of emptiness.

2)Not stopping to recharge our batteries. Our days are fully booked with activities of work, family and Church. But we spend little time to really detox, unwine and get refreshed. The resultant effect? We are stressed out, short tempered, horn blowing crowd, going from one poorly palnned activity to the other, doing things that add little to our spiritual well being.

3) Failure to enjoy what we accomplished. King Solomon wrote 'A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul' (Proverbs 13:19). We dash around too many things without taking time to savor a job well done. This makes us un-thankful to both God and men.

4) Owing more than we can repay. The next time you are face with an option to buy something on credit, wait and present it to God in prayer. We need to learn how to spend from God's pocket rather than our pockets which sometimes ends us in unnecessary debt.

If we really seroius about our spiritual life let's deal with some of these obstacles that might limiting our spiritual flow.

Prayer point

Father God, by your mercy remove every emotional, financial, material and physical cobwebs in my life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2 chro. 1:1-17; 1Cor. 6; Ps. 94:12-23

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