

Thursday 20 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 20th August 2015


"You are the light of the world...(Matthew 5:14)


Matthew writes, 'you are the light of the world. A city set upon a hill which cannot be hidden(Matthew 5:14). The only solution to darkness is light. And whenever light appears where there was once darkness there is always a change of status. God wants us to be His change agents in the world by illuminating the nooks and crannies of the globe thereby exposing and eliminating every works of darkness wherever they are found.

The world of politics, finance, education and entertainment etc are getting more and more off track. Yes the enemy is at work, taking Christ out Christmas, prayers out of schools and God out our government. The things that were once taboos are receiving the legal approvals like same sex marriage, medical marijuana etc. But he won't win! However, we have two choices: either to sit and let darkness overwhelm us or arise and influence it! Become what we are supposed to be. The Light! The three Hebrew children changed the politics of Babylon, Joseph the economist saved Egypt from famine, Elijah confronted the wicked king of Israel named Ahab. God wants us to feel the sense of urgency and responsibility. Thought the battle between darkness and light rages on all over the world, God has promised to 'crush satan under your feet'. God is raising up an Army of spirit-empowered believers who will demonstrate what its like to live in a different kingdom. Will you be part of His army? Get enlisted today.

Prayer Point

*Father, enlist me as a member of your army of lights in this generation in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2 Chronicles 1-4; 1 Corithians 9:19-27; 1 corinthians 10:1-13; psalm 97:1-12)

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