

Wednesday 12 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 12th August 2015

(daily devotional)

"Naaman was a great man, but he was a leper" (2kings5:1)


The story of Naaman presents a classic example of we  struggle to obey God and doing things in our own way. Below are three common mistakes that Naaman made in seeking God for a miracle:

1) He tried to buy his healing (see 2kings 5:5). He came with dromedaries of camels fully loaded to pay for the healing, but he was disappointed. Most of us would rather buy our way, than believe our way if possible into heaven. But it doesn't work that way. "By grace are you saved through faith" (Ephesian 2:8). And that's how you get everything in this kingdom.

2) He turned to a non believer for answers (see 2kings 5:6). The Bible says "Seek the Lord.. call upon Him (Isaiah 55:6). Christ is the answer, through Him alone we have access to God's saving grace.

3) He had a preconceived expectations. Naaman was a great man who was used to commanding great Armies, so when he got Elisha's house, instead of Elisha observing protocol and coming out personally, he sent a servant to say 'Go wash in the Jordan seven times and you will be clean (2kings 5:10). That was when Naaman exploded band walked away.

Here is the lesson we can learn: (a) Until you are ready to acknowledge your need God won't meet it. (b) Be opened to whoever God will send to you. God used a servant girl in the house of Naaman to tell him the truth. Uncommon vessel sometimes carry uncommon virtue. (c) You've got exhaust your own resources before you must be ready to tap into God's. (d) If you want answers, do it God's way. Until Naaman dipped seven times he remained a leper. So your readiness to do it God's way, will position you for a life of miracle, sign and wonders.

Prayer Point

*Father, show me your ways and teach me your path in Jesus name.

*Father God, let the word that will usher me into your overflowing blessing locate me in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

1Chronicles 24-25; 1Corinthians 4; Psalm 92:1-15.

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