

Tuesday 18 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 18th August 2015


"Let the wise listen and add to their learning' (Proverbs 1:5 NIV)


Personal growth is an essential part of success. Whatever has stopped ha started dying. Here are three reasons why you need to keep up with your personal growth and development.

1) Talent without personal growth limits your potentials. You were born loaded with abilities. But it's your personal development of those potentials that will determine your success in your field . The fastest  athletes in the world have the same number of legs we all have, what makes the difference is they develop their potentials through training, self disciple and by driving themselves beyond the limits. Start doing the same and your status as a star will be uncontestable

2) Personal growth prevents stagnation. Do you feel stuck career wise, relationally or even spiritually? You won't get unstuck by making external changes: looking for a different job, leaving your marriage partner and family, or moving into a new neighbourhood won't necessary bring about the success you desire.  A person with an average mentality will always produce average result irrespective of where he is. The truth is nobody is keeping you down but yourself. The lid on your life is you. In order to accomplish more you have got to grow more. So if you are serious about getting out of the rut, stop blaming people for where you found yourself, stop looking for quick fixes, take a long hard look at yourself, and accept responsibility for what you see happening around you. Pray, then decide to do something about it.

3) Personal growth guarantees success! The story was told of the Tartar tribe in central Asia that they used a particular curse againt there enemies. They didn't call call for their enemies to die of diseases. No, they said, 'May you stay in one place forever'. Wow! Not to work everyday to improve yourself at what you do is to suffer the fate. You will end up stuck in the same place, doing the same things. Dreaming the dreams but never getting anywhere. So start going something to improve yourself to make your dream a reality. You might to read books, get trained, or even return to school. Just do it!

Prayer Point

Father God, I receive the wisdom to improve myself, and the discipline to pay the price required to fulfil my dreams in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Eccletiates 7-9; 1 Corithians 7:36-40; 1 Corithians 8:1-13; Psalm 95:1-11

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