

Thursday 27 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 27th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Give and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 6:38)

The universe operates on laws and principles. The discovery and application of these laws has brought great scientific breakthroughs that is helping humanity in every sphere of life. In the same vein, the scripture is full of great spiritual principle that can guarantee a life of bliss of on earth. One of such law is the law of increase, it says 'give and it shalll be given unto you'. In other words. You don't get till you give something. God establish this law is Genesis 8:18... 'As long as the earth remains seed time and harvest shall not cease'. In other words if you have a need plant a seed!.  If harvest is your expectation, then plant a seed. A farmer never expect to reaps where he has not sown. Here is how it works:

1) You can give your way to great blessing. Jesus said 'Give and it shall be give unto you(Luke 6:38). A little seed has a potential  to bring great increase. A mango tree is in a mango seed, but if you don't release the seed you never get the tree. Increase begins at the point you release it.

2)What you do for others determines what God does for you. 'Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord(Ephesians 6:8NKJV).

3) Your gift is the key to your future, but you must be willing to give it. 'How?' You ask. By finding a cause greater than yourself and pouring your life into it.
The law of increase begin by focusing and starting with what you have not what you don't.

Prayer Point

My father, I receive the heart of generosity and the heart to help others in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

2chro16-18; 1Cor15:1-34;Ps102:12-17

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