

Friday 14 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 14th August 2015

"Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you" (1Peter 5:7)


We live in a very competitive society, where reward is based on performance. And more often than not when we can't measure up worry comes knocking at the . And when it does you need to stop it at the door or it will move in and take up residence. How do I do that? you ask. Listen    ' cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you". Another version of the Bible puts it this way '...Throw the whole weight of your anxiety upon Him, for you are His personal concern. (1Peter 5:7 PHPS). How wonderful, God cares, (He really does ) about the things that worry you and preys upon your thoughts, He cares about them more than you do. Not a single nagging, aching, worrisome, gut wrenching, blood pressure raising thought escapes His notice. Because you are His personal concern you never disappear from His screen.
What are those that qualify as worry? Any thing that drains your joy....anything that you cannot change...anything you are not personally responsible for.....anything you are unable to control....anything that frightens and torments you....anything that keeps you awake when you should be asleep...anything that draws silent tears of the night to your face...any thing that makes you sit indoors by yourself when you should be out with friends. All that stuff should be taken from your worry list to your prayer list. Listen, dont worry about anything but pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this you will experience God's peace (Philipian 4:6) NLT).
Develop a list of those things that worry you today and right in front of whatever they are write '..transfered to God'. The more you practice doing this the more exciting your walk with Him will become. You will be amazed at how easily He handles things that overwhelms you. Always keep this truth in mind.

Prayer Point

Father I hand over every anxiety, every fear and worry if my life. Thank you because you care about me in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

1 Chronicles 28-29; 1Corithians 5; Psalm 9:1-5

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