

Tuesday 11 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 11th August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Throw yourself into you task so that everyone will see your progress" (1Tim 4:15 NLT)


Success in life is measured by results. God has called us to go and bare fruits. An average person in any line of work could double their productive capacity if they practice all the right things they know they should do, and stopped doing all the things they know they shouldn't be doing. Now success doesn't just come by doing some. In other words activity does not equal productivity, you must do the right things. There are five pillars that will enhance your productivity.
 (1) Work on yourself. You don't produce what you want, you produce who and what you are. A person with an average mentality will always produce average results. Change your mentality, deepen your knowledge base and enlarge your mind.
(2) Get a good mentor. Growth comes by association. You need to get around the right people who will challenge you to be better in what you do (2 thess 3:7-9). Listen and learn from those that have gone before you in the field by that you limit your mistakes and increase your productivity.
 (3) Have a definite and a clear purpose. Be certain about what you are trying to accomplish. Effort without knowledge is like speed without direction. Work becomes a burden when purpose is lacking. Can you imagine twenty two players on a soccer field without a goal post? Define what you want to accomplish.
 (4) give it 110%. Good efforts brings good results. But to have above average result you must give above average effort. A wise man said 'give life all it demands and life will give you all it contains'. Hihgly successful people are one hundred and ten percenters and so should you. (5) Get the right resources. A work man is as good as his work tool. The better results you want to get the better resources you need to get. One of your greatest resources are good books. Paul challenged Timothy to become a reader(1 Timothy 4:13). What resources do you need to invest in to help you excel?
Your performance is tied to your preparations. So how well have been building capacity for your success. Are you just starting out? At the phase of rapid progress? Have you started making great gains. At what level you are you can always develop new capacities in order to reach higher.

Prayer Point
Father, teach my mind to see opportunities that others don't and teach my hand to prosper in everything I do this day in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

1 Chro. 22-23; 1Cor.2:6-16; Ps 91:9-16

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