

Wednesday 19 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 19th August 2015


"If you gain riches don't trust in them" (Psalm 62:10)


Adversity is a test and Success is also a test. Adversity challenges your faith, your resilience and your ability to cope under pressure. Solomon said "if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). On the other hand, how you handle success reveals your character. Handling success is even harder. Thomas Carlyle said 'for one man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred other who will stand adversity'. That's because hardship limits your options; it forces you to focus on surviving. But prosperity can can complicate your life by increasing your perceived 'needs' and testing your integrity. Why else would David say, 'if you gain riches don't trust them?

It's important for us to be clear on the fact that prosperity isn't wrong. The Bible says God promotes and downgrades as He sees fit. "He puts one down and exalts another' (Psalm 75:7). And he doesn't need our permission to do it. But God needs to know that you can handle increased success without losing you priorities and values, like the time you spend with Him in prayer, bible study and your services to Him.  Chuck Swindoll says 'Being successful doesn't give anybody the right to call wrong right or to say something is okay if it isn't....walking on a tight rope is harder than standing up in a storm'.  But it can be done! Joseph went on from prison to become a prime minister. (Read Genesis 41:42-43). Daniel was promoted to commander in chief over one third of the country (read Daniel 6:1-2). Amos went from picking fruits to being a prophet in a royal household.(Read Amos 7:14-15). God gave a humble cattle rearer by the name Job an untold wealth. He took David ' from the sheepfolds...to shepherd Isreal...according to integrity of His heart' (Psalm 78:70-72). God will take you from grass to great heights of grace and prosperity, but it's your Character that will keep you there! You need to prove to God that you have what it takes to stand when He blesses you.

Prayer Points

*Father, let anything in me that is keeping me in the low levels of life be removed from my life in Jesus name

*Father, I receive the heart of humility and right mental attitude that will keep me at the top in life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading.

Eccletiates 10-12; 1 Corithians 9:1-18; psalm 96:1-13)

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