

Friday 21 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 21st August 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"God did not give us the spirit of fear..." (2Timothy 1:7 AMP)


We all have things that makes our palm sweat and our hearts skip some beats; God never said we will not experience the all too real emotions of fear. But He keeps saying 'fear not'. It's actually said the word 'fear not' was mentioned 365 times in the bible, that's one for each day of the year. God wants you to confront your fears. So while you are asking Him to remove your mountains, He wants to give you the courage to conquer it. Taking action,  moves you from being a victim to becoming a victor by confront your fears head on, not fleeing from them. The bible says" fear involves torment" (1 John 4:18NKJV). Your fears can actually immobilise you, and they are going to keep on attacking your mind if do nothing about it. How do I confront and conquer my fears you say?:
1) Bury your fears alive. Deliberately refuse to allow your fears to be registered in your mental faculties. Treat it with ignominy. It's only what gets your attention that can bring frustration to your life.
2) Stand up to it. Do the exact thing you are afraid to do. For example if you can't fly in an earoplane because you are afraid of height, buy an air ticket and fly anyway
3) Get knowledge about your fears. Many times our fears are rooted in our ignorance. When you get expert knowledge about the particular thing you are facing you will find out that you've been dealing with false evidences appearing real in your life. You will burst your fear bubbles.

Remember in the book of 2 Samuel 17:34. If David hadn't confronted the lions and the bears that came to attack the sheep in his care he would also not have been able to confront goliath when the opportunity came. And would have lost the opportunity of becoming Israel's next king. Don't let fears  continue to rob you of great opportunities, take action today.

Prayer Point

In the name of Jesus I reject the spirit of fear and I receive the Spirit of faith, power and sound mind.

Daily Bible Reading

2 Chronicles 5-7; 1 Corithians 10:14-33; 1 Corithians 11:1; Proverbs 97:1-12)

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