

Friday 14 August 2015


We all want our children to be great in life. But we have have the tedious work of molding the child into the global leader he or she is destined to be. Below is the continuation of how they can be so molded:

Say No

Overindulging children is a surefire way
to limit their development as leaders. To
succeed as a leader, one must be able to
delay gratification and work hard for
things that are really important.
Children need to develop this patience.
They need to set goals and experience
the joy that comes with working
diligently towards them. Saying no to
your children will disappoint them
momentarily, but they’ll get over that.
They’ll never get over being spoiled.
Let Children Solve Their Own Problems
There’s a certain self-sufficiency that
comes with being a leader. When you’re
the one making the calls, you should also
be the one who needs to stay behind and
clean up the mess these create. When
parents constantly solve their children’s
problems for them, children never
develop the critical ability to stand on
their own two feet. Children who always
have someone swooping in to rescue
them and clean up their mess spend
their whole lives waiting for this to
happen. Leaders take action. They take
charge. They’re responsible and
accountable. Make certain your children
are as well.

*Walk Your Talk

Authentic leaders are transparent and
forthcoming. They aren’t perfect, but
they earn people’s respect by walking
their talk. Your children can develop this
quality naturally, but only if it’s
something they see you demonstrate. To
be authentic, you must be honest in all
things, not just in what you say and do
but also in who you are. When you walk
your talk, your words and actions will
align with who you claim to be. Your
children will see this and aspire to do
the same.

*Show You’re Human

No matter how indignant and defiant
your children are at any moment, you’re
still their hero and their model for the
future. This can make you want to hide
your past mistakes for fear that they’ll
be enticed to repeat them. The opposite
is true. When you don’t show any
vulnerability, your children develop
intense guilt about every failure because
they believe that they’re the only ones to
make such terrible mistakes.
To develop as leaders, children need to
know that the people they look up to
aren’t infallible. Leaders must be able to
process their mistakes, learn from them.

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