

Sunday 16 August 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 16th August 2015


"For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit" (Galatians 5:17 NIV)


There is always a great struggle between the flesh and the spirit. Whether you win or lose thia battle will determine your spiritual progress.  How do win this unrelenting battle?

1) By first acknowledging that there is a battle. Your flesh will always crave satisfaction in the things that God hates. This old civil war rages on. Your flesh never takes a holiday.

2) By admitting that you are powerless to win without God's help. By submitting to God, you draw on his strength in the first moment of each test. And your ability to do that will grow as you keep practicing this spiritual discipline. The closer you get to God the stronger you become when you are faced with temptations.

3) By deciding that self discipline is a personal matter. You can depend on no one else to develop it for you. Apostle Paul writes "I run...I box...I discipline my bodyk (1corithians 9:26NAS). This is something only you can do. If someone else has to restrain you it doesn't work.

4) By understanding that ignoring the consequences invites disaster! Lack of self discipline will inevitably lead to embarassment for you, and  those you love. So before you indulge, consider the fallout! In 1 Corinthians 9:27 Paul speaks about being 'disqualified'. What does that mean? It means losing respect in the eyes of others. It means limiting God's ability to use you for His purposes. It means hurting the course of Christ in the eyes of the world who is always watching. When david committed adultery with Bathsheba, Nathan the prophet said unto him, "by doing this you made the enemies of God to show contempt" (2samuel 12:14) to win this battle, keep these things in mind.

Prayer Point

*Father grant me grace for a life of victory over the flesh in Jesus name

*Father by the power of the Holy Spirit I subdue the unrighteous demands of my flesh in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Ecclesiates 1-3; 1 Corinthians 7:17-35; Psalm 94:12-23

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