

Tuesday 29 August 2017


8 And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:
9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto
Acts 19:12
So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases
departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
Galatians 6:11
 Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.
Romans 6:17
 But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that
form of doctrine which was delivered you.

Matthew 25:14
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own
servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
Acts 3:6
 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
How the Lord Sent Me to South Africa
I planned to go to Africa as a boy. I looked forward to it through my young
Shortly after my baptism in the Holy Spirit, a working of the Spirit
commenced in me that seemed to have for its purpose the revelation of the
nature of Jesus Christ to me and in me.
Through this guardianship and remolding of the spirit, a great tenderness for
mankind was awakened in my soul. I saw mankind through new eyes. They
seemed to me as wandering in the midst of confusion, having strayed far,
groping and wandering hither and thither. They had no definite aim and did
not seem to understand what the difficulty was, or how to return to God.
The desire to proclaim the message of Christ and to demonstrate His power
to save and bless grew in my soul, until my life was swayed by this
overwhelming passion.
However, my heart was divided. I could not follow successfully the ordinary
pursuits of life and business. When a man came into my office, though I
knew that twenty or thirty minutes of concentration on the business at hand
would possibly net me thousands of dollars, I could not discuss business
with him.
By a new power of discernment I could see his soul and understand his inner
life and motives. I recognized him as one of these wandering sheep and
longed with an overwhelming desire to help him find God and find himself.
This division in my soul between business interests and the desire to help
men find God became intense. In many instances what should have been a
successful business interview and the closing of a great business transaction
ended in a prayer meeting. I would invite the individual to kneel with me
while I poured out my heart to God on his behalf.
I determined to discuss the matter with the president of my company and
frankly told him the condition of soul I found myself in and its cause.
He kindly replied: "You have worked hard, Lake. You need a change. Take a
vacation for three months. If you want to preach, preach. But at the end of
the three months, $50,000 a year will look like a lot of money to you, and
you will have little desire to sacrifice it for dreams of religious possibilities."
I thanked him, accepted an invitation to join a brother in evangelistic work,
and left the office, never to return.
During those three months I preached every day to large congregations, saw
a multitude of people saved from their sins and healed of their diseases, and
hundreds of them baptized in the Holy Ghost. At the end of the three months,
I said to God: "I am through forever with everything in life but the
proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
I disposed of my estate, distributed my funds in it manner I believed to be for
the best interests of the Kingdom of God, made myself wholly dependent
upon God for the support of myself and family, and abandoned myself to the
preaching of Jesus.
While ministering in a city in northern Illinois, the chore boy at the hotel
where we were staying asked for help in sawing down a large tree. I
volunteered to assist him. As we sawed the tree, the "spirit of the Lord spoke
within my spirit clearly and distinctly: "Go to Indianapolis. Prepare for a
winter campaign. Get a large hall. In the spring you will go to Africa."
It all came to pass. It is power. Power is manifest in many ways. There is the
power of faith which draws to you what seems impossible.
I returned to the hotel and told my wife of the incident. She said: "I knew
several days ago that your work here was done, for as I prayed the Spirit said
to me, 'Your husband is going on.' "
. I went to Indianapolis and the Lord directed in a marvelous way. In a few
days I had secured a large hall and began conducting services, as He had
One day during the following February (after I had been preaching some
time), my preaching partner said to me, "John, how much will it cost to take
our party to Johannesburg, South Africa?"
I replied, "Two thousand dollars.
"Well, if we are going to Africa in the spring, it is time that you and I were
praying for the money."
"Tom, I have been praying for the money ever since New Year's. I have not
heard from the Lord or from anyone else concerning it.
"Never mind. Let's pray again.
We went to Tom's room and knelt down by his bed in prayer.
After some time he slapped me on the back, saying, "Don't pray anymore,
John. Jesus told me just now that He would send us that two thousand
dollars, and it would be here in four days."
Four days later Tom returned from the post office and threw out upon the
table four $500 drafts, saying, "John, there is the answer. Jesus has sent it.
We are going to Africa."
The gift of money had been sent to Tom by a friend with a letter. The letter
read, "I was standing in the bank at Monrovia, California, and something
said to me, 'Send Tom Hezmalhaltz two thousand dollars.' It is yours, Tom,
for whatever purpose God has shown you."
I never knew who wrote the letter, as he desired that no one else know.
We went straight out and purchased the tickets for the entire party to travel
from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Johannesburg, South Africa. There were
twelve of us my family of eight and four others.
We had our tickets to Africa, but there would be many other expenses en
route. I had only $1.50 in hand.
As our train pulled out of the station at Indianapolis, a young man who had
worked as my secretary ran alongside the train and threw a two dollar bill
through the window. That gave us a total of $3.50.
A young lady, who had been one of our workers, was traveling with us as far
as Detroit, Michigan. I needed $ 10 to buy her a ticket to northern Michigan.
As we rode along, I said to my wife, "Jen, when we reach Detroit, I will need
$10 for ' Winnie's railway ticket; but I have no money." So we bowed our
heads and prayed.
 We always followed this practice concerning our needs. We never told
anyone what our needs were, but we always told the Lord.
When we arrived in Detroit, my brother and married sister were there to
meet us and with them was my younger brother, Jim.
As I stepped off the train, Jim took me by the arm and walked across the
station with me. Then he said, "Jack, I hope you won't be mad, but I would
like to give you this, " and he pulled out of his wallet a ten dollar bill and
slipped it into my vest pocket.
I thanked him, turned about, and went to purchase Winnie's ticket.
I still had $3.50. We purchased some canned beans and other edibles which
we used on the train a route to St. Johns, New Brunswick.
When we finally arrived at the ship for Liverpool, I had $1.25 left. On board
I gave 50 cents to the table steward and 50 cents to the bedroom steward.
When we reached England, I still had 25 cents.
We remained five days in Liverpool at the expense of the transportation
company, waiting for the second ship.
One day Mrs. Lake said to me, "What about our Laundry?
I replied, "Send it down. I have no money, but perhaps the Lord will meet us
before we need to get it." Being very busy, I forgot about it entirely.
On the last night of our stay in Liverpool, just after I had retired about
midnight, my wife said, How about the laundry?"
I replied, "I'm sorry, but I forgot it."
"Just like a man! Now I'll tell you about it. I new you didn't have any money,
neither did I. So I prayed about it. After praying, I felt that I should go down
to the laundry and inquire what the amount of the bill was. It was $1.65. As I
was returning to the hotel, I passed a gentleman on the street. He said,
'Pardon me, but I feel I should give you this.' He handed me a number of
coins. I returned to the laundry, counted it out to the laundry man, and found
it was just the amount of the bill."
We rejoiced in this little evidence of God's presence with us.
The next morning we left by train for London and that evening boarded our
ship for South Africa.
At that time, I had an English shilling. When our ship stopped at Madeira,
one of the Canary Islands, I purchased a shilling's worth of fruit for the
children and the last penny was gone.
Through my knowledge of the immigration laws of South Africa, I knew that
before we would be permitted to land, I must show the immigration
inspector that I possessed at least $125. We prayed earnestly over this
matter. About the time we reached the Equator, a rest came into my soul
concerning it, and I could pray no more.
About eight or ten days later we arrived in Cape Town harbor, and our ship
anchored. The immigration inspector came on board and the passengers
lined up at the purser's office to present their money and receive their tickets
to land.
My wife said, "What are you going to do?"
"I am going to line up with the rest. We have obeyed God this far. It is now
up to the Lord."
As I stood in line, awaiting my chance to explain our dilemma, a fellow
passenger suddenly tapped me upon the shoulder and indicated that I step out
of the line and walk over to the ship's rail to speak with him. He asked me
some questions, then he drew from his pocket a traveler's checkbook. He
handed me two money orders totaling 42 pounds sterling, or $200.
He said, "I feel led to give this to help your work."
Johannesburg is 1000 miles inland from Cape Town. Throughout the voyage
we earnestly prayed about the subject of a home. As faith missionaries, we
had neither a Board nor friends behind us to furnish money. We were
dependent upon God. Many times during the trip to Johannesburg, we bowed
our heads and reminded God that when we arrived there we would need a
Upon our arrival, as we stepped ashore, observed a little woman bustling up,
whom I instantly recognized to be an American. She stepped up to Tom and
said, "You are a American missionary party?" He replied, "Yes."
"How many are there in your party?"
"No," she said, "you are not the family. Is there any other?"
He said, "Yes. Mr. Lake."
Turning to me, she said, "How many are in your, family?"
I answered, "My wife, myself, and seven children only."
"Oh," she said, "you are the family."
"What is it, madam?"
"While in prayer last night, God told me to meet, this boat, and there would
be upon it an American missionary with a family of nine, consisting of two
adults and seven children, and that I was to give them a home."
At 3 o'clock that same afternoon, we were in a furnished cottage in
Johannesburg. God had provided the home for us.
Our beloved benefactor was an American missionary, Mrs. C. L. Good
enough. She remained our beloved friend and fellow worker in the Lord.
And that is how we got to Africa.
How I Came To Devote My Life to the Ministry of Healing
No one can understand the tremendous hold the revelation of Jesus as a
present day Healer took on my life, and what it meant to me, unless they first
understand my environment.
I was one of 16 children. Our parents were strong, vigorous, healthy people.
My mother died at the age of 75, and my father, still lives at the time of this
writing', and is 77.
Before my knowledge and experience of the Lord as our Healer, we buried
eight members of the family. A strange train of sicknesses, resulting in
death, had followed the family. For 32 years some member of our family
was an invalid. During this long period, our home was never without the
shadow of sickness. ,
As I think back over my boyhood and young manhood, there comes to mind
remembrances like a nightmare: sickness, doctors, nurses, hospitals, hearses,
funerals, graveyards, and tombstones; a sorrowing household; a
brokenhearted mother and grief stricken father, struggling to forget the
sorrows of the past, in order to assist the living members of the family who
needed their love and care.
When Christ was revealed to us as our Healer, my brother who had been an
invalid for 22 years, upon whom my Father had spent a fortune for
unavailing medical assistance was dying. He bled incessantly from his
kidneys and was kept alive through the assimilation of blood creating foods
which produced blood almost as fast as it flowed from his person. I have
never known any man to suffer so extremely and for so long as he did.
A sister, 34 years of age, was then dying with five cancers in her left breast.
Before being turned away to die, she had been operated on five times at a
large hospital in Detroit, Michigan, by a German surgeon of repute. After the
operations, four other "heads" developed, making five cancers in all.
Another sister lay dying of an issue of blood. Day by day, her lifeblood
flowed away until she was in the very throes of death.
In my own life and circumstances, there were similar conditions. I had
married and established my own home; but very soon after marriage, the
same train of conditions that had followed my father's family seemed to
appear in mine. My wife became an invalid from heart disease and
tuberculosis. She would lose her heart action and lapse into unconsciousness.
Sometimes I would find her lying unconscious on the floor or in her bed,
having been suddenly stricken.
Stronger and stronger stimulants became necessary to revive her heart until
we were using nitroglycerine tablets in a final, heroic effort to stimulate the
action of her heart.
After these heart spells, she would remain in a semi paralytic state for weeks,
the result of over stimulation, the physicians said.
But suddenly, in the midst of the deepest darkness, when baffled physicians
stood back and acknowledged their inability to help, when the cloud of
darkness and death was again hovering over the family the message of one
godly minister, great enough and true enough to God to proclaim the whole
truth of God, brought the light of God to our souls!
We took our dying brother to a Healing Home in Chicago, where prayer was
offered for him with the laying on of hands. He received an instant healing
and arose from his deathbed a well man. He walked four miles, returned
home, and took a partnership in our father's business.
Great joy and a marvelous hope sprang up in our hearts! A real manifestation
of the healing power of God was before us. We quickly arranged to take our
sister who suffered from cancers, to the same Healing Home. We had to take
her there on a stretcher. As we carried her into the healing meeting, she was
speaking within her soul, Others may be healed because they are so good,
but I fear healing is not for me. It seemed more than her soul could grasp.
But after listening from her cot to the preaching and teaching of the Word of
God on healing through Jesus Christ, hope sprang up in her soul. She was
prayed for and hands were laid on her. As the prayer of faith arose to God,
the power of God descended upon her, thrilling her being. Her pain instantly
vanished! The swelling disappeared gradually. The large core cancer turned
black and in a few days fell out. The smaller ones disappeared. The
mutilated breast began to regrow, and it became a perfect breast again.
How our hearts thrilled! Words alone cannot tell this story! A new faith
sprang up within us. If God could heal our dying brother and our dying
sister, causing cancers to disappear, He could heal anything or anybody!
Then our sister with the issue of blood began to look to God for her healing.
She and her husband were devout Christians; and although they prayed, their
prayers seemed unanswered for a time. Then one night I received a
telephone call and was told that if I wished to see her in this life, I must
come to her bedside at once.
Upon arriving, I found that death was already upon her. She had passed in
unconsciousness. Her body was cold. No pulse was discernable. Our parents
knelt, weeping, beside her bed, and her husband knelt at the foot of the bed
in sorrow. Her baby lay in his crib.
A great cry to God, such as had never before come from my soul, went up to
God. She must not die! I would not have it! Had not Christ died for her? Had
not God's healing power been manifested for the others, and should she not
likewise be healed?
No words of mine can convey to another soul the cry that was in my heart
and the flame of hatred for death and sickness that the Spirit of God had
stirred within me. The very wrath of God seemed to possess my soul!
After telephoning and telegraphing some believing friends for assistance in
prayer, we called on God. I rebuked the power of death in the name of Jesus
Christ. In less than an hour, we rejoiced to see the evidence of returning life.
My sister was thoroughly healed! Five days later she came to my father's
home and joined the family for Christmas dinner.
My wife, who had been slowly dying for years, suffering untold agonies,
was the last of the four to receive God's healing touch. But, oh, before God's
power came upon her, I realized as never before the character of
consecration God was asking, and what a Christian should give to God.
Day by day, death silently stole over her. Then the final hours came. A
brother minister who was present walked over and stood at her bedside.
Then returning to me with tears in his eyes, he said, "Be reconciled to let
your wife die."
I thought of my babies. I thought of her whom I loved as my own soul, and a
flame burned in my heart. I felt as if God had been insulted by such a
suggestion! Yet I had many things to learn.
In the midst of my soul storm, I returned home, picked up my Bible from the
mantelpiece, and threw it on the table. If ever God caused a man's Bible to
open to a message his soul needed, surely He did it then for me.
The Book opened at the l0th chapter of Acts, and my eyes fell on the 38th
verse, which read, God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and
with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were
oppressed of the DEVIL; for God was with him.
Like a flash from the blue, these words pierced my heart: Oppressed of the
devil! So, God was not the author of sickness! And the people whom Jesus
healed had not been made sick by God!
Hastily taking a reference to another portion of the Word, I read the words of
Jesus in Luke 13 16. Ought not this woman . . . whom SATAN HATH
B0UND, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond? Once again
Jesus attributed sickness to the devil.
What a faith sprang up in my heart! What a flame of knowledge concerning
the Word of God and the ministry of Jesus went over my soul! I saw as never
before why Jesus healed the sick: He was doing the will of His Father; and in
doing His father's will, He was destroying the works of the devil. Hebrews 2
I said in my soul, This work of the devil this destruction of my wife's life in
the name of Jesus Christ shall cease, for Christ died and Himself took our
infirmities and bare our sicknesses.
We decided on 9:30 a.m. as the time when prayer would be offered for my
wife's recovery, Again, I telephoned and telegraphed friends to join me in
At 9:30 1 knelt at her deathbed and called on the living God. The power of
God came upon her, thrilling her from head to feet. Her paralysis left, her
heart became normal, her cough ceased, her breathing became regular, and
her temperature became normal. The power of God was flowing, through
her, seemingly as blood flows through veins,
As I prayed, I heard a sound from her lips not the sound of weakness as
before, but a strong, clear voice. She cried out, "Praise God, I am healed!
With that, she caught hold of the bed clothing, threw it back, and in a
moment was standing on the floor.
What a day! Will I ever forget it? The power of God thrilled our souls, and
the joy of God possessed,' our hearts because of her recovery.
The news spread throughout the city, the state, and the nation. Newspapers
discussed it and our home became a center of inquiry. People traveled great
distances to see and talk with her. She was flooded with letters.
A new light dawned in our souls. The church had diligently taught us that the
days of miracles had passed; and believing this, eight members of the family
had been permitted to die. But, now, with the light of truth flashing in our
hearts, we saw that as a lie, no doubt invented by the devil and diligently
heralded as truth by the church, thus robbing mankind of its rightful
inheritance through the blood of Jesus.
People came to our home, saying, "Since God l1as healed you, surely He
will heal us. Pray for us." We were forced into it. God answered, and many
were healed.
Many years have passed since then, but no day has gone by in which God
has not answered prayer. I have devoted my life, day and night, to this
ministry; awl people have been healed not by ones and I twos, nor by
hundreds, or even by thousands, but by tens of thousands.
In due time, God called me to South Africa, where I witnessed a
manifestation of the healing power of God such as the world perhaps has not
seen since the days of the apostles.
Christian men were baptized in the Holy Ghost, went forth in the mighty
power of God, proclaiming the name of Jesus and laying hands on the sick.
And the sick were healed! Sinners, witnessing these evidences of the power
of God, cried out in gladness and gave themselves to the service of God.
Like it was in the days of Jesus: There was great joy in that city and that
nation Acts 8 8.
Finally, God brought me to Spokane, where we have ministered to hundreds
of sick persons each week, The city is filled with the praises of God More
because of the blessed manifestations of God's Adventures In God healing
power everywhere. People have come from as far as 5,000 miles away for
healing. Some have written letters. Others have telegraphed. Some have
cabled from halfway round the world, asking for prayer, and God has
graciously answered.
Ministers and churches throughout the land have seen that, although the
church has taught that the days of miracles only belonged to the times of the
apostles, that statement was a falsehood. They have seen that the healing
power of God is as available to the honest soul today as it was in the days of
Christ on the earth. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance, and
Jesus is the Healer still.
More Adventures in God
During my ministry in South Africa, I came across a bachelor who hated
everything that was Christian. He had a reputation for cussing preachers off
his place.
One day I realized that he had not been seen for it while, so I decided to pay
him a visit. Immediately, I was warned as to what kind of a reception I could
expect. I went anyway.
Upon entering his home, I observed that he was it very sick man. Before he
could say a thing, I tossed my hat down, prayed that God would heal him,
and Left.
A few days later he came to church. He was a changed man!
The Christian, the child of God, the Christ man who has committed his body
as well as his spirit and soul to God, ought not to not be a subject for healing.
He ought to be a subject of continuous, abiding health, because he is filled
with the life of God.
Jesus Christ is at once the law and life of God.
When I lived in Africa, one of our departments was the native work. I bless
God for the marvels He let me witness among the native people. I believe we
had a privilege never accorded any other white man in modern times.
In Basutoland, on Christmas Eve, 1912, the Lord's Supper was administered
to 75 healed lepers. They had been healed under the ministry of a black

fellow whose sole raiment when we first knew him was a goatskin apron.

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