

Thursday 22 June 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Thursday 22nd June 2017


TEXT:  "And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father’s house. And the name of the second called he Ephraim: for God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my
affliction" (Genesis 41:51-52).

No matter what hardships you have been through, God always has a plan to move you forward to a new chapter. 

Whether your hardships are from your distant past or they just occurred yesterday, God is always beckoning you to put that season of toil behind you. Notice in the verses above when Joseph called his firstborn Manasseh, it was because God had made him forget all his hardship and all his father’s house. Why all his father’s house? That is because to him, the years he spent growing up held a lot of bad memories and hurts. Maybe your upbringing or some events this year often brings such memories. Well, it’s time to move from that place and open a new chapter. You can’t move into your next season keeping your eyes on the Manasseh experience of your life. It is your Ephraim chapter, which in the Hebrew means double fruitfulness! (See Genesis 41:52.) Even negative experiences from this week will lose their ability to keep you down when you choose to forget your struggles. It’s time to forget the pain of yesterday and dwell instead on the blessings of tomorrow and wonderful fruit God is producing in your life. So welcome to a new and a glorious chapter of your life!


I am an evidence that Jesus Christ is alive and at work. today I declare that my struggles are over, I move from a season of pain to gain, from a season of strugglesss to great success and from a season of minimum existence to maximum living in Jesus name


*Father thank you for bringing me and my family into this new day in Jesus name
*O Lord God, Thank you for opening a new chapter of my life and destiny in Jesus name
*O Lord God, let every yoke of hardship on my life and family be broken by fire in Jesus name
*Lord God, let your power move me into a new season of ease in life in Jesus name
*O Lord, break the yoke of stagnation on my life in Jesus name
*My Author and Finisher, start something new in my life and destiny in Jesus name
*Lord, open the doors of fruitfulness unto me this day in Jesus name
*I command negative circles of problems in my life, break by fire in Jesus name
*Lord, lift me up where people have left let me down in Jesus name
*God’s agent for supernatural turnaround go to work on my behalf this day in Jesus name
* By the power of the Holy Spirit I command testimonies to manifest concerning……………………..in Jesus name

Judges 4, Judges 5 John 4:43-54, John 5:1-15 Psalm 57:1-6


“The person going through the test of fire is one step closer to attaining God’s given destiny


The Sovereign LORD says today, *YOUR BLESSING TIME* has come. You do not have to keep repeating those same prayers any longer. Some prayers get prayed through and all that is left is anticipating the answers. I am faithful to answer, says the Lord. I have heard you in a time appointed. You have asked Me and asked Me, and you do not have to keep on asking. Do you realize that there is a point that the receipt of heaven is in your hand, and all you need do is catch your breath for the answer is about to manifest? This is one of those times. The answer is not simply on the way - it is nigh, even at the doors, so rejoice!

Rejoice in My faithfulness, says the LORD. Rejoice in My fullness. I am a God of full promise, and it is the fullness of My promise that is coming to pass in your life. I am Jehovah-Jireh, and I am the ram caught in the thicket. Your answers are all in Me. Every question and every need. Every cry of your heart reaches Me. I am not ignoring you or standing aloof to watch you suffering. I am in your midst. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will never turn My favor from you. Run to Me, says the Father. No more hide and seek. Run to Me and embrace all that I have for you. Rest in My bosom, and see My faithfulness reshape and remold your life according to My purpose.

For Prayers And Counselling contact us at

Fragrance Of Christ Church Int’l
Modupe House, 152 Iju Road, By Conoil Filling Station
Fagba B/Stop Iju Ifako-Ijaiye Lagos

Tel: 08098863321, 08136677555

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