

Thursday, 31 August 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Thursday 31st  August 2017


TEXT: …Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter (Revelation 4:1).

No matter how much we grow in the things of the Spirit, there is always more to learn. It’s astounding to think that even after the apostle John had encountered Jesus so powerfully in the first chapter of Revelation, there was more to come.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Wednesday 30th August 2017


TEXT: “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: but lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea” (Exodus 14:14-16).


Harry Allen Ironside
by Ed Reese*
Used with permission
October 14, 1876
Toronto, Canada DIED:
January 15, 1951
Cambridge, New Zealand LIFE SPAN:
74 years, 3 months,
1 day

Ironside was one of the greatest Bible teachers the world has ever known. For
some 50 years he went up and down America teaching and preaching the Word
of God. He was the ultimate in his field. Coupled with this was his successful
ministry as pastor of Moody Church from 1930 to 1948 which made him the most
known Christian leader of his era, outside of Billy Sunday whose funeral he
preached. He was affectionately known as "the archbishop of Fundamentalism."
John and Sophia (Stafford) Ironside were a godly couple with his occupation
being that of a bank teller. They were both tremendous soul-winners. The father
spent evenings at street meetings, in halls and in theaters, and on Sundays held
services in the park. His mother likewise testified everywhere. They were
identified with the Plymouth Brethren. The father was known as "The Eternity
Man," because every time he met someone he asked them, "Where will you
spend eternity?" In the providence of God this amazing soul-winner died at age
27 from typhoid when Henry was two years old.
Henry's birth was almost a casualty. The child was thought to be dead, so
attention was given to the dangerously ill mother. Forty minutes later a nurse
detected a pulse beat and at the doctor's order put the baby in a hot bath which
soon produced a demonstration of his vocal chords.
Following the death of the father, the 26-year old widow, who also had a new
baby along with two-year old Henry, began to sew trying to hold the family

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


It was a beautiful thing to sit with a man under whose ministry 75 lepers had
been healed! Some were without noses others without fingers, or toes, or
But I am going to tell you another leper story. Until about seven weeks ago,
a man by the name of Young was quarantined in the State of Nebraska.
Correspondence with him was made possible through a senator, another


8 And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:
9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto
Acts 19:12
So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases
departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
Galatians 6:11
 Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.
Romans 6:17
 But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that
form of doctrine which was delivered you.


Willum looked into my face. He was all glorified with the light of Heaven
until his face was like the face of an angel. He said, "My heart all white! My
heart all white!"
He and his friend remained in the church and sang all night. At 6 o'clock the
next morning, they both went to their work.
On Wednesday night, my wife and I sat on the platform together. Willum
and his friend came early and sat on the front seat.
Mrs. Lake asked, "John, who is the boy sitting on the front seat?"
I replied, "This is the boy with whom I was so impressed Sunday night."
"John, Jesus told me just now if I would lay my hands on that boy, He would
baptize him with the Holy Ghost."


I said, "The baby is well! Letwaba, take me to the baby at once."
So we went to the baby. I took the little black thing on my arm and came out
of the hut praying: "Lord, take every cursed thing out of my soul that keeps
me from believing the Lord Jesus Christ."
As I related the incident to Mr. Seymour, he shouted, "Praise God, brother!
That is not healing It is life!"


Adventures in God
John G. Lake

John Graham Lake was a man of prayer and commitment. To better
understand the quality of his life, you will want to read his consecration to
God at the close of this book. At the Lake Healing Rooms in Spokane,
Washington, 100,000 healings were recorded in five years. Dr. Ruthlidge of
Washington, D C., called Spokane the healthiest city in the world as a result
of Lake's Healing Rooms.
John G. Lake was born March 18, 1870, at St. Mary's, Ontario, Canada.
While he was still a child, his parents moved to the United States. At the age
of 21, he became a Methodist minister, but later chose to start a newspaper
instead of accepting a church ministry. After his marriage, Lake's wife entered into a prolonged serious illness, but was miraculously delivered under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie in April 1898. This experience forever altered the direction of John G. Lake's life and ministry. All that he accomplished as a result of his intense regard for the Word of God stands as an example to all Christians of what is possible for any person who will believe and act on the Scriptures. Adventures in God I found God as a boy, so for years 50 of them almost I have been walking in the light of God understanding fellowship with Him and listening to His Voice. I want to call to your attention some of the things the Christian enjoys that others miss. A dear man received an injury that caused hi death in a motor accident not far from Beaverton The day after this man was killed, I was visiting some friends in Beaverton and they told me of his I jury. After our visit, my wife and I were driving into the city. As we were coming up one of the highway a Voice said, "Pull onto the left of the road and stop." Don't you know that Voice, Christian heart? That Voice is so common that I never even spoke of it to my wife. The left side is the wrong side of the road, and you are breaking the traffic law to be there. But I have listened to that Voice so many years that I have learned in most cases to obey it. Jesus said, "My sheep know my
voice." (John 10:27.)
(The thought I am trying to bring to you, dear friends, is the value of
knowing the Lord and what communion with God means. Salvation is not
just something God gives you that is going to bless you after you die; it is
having the presence of the Lord now. God has promised to the Christian the
guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.)
I pulled onto the left hand side of the road, ran the wheels of my car close
into the ditch, and stopped. Immediately, I heard the grinding of a great truck
coming around the curve. I had not seen it before. Instead of coming
normally, it was coming down the driver's left hand side of the road at a
45degree angle. The truck had gone out of control and was covering the
whole road!
If I had been on my side of the road, it would have sideswiped me and
pushed me over the bank.
A 100foot drop down! But I was on the other side when the great thing
swept past me. The truck went 50 to 100 feet beyond me, struck a rough spot
in the road, and righted itself. The driver got the truck under control and
went on. Dear friends, men in the Word of God were guided by the Voice of
God. God talked to them. This is the inner thing of real Christian experience,
the reason men seek by the grace of God to enter into the real heart of God
into the real soul of Jesus Christ into the place where He lives within you
where His Voice speaks in your heart.
I was sitting one day in the home of the DeValeras in Krugersdorp, South
Africa, when a man arrived who had traveled all over the country. He had
been following me from place to place, trying to catch up with me. He
suffered a sunstroke which had affected his mind and he also had developed
a large cancer.
He came into the house and proved to be a friend of the family. In a little
while a six year old child who had been sitting near me went across the
room, climbed on the man's knees, put her hands on the cancer on his face,
and prayed. I saw the cancer wither. In half an hour, the thing had
disappeared. The wound was still there, but in a few days it was healed.
After the child had laid her hands on top of his head, he arose, saying, "Oh!
The fire that has been in my brain has gone out," and his mind was normal.
Power belongeth unto God. Psalms 62: 11. The simplest soul can touch God
and live in the very presence of God and in His power.
It is almost sadness to my soul that men should be astonished and surprised
at an ordinary, tangible evidence of the power of God.
A woman came into the Healing Rooms once with a tumor larger than a full
grown unborn child. Her physicians had been fooled, believing it to be a
child until nature's period had passed. Then they decided it must be
something else. She came to the Healing Rooms and I interviewed her. She
said, "Mr. Lake, I have the opinion of several physicians. They are all
different, but each has said, 'It is possible it may be a child.' But now the
time has passed, and they do not know what to say." I put my hand upon her
for a moment, and I said, "Madame, it is not a child; it is a tumor." She sat
down and wept. Her nurse was with her. Her soul was troubled and she did
not receive healing. She came back on another afternoon for prayer and
returned the next day wearing her corsets. She said, "I came down to show
you that I am perfectly normal. When I retired last night at 10 o'clock, there
was no evidence that anything had taken place, beyond that I felt
comfortable and the choking was gone. But when I awoke this morning, I
was my normal size." I asked, "Did it disappear in the form of fluid?"
She said, "There was not an outward sign of any character." Beloved, what
happened to it? It dematerialized. The tumor dissolved. What is a miracle? It
is the tangible evidence of the supreme control of the Spirit of God over
every character and form of materiality. Beloved, the power of such an
event, such an act and sign, shows you and me that through living, positive,
actual contact with the Spirit of God, all things are possible. Blessed be His
I was in a meeting in Los Angeles on one occasion. An old black man was
conducting the services'. He had the funniest vocabulary. But I want to tell
you, there were doctors, lawyers, and professors listening to marvelous
things coming from his lips.
It was not what he said in words; it was what he said from his spirit to my
heart that showed me he had more of God in his life than any man I had ever
met up to that time. It was God in him who was attracting people. One man
insisted on getting up and talking every little while. Some people have a
mania for talking.
The old black brother endured it for a long time. Finally, the fellow got up
again, and the old man stuck his finger out and said, "In the Name of Jesus
Christ, sit down!" The man did not sit down. He fell down. And his friends
carried him out. That is only one of the living facts of what Christianity is:
the divine power of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, filling a man's soul and
body, flashing through his nature like holy flame, accomplishing the will of
There is a baptism that belongs to Jesus. It is in His supreme control. No
angel or man can bestow it. It comes from Him alone. He it is which
baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. John 1: 33. So the individual who wants the
Holy Spirit must come into definite, conscious contact with Jesus Christ
Himself. Bless God! Almost a year before I went to Africa, as I was praying
one night, I was overshadowed by the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord showed
me various places in which I would labor for five years and, by the
illumination that would appear in the heavens, I knew the extent of the work
in each place. The last of these places I saw was South Africa. That night as I
knelt on the floor, I was suddenly present at a church in Johannesburg, South
Africa, Where an acquaintance of mine was pastor. I walked in the door of
the church, walked the entire length of the church to the front and into a little
vestry. I looked around the place and took note of everything. The furniture,
the room, and all about it. All of this occurred as I prayed in my hometown
near Chicago. In less than a year, I was in that church and pastor of it. God
did the whole thing. I had nothing to do with it.
God having shown with the illumination the marvelous extent and character
of the work He was going to do all over the land, I had faith to believe that
the thing God showed me would come to pass, mid I have lived to see it
through. One evening in my own tabernacle, a young girl about 16 to 18
years of age by the name of Hilda suddenly became overpowered by the
Spirit of God.
She arose and stood on the platform beside me. I recognized at once that the
Lord had given the girl a message, so I simply stopped preaching and waited
while the Spirit of God came upon her. She began to chant in some language
I did not know, and then made gestures like those a Mohammedan priest
would make when chanting prayers. In the back of the house I observed a
young East Indian, whom I knew. He became enraptured and commenced to
walk gradually up the aisle. No one disturbed him, and he proceeded up the
aisle until he had reached the front. Then he stood looking into the girl's face
with intense amazement. When her message had ceased, I said to him, "What
is it?" He answered, " Oh, she speaks my language!" I said, "What does she
say?" He came up on the platform beside me and gave the gist of her
message. "She tells me that salvation comes from God. In order to save men,
Jesus Christ, Who was God, became man. She says one man cannot save
another; that Mohammed was a man like other men, not a power to save a

man from his sins. But Jesus was God, and He had power to impart His
Spirit to me and make me like God. While I was preaching in a church in
South Africa, an American lady whose son resided in the state of Iowa, was
present in a week night service.
 Before the service began, she called me into the vestry and said she had just
received a letter from her daughter in law. It stated that the woman's son, It
college professor, appeared to be tubercular. He was compelled to give up
his teaching position and was in a condition of great weakness. As I
conversed with the mother, I observed that she, too, believed her son to be
tubercular and that, unless healing came to him quickly, he would die. I
returned to the Audience Room; and as we were about to pray, I stepped to
the end of the platform and asked the mother to hand me the letter. Taking it
in my hands, I knelt to pray, inviting all present to join me in faith in God for
the man's deliverance. My spirit seemed to ascend in God, and I lost all
consciousness of my environment. Suddenly, I found myself standing in that
young man's home in Iowa, nearly 10,000 miles from Johannesburg.
 The man sat by a hard coal heater with a little boy about two years old on
his lap. I observed him critically and said to myself, Your face is hard and
shows no evidence of soul development or spiritual life, yet your affection
for your son is a redeeming quality. His wife sat on the opposite side of the
table, reading a magazine. Observing her, I remarked to myself, When he got
you, he got a Tartar! While standing behind the man's chair, I laid my hands
on his head, silently praying for God to impart to him His healing virtue and
make the man well that he might bless the world and that his mother's heart
might be comforted. There was no knowledge of my return. In a moment I
was aware that I was kneeling on the Church platform. I had been uttering
audible prayer and the Spirit of God was resting deeply upon the people.
Some six weeks later, word was received that the young man was quite well.
His recovery had begun on the exact date that prayer was offered for him in
our church 10,000 miles away.
I was absent from the city of Spokane for a time and, when I returned, Mrs.
Lake was not at home. It was just time to leave for my afternoon service
when someone came in and said, "Your secretary, Mrs. Graham, is in the
throes of death. Your wife is with her."
Immediately I hurried to the place. One of my ministers' wives met me at the
door and said, "You are too late; she is gone."
As I stepped inside, the minister was coming out of the room. He said, "She
has not breathed for a long time." But looking on that woman, I thought of
how God Almighty had raised her out of death three years before; how He
had miraculously given her back her womb, ovaries, and tubes which had
been removed in operations; how she had married and conceived a child.
As these thoughts arose, my heart flamed!
1 took that woman up off the pillow and called op God for the lightnings of
heaven to blast the power of death and deliver her. I commanded her to come
back and stay. She came back after having not breathed for 23 minutes!
We have not yet learned to keep in living touch with the powers of God.
Once in a while our souls rise, and we see the flame of God accomplish this
wonder and that. But, beloved, Jesus Christ lived in the presence of God
every hour of the day and night. Never a word proceeded from the mouth of
Jesus Christ, but that which was God's Word. He said, The words that I
speak unto you, they ore spirit, and they are life John 6: 63.
When you and I are lost in the Son of God and the fires of Jesus burn in our
hearts, as they did in his, our words will be the words of Spirit and of life.
There will be no death in them. Beloved, we are on the way.
Having formal acknowledgement as a student of science, it was my privilege
to attend clinics, which I frequently did.
At one time I submitted myself to a series of experiments. It was not
sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed.
I visited one of the great experimental institutions and submitted myself for a
series of experiments.
First, an instrument was attached to my head. This instrument had an
indicator that would register the vibrations of the brain.
I began to repeat things like the 23rd Psalm to soothe the mind and reduce its
vibrations to the lowest point. Then I repeated the 31st Psalm, the 35th
chapter of Isaiah, the 91st Psalm, and Paul's address before Agrippa.
After this, I went into secular literature and recited Tennyson's "Charge of
the Light Brigade" and finally Poe's "The Raven" as I prayed in my heart
that at the psychological moment, God would anoint my soul in the Holy
My difficulty was that while reciting, I could not keep the Spirit from
coming upon me. When I finished with "The Raven," those in charge of the
experiment said, "You are a phenomenon. You have a wider mental range
than any human being we have ever seen."
In reality, this was not so. It was because the Spirit of God kept coming upon
me to such degree that I could feel the moving of the Spirit within me.
I prayed in my heart, "Lord God, if You will only lot the Spirit of God come
like the lightnings of God upon my soul for two seconds, I know something
is going to happen that these men have never seen before.
As I recited the last lines of the poem, suddenly The Spirit of God struck me
in a burst of praise and tongues. The indicator on that instrument bounded to
the limit and I haven't the least idea how much further it would have gone if
it had been possible.
The professors said, "We have never seen anything like it!"
I replied, "Gentlemen, it is the Holy Ghost."
In the second experiment, a powerful X-ray machine with microscopic
attachments was connected to my head. The purpose was to see, if possible,
what the action of the brain cells was.
I proceeded just as in the former experiment. First, I repeated Scriptures that
were soothing those calculated to reduce the action of the cortex coils to
their lowest possible register. Then I went to Scriptures which conveyed
better and richer things until I reached the first chapter of John. As I began to
recite this, the fires of God began to burn in my heart.
Suddenly, the Spirit of God came upon me as before, and the man who was
behind me touched me. It was a signal to me to keep that poise of soul until
one after another could look through the instrument.
Finally, when I let go, the Spirit subsided. The professors said, "Why, man,
we cannot understand this, but the cortex cells expanded amazingly."
I said to them, "Gentlemen, I want you to see one more thing. Go down in
your hospital and bring back a man who has inflammation in the bone. Take
your instrument and attach it to' his leg. Leave enough space to get my hand
on his leg. You can attach it to both sides."
When the instrument was ready, I put my hand on the man's shin and prayed
like Mother Etter' prays: no strange prayer, but the cry of my heart to God.
I said, "God, kill the devilish disease by Your power. Let the Spirit move in
him; let it live in him."
Then I asked, "Gentlemen, what is taking place?
They replied, "Every cell is responding."
It is so simple: The life of God comes back into n part that is afflicted;
immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; and the
work is done!
That is God's divine science.
Oh, beloved, when you pray, something is happening in you! It is not a
myth; it is the action of god.
The Almighty God, by the Spirit, comes into your soul, takes possession of
your brain and manifests Himself in the cortex cells of your brain. When you
wish and will, either consciously or unconsciously, the fire of God, the
power of God, that life of God, that nature of God, is transmitted from the
cortex cells of your brain and throbs through your nerves down through your
person, into every cell of your being into every cell of your brain, your
blood, your flesh, and your bone, into every square inch of your skin, until
you are alive with God!
That is divine healing.
One day I sat talking to Father Seymour in Los Angeles. I told him about the
following incident in the life of Elias Letwaba, one of our native preachers in
South Africa:
I went to his house one day in the country, and his wife said, "He is not
home. A little baby is hurt, and he is praying for it."
So I went over to the native hut, got down on my knees, and crawled inside.
I saw Letwaba kneeling in a corner by the child. I said, "Letwaba, it is me.
What is the matter with the child?"
He told me the mother had been carrying it on her back in a blanket as
natives carry their children, and it fell out. He said, "I think it hurt its neck."
I examined the baby and saw that its neck was broken. It would turn from
side to side like the neck of a doll. "Why, Letwaba, the baby's neck is
I did not have faith for a broken neck, but poor old Letwaba did not know
the difference. I saw that he did not understand. He discerned the spirit of
doubt in my soul, and I said to myself, I am not going to interfere with his
faith. He will just feel the doubt generated by all the old traditional things I
have learned, so I will go outside.
I went to another hut and kept on praying. I lay own at 1 a.m. At 3 o'clock
Letwaba came in.
I said, "Well, Letwaba, how about the baby?"
He looked at me, so lovingly and sweetly, and said, "Why, brother, the baby
is all well. Jesus do heal the baby."


What Is Repentance?

By Victor Chiaschuk

The Old Testament portion of the Bible is filled with the call to repentance. In the New Testament, the Gospels begin with John the Baptist introducing the Lord Jesus Christ by calling people to repentance (Matthew 3:2). When Jesus and His disciples went forth to preach, the first words on their lips were, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15). Repentance is where it all begins.


(Daily Devotional)
                                                Tuesday 29th August 2017


TEXT:   "How good when people live together in unity" (psalm 133;1)

Cooperation is working together with another. It's when the whole is greater than its parts. And creating positive cooperation is having the right people, at the place, at the right time, focusing on the right goal.

Monday, 28 August 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Monday 28th August 2017


TEXT: “In that day, everyone in the land of Judah will sing this song: Our city is strong! We are surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation” (Isaiah 26:1 NLT).

When Israel crossed the red sea after being delivered from Egypt they began singing the songs of victory. They saw firsthand the amazing miracle of the Lord’s power to deliver; they watched as the red sea opens for them to pass through and later how the army of Pharaoh perished in the same(Exodus 15:1-5).

Sunday, 27 August 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Sunday 27th   August 2017


TEXT:  "…Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and
no man can shut it…" (Revelation 3:8).

I am certainly not a marketing professional, nor do I want to liken the Lord to a marketer, but He does know how to set up just the right divine appointments.

Saturday, 26 August 2017


(Daily Devotional)
Saturday 26th July 2017


TEXT:  “Do not be anxious about tomorrow" (Matthew 6:34AMP)

Most of the things we worry about never happen, or turn out better than we anticipate. Worry like faith is a spiritual force. Like magnet, it attacks the very things we fear, clouds our judgments, and distorts our perspective.


LIGHT FOR THE WAY (Daily Devotional) Friday 29th May 2020 TOPIC: THE BLESSEDNESS OF DIVINE FELLOWSHIP TEXT: "I will be there God, and t...