

Saturday, 31 October 2015


The secret to financial freedom.

By Len Penzo

That’s right. Although having a million bucks isn’t as impressive as it once was, it’s still nothing to sneeze at.

In fact, CNBC reports that in 2013 there were 13.2 million millionairesin the United States alone.

That’s a lot of people, people. And the odds are one or two of them are living near you.

Heck, one of them might even be your neighbor. In fact, the odds are very good that it is your neighbor.

But, Len, you don’t know my neighbor. That guy doesn’t look anything like a millionaire.

Well, guess what? Your suburban millionaire neighbor called (oh yeah, we go way back) and the two of us had a nice little chat.

Here’s a few things he shared with me but apparently doesn’t want to tell you. (No offense, I’m sure.)

1. He always spends less than he earns. In fact his mantra is, over the long run, you’re better off if you strive to be anonymously rich rather than deceptively poor.

2. He knows that patience is a virtue. The odds are you won’t become a millionaire overnight. If you’re like him, your wealth will be accumulated gradually by diligently saving your money over multiple decades.

3. When you go to his modest three-bed two-bath house, you’re going to bedrinking Folgers instead of Starbucks. And if you need a lift, well, you’re going to get a ride in his ten-year-old economy sedan. And if you think that makes him cheap, ask him if he cares. (He doesn’t.)

4. He pays off his credit cards in full every month. He’s smart enough to understand that if he can’t afford to pay cash for something, then he can’t afford it.

5. He realized early on that money does not buy happiness. If you’re looking for nirvana, you need to focus on attaining financial freedom.

6. He never forgets that financial freedom is a state of mind that comes from being debt free. Best of all, it can be attained regardless of your income level.

7. He knows that getting a second job not only increases the size of your bank account quicker but it also keeps you busy — and being busy makes it difficult to spend what you already have.

8. He understands that money is like a toddler; it is incapable of managing itself. After all, you can’t expect your money to grow and mature as it should without some form of credible money management.

9. He’s a big believer in paying yourself first. Paying yourself first is an essential tenet of personal finance and a great way to build your savings and instill financial discipline.

10. Although it’s possible to get rich if you spend your life making a living doing something you don’t enjoy, he wonders why you do. Life is too short.

11. He knows that failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. He also knows that the few millionaires that reached that milestone without a plan got there only because of dumb luck. It’s not enough to simply declare that you want to be financially free.

12. When it came time to set his savings goals, he wasn’t afraid to think big. Financial success demands that you have a vision that is significantly larger than you can currently deliver upon.

13. Over time, he found out that hard work can often help make up for a lot of financial mistakes — and you will make financial mistakes.

14. He realizes that stuff happens, that’s why you’re a fool if you don’t insure yourself against risk. Remember that the potential for bankruptcy is always just around the corner and can be triggered from multiple sources: the death of the family’s key bread winner, divorce, or disability that leads to a loss of work.

15. He understands that time is an ally of the young. He was fortunate enough to begin saving in his twenties so he could take maximum advantage of the power of compounding growth on his nest egg.

16. He knows that you can’t spend what you don’t see. You should use automatic paycheck deductions to build up your retirement and other savings accounts. As your salary increases you can painlessly increase the size of those deductions.

17. Even though he has a job that he loves, he doesn’t have to work anymore because everything he owns is paid for — and has been for years.

18. He’s not impressed that you drive an over-priced luxury car and live in a McMansion that’s two sizes too big for your family of four.

19. After six months of asking, he finally quit waiting for you to return his pruning shears. He broke down and bought himself a new pair last month. There’s no hard feelings though; he can afford it.

So that’s it. Now you know what your millionaire neighbor won’t tell you.

Oh, and, um, would you be so kind to keep this just between you and me? I’d hate to ruffle anyone’s feathers or cause of any kind of neighborly spat.


Thanks. You’re a peach.


The Sovereign Lord says today that change is at
hand. Change is necessary for maturity and I
am maturing you into the full measure of the
stature of Christ. I will not relent or turn
back until your life and character is a full
and faithful reflection of who I am in the
earth and who I am at the right hand of
majesty on High. Be encouraged says the
Lord– be encouraged and realize that I
know the pressure you have been under. In
My earthwalk I was tempted and tried and I
struggled even as you are struggling right
now. I am touched with the feeling of your
infirmity. When you weep I taste the salt of
your tears. Trust Me. Let Me take matters
into My hands for My hands are so far more
capable than anything you can do to fix the
Embrace the changes I am bringing says the
Lord. Say in your soul “change is not
harmful – change is beneficial…” The Spirit
of Wisdom is being poured out upon you to
bring final maturing scheduled for you during
this time. The pressure is going and the
kingdom is coming. I say to you THE
COMING. This is your exit point as you draw
yourself away with Me until My image is not
just the reflection others see in you but you
also see My character and grace and love
reflected in your own life.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 31st October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"In the morning I lay my request before you and wait in  Expectation"(Psalm 5:3NIV)


sometimes we think everything rest on our shoulders, but it doesn't! It's God's world not ours. At the beginning of the day God reminds us that He has His way, that He controls the outcomes, and that He cares about every detail of our lives

The way we get up in the morning sets the tone for our entire day, so try this first thing when you wake up in the morning, get alone with God even if its for few minute. Don't make it last for hours, you can start with few minutes. Go over your plans for the day. If you have events planned in your calendar look it over with Jesus. As you are going through it, you may have some concerns, just hand them over to Him. May be you will notice a meeting or  a particular problem you are worried about. ask Him for wisdom. If He doesn't give you an immediate answer, just know He wants you to trust Him. He has something better in mind, something that you haven't thought of yet. Do many of us start our day anxious, hurried, fearful or rushed. But we dont have to. We are going to start our day anyway; why not start it with Jesus? Do we have any better offer? We are going to have the first word, first thought anyhow, so why don't we let it belong to Jesus, before whom our anxieties flee? We can do this, we really should start our day and weeks with God and end it with Him, thank Him for all the good things He has for us.

Take a moment to meditate on this scripture "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days(Psalm 90;14 NIV)


spend some time to appreciate  God for all He had done for you  and your family all through the week.

Daily Bible Reading

Habakuk 1-3; Titus 1&2; Psalm 119:105-112

Friday, 30 October 2015


12 things successful people do in the first week of a new job

By Jenna Goudreau

Thousands of workers will be heading to a new job this month, excited and nervous to prove they’ve got what it takes.

After the flurry of hiring that typically happens in the first quarter, the fall tends to be the second-biggest hiring period of the year, according to career coach Kathleen Brady, author of “Get a Job!” and the director of career services at Georgian Court University. Employers refocus on their top initiatives and capitalize on any remaining budget for new hires.

For all those newbies hanging their coats on a new office chair, that means it’s time to get to work. “The first three months of any new job are an extension of the interview process,” says career management expert Amanda Augustine. “From the first day, you need to be on your game.”

With a decade of experience advising high-level professionals, Augustine details what the most successful people do that first week in a new job.

1. Be a geek about introducing yourself.

Take the initiative to meet people. Say hello in the elevator, kitchen, or bathroom. It will pay off in the end. “It could be a fast-paced culture, and they don’t have time to come to you,” Augustine says. “Start with the group that’s closest to you, the people you’re directly working with.” It will be in their best interest to get you started on the right foot, because your work will directly affect theirs.

2. Befriend a veteran who can help you navigate politics (and find the pencils).

Learn who the players are, and who’s been at your company awhile, she advises. Find the seasoned veteran who has a good handle on what works and doesn’t and can show you around. “Companies have their own language and inside jokes,” she says. “Look for the one person to help you decode the acronyms and office politics.” Plus, you’ll need someone to go to for the silly things. Asking your boss where to find the pencils is a bit below their pay grade.

3. Set expectations with your boss and employees.

“Get on your boss’s calendar,” Augustine says. Use that initial meeting to establish what they believe success will look like in the first week, month, and three months. At the same time, if you’re in a managerial position, it’s important to begin setting expectations with your direct reports. From communication style to office hours, that first week sets the tone.

4. Analyze the makeup of your new team.

Pay attention to the subtle cues you receive from those in your group. Chances are, there may be one or more people who were vying for your role — so watch your back, Augustine warns. Look for opportunities to befriend and leverage the talents of your new colleagues to avoid any resentment from building up.

5. Figure out the coffee situation.

Learning where the coffee is will always be a good strategy for success. It’s also important to figure out the unwritten rules of the office that, if violated, make people go ballistic. Who washes the dishes? Which shelves are communal? “Be a sponge, and watch how people are doing things,” Augustine says. “There’s nothing wrong with asking how to use the coffeemaker.”

6. Start demonstrating and documenting what you sold the company on.

“Whatever you sold them on in the interview, make it your mission to demonstrate that you’re going to do it,” Augustine recommends. If you said you were a social media whiz or great with data, immediately start revamping the social accounts or making sense of the company’s analytics. And start a brag sheet. Keep track of all your accomplishments, major contributions, and when you get positive feedback. You want to get in the habit early and have the information at the ready for future performance reviews and salary negotiations.

7. Ask tons of questions to learn the ropes.

Soak in as much as possible in that first week. If you plan on making any big changes, you need to first understand how things are usually done, and you need to earn the team’s trust. “Win them over by taking the time in the beginning to learn how things are done and why, so when you want to make changes, you can build a strong argument that your team will support,” she advises.

8. Get organized to set good habits.

Especially because a lot of new information is coming your way, setting good habits and being organized from the start will make your life easier down the line. It’s also a good time to improve your bad habits. “It’s a great opportunity to overcome any challenges or weaknesses from your past,” Augustine says. If you’ve struggled with time management, for example, use that first week to map out how you’ll spend each day and begin putting it into practice.

9. Show your face as much as possible.

Sit in on as many meetings as you can, she suggests, and don’t be afraid to speak up. Not only will you get a feel for what and who’s important in the company, but others will start to get used to seeing you around. Establish yourself in your expert area, and they’ll know who to come to in the future.

10. Reinforce your new connections on social media.

Once you’re officially on the job, it’s important to update your title across your own social media platforms and also start following your new company and colleagues. As you meet new people, cement the relationships by finding them on Twitter or LinkedIn. Augustine suggests identifying the platform that makes the most sense. Facebook, for instance, is viewed by many as personal, so use discretion.

11. Reconnect with former colleagues.

Perhaps counterintuitively, she says the first week of a new job is the perfect time to reach out to colleagues from your previous jobs. “Go back and reconnect with people at your old company, and ask for LinkedIn recommendations,” she suggests. The best time to get referrals is when you’re notlooking for a new job, she says.

12. Find your go-to pharmacy and take-out lunch spot.

Learn your new neighborhood. Do you know where the nearest CVS is? What about where to get a sandwich, take people for coffee, or have a nice business lunch? “Logistically, you need to know where to go get a Band-Aid when you need one,” Augustine says.



Most of us have similar driving forces – deep desires that possess us to get up and live each day...

Most of us have similar driving forces – deep desires that possess us to get up and live each day. These forces are the drive to be happy, successful, and loved. The more we satisfy these needs, the more fulfilling and joyful our daily lives will be.

Some of us also want to contribute, connect, and make an impact. These needs propel people to live out their life purpose, which gives them the opportunity to experience a truly exceptional life.

To be proficient at accomplishing these aspirations you need to have the right mindset. A way of thinking that promotes happiness, success, love, connectedness, contribution, and a lasting impression. Here are 18 things to tell yourself each day to influence your actions, so you can realize your ambitions and create the reality of your dreams.

1. I am surrounded by people who love and care for me.

When a person feels loved and supported, it frees them to be themselves and gives them the courage to explore and take chances.

2. I attract love through my own loving thoughts and actions.

Live in a love frequency by being a conduit of love. Everything you do — from work to play — can be inspired by the love held within you.

3. I am lovable.

You must believe that you are already that which you seek. You are love personified. Awaken to this truth.

4. I am everything I want to be. I am proud of how I conduct myself.

Claim success to be yours now by simply defining 'success' as you acting in accordance to your beliefs.

5. I am quick to fix my mistakes and own up to my responsibilities.

Don't let mistakes define you. Instead fix them and show the world that you are a problem solver.

6. I achieve my goals with ease and see challenges as opportunities for growth.

Half the battle is won when you go into life knowing you're going to figure it out.

7. I am the architect of my reality and I've decided to build myself a good life.

The greatest thing a person can do to increase their chance of being successful at anything is to know that it is through their own actions that they will bring forth success. You are the protagonist of your life movie. Be the person who saves the day.

8. I am free to do anything I want.

Sometimes our thoughts are our main limitation. Nullify that with better thoughts and get to frying bigger fish.

9. I am in charge of my feelings. I choose to react with compassion at all times.

A bad day can be turned around with a change in perspective, a little laughter, and some sugar.

10. I am healthier and feel more alive each day.

How you treat yourself is directly related to how you see yourself. See yourself as a healthy person then follow up by living a healthy lifestyle. Treat yourself to nutritious foods, physical fitness, and mindful wellness. Even if you're not exactly where you want to be, begin by adjusting your belief system and you will be on your way.

11. I smile easily and love to laugh every chance I get.

A smile can decrease stress, a good laugh can lighten your mental load, and together they can turn your day around.

12. I live in joyous expectancy.

Expect to see good things happening to you. You deserve it.

13. I know all things are connected and wish my actions to only have good consequences for everyone.

When you value the people and environment around you, you feel a sense of belonging. This bonded feeling nourishes the inner peace that we all long for.

14. I treat others like I treat myself – with kindness and respect.

Compassion is at the heart of anyone who is happy with themselves.

15. I cherish my relationships.

An old Turkish proverb says, "Shared joy is double the joy. Shared sorrow is half the sorrow." Without relationships life would get lonely and arduous. Don't forget to enjoy the people around you.

16. I give back because it is my nature.

One of the greatest attributes of being human is our ability to show empathy. Our hearts feel strongly and when moved, we can create miracles.

17. I share because there is enough for everyone.

Don't get caught up in competition, instead get connected and revel in collaboration. Lift each other up.

18. I live in a constant state of abundance.

Think about it — you can have all the money in the world, but if your mind is in a state of lack, depression, or any type of suffering, you don't have much.

Your positive mindset is your true wealth and you can increase your riches easily by repeating and believing these 18 thoughts daily.

By Jeanne Floresca


5 Ways Successful People Become More Innovative Every Day

By Erin Greenawald

When you read about highly successful innovators—the likes of Steve Jobs, Marissa Mayer, or Elon Musk—it’s easy to think that they just have something that the rest of us don’t. How can they possibly keep coming up with such great ideas that change businesses, industries, and possibly even the world?

The answer is, they practice.

“It’s tempting to think of innovation as a rare skill belonging to a specific class of people—the visionaries, the creatives, the rule-breakers,” writes Neil Blumenthal, founder of one of the most innovative companies of 2015, Warby Parker. “But actually, it’s a muscle that we’re all naturally equipped with. We just need to get in the habit of using it.”

Luckily for the rest of us, the smart tactics these visionaries use for keeping their brains sharp and thinking differently can help improve our innovation quotient as well. We did some digging to find out exactly how some of the world’s most successful innovators do what they do. It might be just the spark you need to think of your next big idea today.

1. They Don’t Discount Their Crazy Ideas

If you’re anything like me, when you were a kid you were just brimming with ideas—often quite ridiculous ones—that you truly believed you could make happen. There were no thoughts of limitations based on age, experience level, how the world operates, or anything else. But as adults, many of us too quickly shoot down our ideas. It’ll never work. I don’t know how to do that. That’ll take way too long.

The thing is, those “crazy” ideas are where most of the world’s most successful innovations come from. And the people who succeed in realizing these revolutionary advancements do so because they let themselves believe that a crazy idea could be a reality.

Take Musk, who is now running one of the world’s most successful electric car companies (Tesla) and most innovative aerospace manufacturing companies (SpaceX). During an interview in 2014, he admitted, “I thought both Tesla and SpaceX would fail at the beginning.” Yet he believed in them, so he went for them, throwing much of his money and time into these “crazy” ventures.

Stop discounting ideas that excite you but seem a little nuts. Jennifer Hsieh, the VP of Insight, Strategy, and Innovation at Marriott International, shares, “[Tom Kelley and] David Kelley’s book Creative Confidence talks about how most of us are born creative, and, with practice, we can rediscover the ability to generate novel ideas and the courage to test them out.”

Now onto that courage…

2. They Get Comfortable with Fear

A lot of people believe that, in order to be a leader in innovation, you have to be fearless.

In fact, quite the opposite is often true. “I wouldn’t say I’m fearless. In fact, I feel fear quite strongly. But if what I’m doing is important enough then I just override the fear,” shares Musk.

In her book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, prolific author Elizabeth Gilbert writes, “Creativity is a path for the brave, yes, but it is not a path for the fearless, and it’s important to recognize that distinction…we have to be careful how we handle our fear—because I’ve noticed that when people try to kill off their fear, they often end up inadvertently murdering their creativity in the process.”

In other words, successful innovators let their fear exist, but just don’t let it dictate their decision-making. They let themselves feel it, but they keep on going anyway.

Because maybe, if you’re feeling afraid, you just might be getting close to something really good.

3. They Learn About Anything and Everything

This philosophy shone through in Jobs’ revolutionary work. As CEO and biographer Walter Isaacson writes in HBR: “He connected the humanities to the sciences, creativity to technology, arts to engineering. There were greater technologists (Wozniak, Gates), and certainly better designers and artists. But no one else in our era could better firewire together poetry and processors in a way that jolted innovation.”

In order to make these connections, though, Jobs had to know about things—a lot of things. That’s why the best innovators are also some of the biggest learners, and not just about fields directly related to their work. They follow passions and interests that might not make sense. They dive into topic areas they know nothing about.

“I’m a voracious ‘scanner,’” shares Hsieh. “I make time to read or scan the latest every day—and I often get rewarded with seeds of inspiration for our brands and business challenges.”

Blumenthal agrees, writing: “Learning naturally leads to cross-pollination and ideation. Ideation can lead to action. Action is how innovation comes to life.”

4. They Never Think They Know it All

Even though we might think that successful people are truly the biggest experts in their fields, the ones who stay innovative never operate under that assumption. “I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better, and questioning yourself,” shares Musk.

That’s why Blumenthal encourages all of his employees to approach the world with a “beginner’s mindset” and look for ways to give themselves fresh perspectives.

“Because many of us spend a good portion of our lives working toward some form of expertise, it can feel counterintuitive to ‘think like a beginner,’” he writes. “If you do have expertise, there are ways to give yourself a fresh perspective: Surround yourself with non-experts, interview first-time customers, shop your own website. Hire whip-smart people from outside of your industry.”

Which brings us to our last point…

5. They Surround Themselves With Heroes

Successful innovators know that they can’t do it alone. The people who surround them—the people who they collaborate with on these revolutionary ideas—are just as critical to making them a success. Which is why they make it a priority to make sure that collaboration happens.

During her time at Google, Mayer shared, "We have this great internal list where people post new ideas and everyone can go on and see them. It’s like a voting pool where you can say how good or bad you think an idea is. Those comments lead to new ideas."

Jobs famously designed the buildings he worked in to make sure collaborative encounters happened. “If a building doesn’t encourage that, you’ll lose a lot of innovation and the magic that’s sparked by serendipity. So we designed the building to make people get out of their offices and mingle in the central atrium with people they might not otherwise see,” he said of his time at Pixar.

In the spirit of creating new ideas through collaborative encounters, Marriott International hosts “Innovation Days,” at its global corporate HR. It’s an internal conference to bring people from across disciplines together and provide the space to ignite new ideas.

However it’s done, successful people surround themselves with those who inspire them.


The Sovereign Lord says this day is a new day for
you. Every day is a new day. Did I not say
“behold I make all things new”? My deepest
mercies are renewed every morning as
though in your lifetime you had never tapped
My grace for your struggles in life. Every day
the wrapping is taken off and the bow untied
for a whole new place of favor and blessing.
I am not keeping score or holding a grudge
because you didn’t do it right yesterday. Just
repent. You know when your words and your
actions and the thoughts of your heart are
grieving to My Holy Spirit. Just take the
posture of repentance and I will provide the
enabling grace to produce change and cause
you to grow more perfectly into My image.
Let all conflict go this day says the Lord.
Let deliverance – even My delivering spirit
flow into your person and dislodge every
tentacle and affliction that the enemy has
sought to torment you with. You are
cleansed and forgiven and set free. You are
set free this day and your future is
brightening hour by hour under the Dayspring
of My favor in your behalf. Reject the old
mindset of condemnation and resentment.
There is no basis for resentment or unbelief
because I keep coming through for you and
in you. This is your day. This is a new day.
Rejoice and step out as one of My entitled
ones into your full and complete victory and
success in every area of concern in your life.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 30th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom". '90:12NLT).


He logged twelve hour everyday, and sometimes weekends. Even when he wasn't working he was thinking of work. His wife tried to slow him down. He knew they were not as close as they used to be. He hadn't intended to drift away, it's just that she seem to need more time, and that's one thing he doesn't Have to give. He was vaguely aware that his children are growing up and he was missing it. They Complained about books he wasn't reading to them, games he wasn't playing with them and trips he wasn't taking them. After a while they stopped complaining or expecting their lives might ever be different.  'I will be more available when things settle down,' he thought. When he felt guilty he told himself 'I am doing it for them'. His wife asked him about  going to Church but he said, 'There will be plenty of time for that sort of thing when things settle down'. His Doctor told him he had elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol but he told himself 'there will be plenty of time for that when things settle down'. Quietly, efficiently, irrestibly, his body was ready to do him in. One morning his wife woke up by 3 a.m. and found that he was not beside her on the bed. She went downstairs to drag him to bed and saw him sitting still in front of the computer, his head hanging low. She touched him but he didn't respond. When the paramedics got there they told her he had suffered a massive heart attack. Things had finally settled down! Please spend time this weekend to enjoy  your family, friends and be sure to be in Church on Sunday. You only have this one life to live, live it to the fullest.

Prayer Point

Father, thank you for the life, family, and job, that you have given me to enjoy. Help me to live for that which is important in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 52; 2 Timothy 3; Psalm119:79-104

Thursday, 29 October 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today seek Me early and
you will find Me. Come first before the
throne of grace before the challenge comes.
Pray before you get in trouble and trouble
will not find you. My favor and My spirit on
the inside of you will cause you to avoid out
of the midst of the assault that the enemy
has planned for you. Many times the
Pharisees and leaders of the synagogues
sought to take My life but could not lay hold
on Me for I avoided out of their midst.
Likewise I have released to you this day the
“avoidance anointing” to frustrate the plans
of the enemy and cause you to slip out of
the snare of the enemy EVERY TIME he
comes against you.
There are some that suggest failure or
defeat somehow honor Me but know this – I
have called you to fight the good fight of
faith. Make it your determination to refuse
to guild the losses of the past with some
pathetic religious value. The good fight is
the fight you win! We play till YOU win says
the Lord – so gird up your loins with My
truth and establish yourself in My
righteousness for I am working in your behalf
both to will and to do My good pleasure.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 29th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"In the fourth watch He came to them"(Matthew 24:25)


The fourth watch last from 3:00am till 6:00am. The night time is when God does some of His best works! When the Israelites faced the red sea, we read, "All that night the Lord drove back the sea'(Exo 14:21). During 'the middle watch' of the night, Gideon defeated the Midianites (Judges 7:19-24). Jesus rose from the dead before day break(Matthew 28:1). Matthew says ' In the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw Him...they were terrified...immediately Jesus spoke...'Take courage, it is I ; do not be afraid (Matthew14:25-27). Notice two important things:
1) Jesus waited until the storm was at it worst and they all lost hope. That's because God dictates the timetable for your deliverance, and He is never too late.
2)The disciple didn't recognise Him until He revealed Himself to them. Often the answer you need is right beside you, but you dont recognise it until God reveals it to you.
On another occasion, 'when...the crowd was pushing in...(Jesus) climb into the boat that was Simon's..put out from the shore...(and) using the boat for pulpit...taught the crowd'(Luk5:1-3). In that moment it would have been tempting for peter to feel important, thinking the master needed his boat. No, God doesn't need anything we have to accomplish His purposes not our credentials, talents and resources. So be humble. And dont panic! when Jesus came to the disciples that night He was walking on the sea'. God is on top of the situation. Be at peace; He will do whatever it takes to reach and rescue you. Your problem is just a platform to display His power yo act on your behalf!

Prayer Point
Father, thank you because you have not left me to my problems. Let your power come through for me in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 51: 2Timothy 3; Psalm 119:89-96

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today seek Me early and
you will find Me. Come first before the
throne of grace before the challenge comes.
Pray before you get in trouble and trouble
will not find you. My favor and My spirit on
the inside of you will cause you to avoid out
of the midst of the assault that the enemy
has planned for you. Many times the
Pharisees and leaders of the synagogues
sought to take My life but could not lay hold
on Me for I avoided out of their midst.
Likewise I have released to you this day the
“avoidance anointing” to frustrate the plans
of the enemy and cause you to slip out of
the snare of the enemy EVERY TIME he
comes against you.
There are some that suggest failure or
defeat somehow honor Me but know this – I
have called you to fight the good fight of
faith. Make it your determination to refuse
to guild the losses of the past with some
pathetic religious value. The good fight is
the fight you win! We play till YOU win says
the Lord – so gird up your loins with My
truth and establish yourself in My
righteousness for I am working in your behalf
both to will and to do My good pleasure.


The Sovereign Lord says today seek Me early and
you will find Me. Come first before the
throne of grace before the challenge comes.
Pray before you get in trouble and trouble
will not find you. My favor and My spirit on
the inside of you will cause you to avoid out
of the midst of the assault that the enemy
has planned for you. Many times the
Pharisees and leaders of the synagogues
sought to take My life but could not lay hold
on Me for I avoided out of their midst.
Likewise I have released to you this day the
“avoidance anointing” to frustrate the plans
of the enemy and cause you to slip out of
the snare of the enemy EVERY TIME he
comes against you.
There are some that suggest failure or
defeat somehow honor Me but know this – I
have called you to fight the good fight of
faith. Make it your determination to refuse
to guild the losses of the past with some
pathetic religious value. The good fight is
the fight you win! We play till YOU win says
the Lord – so gird up your loins with My
truth and establish yourself in My
righteousness for I am working in your behalf
both to will and to do My good pleasure.



Carol Leaman, CEO of AxonifyCourtesy of Axonify

When it comes to building trust, too many leaders have it all wrong.

The Leadership Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership. Today’s answer to the question: How do you build trust with your employees? is written byCarol Leaman, CEO of Axonify.

Whenever I’m asked to address the question of building trust in a work environment, it reminds me how often companies get it wrong. It isn’t for lack of content written on the topic — there’s an over-abundance of it. But the mere fact that it comes up so often is a clear indicator that, regardless of the literature, it continues to be a problem in a lot of places.

Just like everyone else, I’ve worked for companies where there’s a pervasive undercurrent of mistrust at all levels of the organization — between leaders and leaders, leaders and employees, and among employees themselves. At the first hint of trouble — usually because an employee has been brave enough to vocalize the issue — the typical approach is to jump all over it. “Let’s have a social event!” “Let’s have a town hall!” “Let’s survey the employees to understand why they don’t trust us!” “Let’s be transparent!”

There are lots of unnatural solutions companies use to try to fix the problem once it has built enough momentum to become systemic. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s not going to be fixed overnight. So why let it get there in the first place?

Since becoming a CEO 15 years ago (and on my fourth company now), I can say with confidence that the buck stops here. All of the things that can create or destroy trust are controllable by me. So here’s your first test: Look yourself in the mirror. Really look. Pick an average person in your company and put yourself in his or her shoes. Would you be jazzed to wake up and come to work every day? Motivated and happy to contribute? If you can’t say yes — unequivocally and without hesitation — then something needs to change.

The following are the rules I live by every day to try to make sure that every person at Axonify feels the same way I do when they arrive at the office — that today is going to be fun:

1. Become enlightened

I have a fundamental belief that every human being starts a new job with a strong desire to be successful, good at what they do, supported in their efforts, and recognized for positive contributions. I’ve worked for and with people who think the opposite: that if you don’t micromanage, plug every possible hole, and create rules up the wazoo to keep people in line, most employees won’t work hard enough; they’ll be stealing your dongles and whiteboard markers, and will generally screw you over somehow. But guess what? I haven’t found our product plans or financials on the Internet, posted by some rogue member of the team. They want us to win.

Get your head out of your butt.

2. Be transparent

Ah yes, that over-used buzzword. Ask any CEO whether he or she is transparent with company information and you won’t get a single one who says no. The reality? Not so much. Lack of transparency is rooted in mistrust, firmly and squarely.

Everyone at Axonify gets the good, bad and ugly highlights of what’s going on in the company at our bi-weekly team lunch. Whether it’s deals we booked, deals we lost, the amount of capital we’re raising, our summary financial statements, or our product plans, there isn’t one employee who has any excuse to say they don’t know what’s going on. With the exception of payroll and personnel re-org details, they get it all. How can team members know how important they are to the whole when they don’t know how they fit in with it?

3. Don’t be a jerk

CEOs and other leaders who think it’s cool to be volatile and unpredictable because that’s what commands attention and motivates people are — quite frankly — idiots. Raising voices, throwing things and calling people out does nothing more than destabilize the foundation of the company. No one knows what to expect, so they do the bare minimum to get by and not draw attention to themselves. People value consistency, predictability and overall fairness. They respect you and trust you to behave like an adult.

4. Recognize and reward

Don’t think money and vacations. How about a public thank you when it’s deserved? I’ll bet there’s at least one employee a day who could use one.

5. Deal with problems — fast

No one trusts or respects a leader who lets a problem person hang on, or who doesn’t address an operational issue quickly. Just do it — consistently and fairly.

Trust happens every day and starts at the top. It takes mindfulness and action. Once it’s established, you can throw all of the social events you want.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 28th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Create in me a clean heart, o God' (Psalm 51:10NLT)


Jesus taught that only the pure in heart shall see God. (Matthew 5:8). Now the problem is not God's inability to be seen, its our inability to recognise Him. To the blind all things are invisible. And when the bible use the word 'see God', its not referring to physically been able to see God, but instead referring to seeing God at work in our situations. After his 'Bathsheba gate' David fell on his knees and prayed: 'create in me a clean heart, o God.' This word pure comes from the Greek word katharos meaning to clean out, much like laxative or to purge. That may seem funny but its true. Jesus is saying, ' if you've heard too much and seen too much, then purge your heart. Don't carry around what God wants discarded. Get rid of every weight( things that drag you down) and the sin which so easily ( entraps you) (see Hebrew 12:1NLT). The glory God wants to show you is worth clearing  up to see.

Jesus said, 'you are clean because of the word I have spoken to  you (Jn15:3). Time spent in the scripture will cleanse you by convicting you of sins you are aware of, and exposing ones you are not aware of so that you can deal with them. It takes clarity to walk in divine authority! Only a pure heart can understand what God is saying and follow where He is leading.

Unidentified, unconfessed, and unforgiven sins will block your spiritual arteries like cholesterol. A heart that's not pure will keep you seeking the wisdom of men rather than the ways of God. It will keep you needing prayer instead of being in a place where you can offer prayer for others. In short, you need to clean out your heart so that you can hear God and see the direction He's leading you to.

Prayer Point

Father God, thank you for the blood if Jesus. Lord, I receive cleansing by the blood, wash me and make make me whole in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 50; 2Timothy 2; Pro.25:21&28; Pro. 26:1-12

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


3 ways you’re damaging your productivity at work

By Natalie Walters

Being productive at work is key to both your company’s success and your career success.

Yet, despite the positive payoff, many workers have trouble maintaining high productivity levels throughout the work day — mostly due to factors outside of their control.

Project management software provider Wrike recently conducted a study of 1,500 professionals in various positions, including marketing, IT, accounting, HR, sales, and manufacturing to figure out what hinders their productivity in the office.

The 2015 work management report revealed the following top three productivity mistakes:

1. Working on too many things at once 

Andrew Filev, founder and CEO of Wrike, tells Business Insider that multitasking hurts productivity because the brain cannot give its full attention to more than one task at a time — it’s why texting while driving is so dangerous.

Filev gives an example to illustrate the harm in multitasking at work: Imagine you have to do thing one, which takes five days to complete, and thing two, which also takes five days to complete. If you do thing one and thing two simultaneously, then you will have both things done in 10 days.

But if you prioritize and do thing one first and then thing two, then you will have thing one done in five days and can go ahead and start reaping its business value five days earlier.

“Under the stress of work we often forget about this example and start working on five things at once, and it ends up taking us five times as long to get the actual result,” Filev says.

While multitasking is harmful to productivity, Filev says it’s a reality of life that workers must learn to work around by forcing prioritization and doing thing one before thing two.

2. Waiting for other people to act

Not being able to work on a project because somebody else hasn’t done their part yet is frustrating, Filev says. But the solution is simple: Make sure the whole team is on the same page.

The project, whether it’s a logo redesign or a new business plan, should be located online, where any team member can view its progress and see who is holding the team up. Make sure that everyone on the team knows both where you and the project stand — what’s been done, what’s being done, and what still needs to be done.

3. Responding to emails

Email is a 40-year-old technology, so if you’re using it for more than 30% of your day, then something is definitely wrong, Filev says.

While you may think you’re being productive by responding to every email right when it dings in your inbox, Filev says you are actually contributing to the problem by then creating another unanswered email in someone else’s inbox.

What’s more, only the respondent and recipient receive the information, while the rest of the team sits in the dark.

A better solution is to use an instant messaging communication tool (Business Insider uses Slack, for example) where all team members can be in on the conversation, yet no one feels pressured to respond.

Filev says this team communication and cooperation is key to increasing productivity for the future.

“A lot of opportunity to improve productivity lies not just with one person, but more with the team,” Filev says. “I’ve seen teams change their processes and become literally twice as fast as they were before.”


The Sovereign Lord says today that I so loved the
world that I gave – let this mind be in you. I
am a giver says the Lord. Make it your
decision from this day forward to likewise be
a giver. You are called not simply to be a
repository of the wealth of the earth but to
be a conduit of the wealth of the earth to
kingdom purpose. As you give and open your
hand in abundance I will cause the
boundaries of My goodness in My provision
to be enlarged in your life beyond all your
expectations. Money is like blood it must
flow or death occurs. I have not called you
to death I have called you to life and the
nature of life is to give liberally and lavish
your goodness upon all those around you.
So give lavishly and be obedient and the
windows of heaven will be open to you. I will
pour out upon you My overwhelming
blessings of abundance. I will rebuke the
devourer for your sake and cause Satan’s
strategies to steal from you or hinder you to
be rendered null and void. I so loved the
world that I gave – let this mind be in you
My beloved and I will cause you to be
independent of this world system. You will
operate in provision according to the
economy of the kingdom and not the
economy of man and you will be left
standing when all others have failed and
come up short.



We make excuses.  We stay in the safe end of the pool and find ways to ignore anything that might..

We make excuses.  We stay in the safe end of the pool and find ways to ignore anything that might challenge us in anyway.  We allow circumstances and our belief that we have no choices be our guide instead.  Forgetting that we can create happiness as much as we can create misery seems to become a way of life.  Stepping away from what we have been taught and allowing ourselves to make our own path doesn’t even seem to cross the minds of too many of us anymore.  And if you don’t believe me that we all forgo actions that we really wish we had the courage to take, read more here…

We go looking for failure.

Not really on purpose, but sometimes, it is all we can focus on.  We have all stumbled a time or two as we have traveled through our life and the fear of another setback is just something that we can do without.  So we expect the worst.  Every time.  We never believe we have a shot at that promotion we really want so we never fill out the paperwork, only to go back to doing the same thing we despise.  We never ask that girl out for fear of being rejected after allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.  We never take that risk.  The same risk life begs of us.

We follow the crowd.

It is easier to never have to make a decision or take any responsibility either.  We just follow the “school of fish” never stopping to ask, “Is this what I really want to be doing?”  Falling in line is easy.  But what happens if you change your mind?  If your experiences have somehow changed your perspective on life?  No one promotes “going against the grain” because that is not what most of us do.  We take the easiest route instead of the road less traveled.  We have been conditioned that way.

We play it safe.

Growing up, we told we could be anything we want, but only if we were careful and cautious.  We could never “push the envelope” too much.  Most kids get hurt because they were not thinking about being safe — they were caught up in the moment.  Now as adults, we are missing out on those glorious moments of absolute freedom because our biggest concern seems to be one of security instead.  Our fear leaves us paralyzed as we hold out in the safety of what we know.  Our excitement of doing something new and maybe a little dangerous is just what our psyche needs.

We have no hope.   

The world nowadays is full of turmoil, hatred, and animosity that will not diminish overnight.  And our future generations are never going to believe that any action they take will make an impact if they don’t have hope.  In order for us to take a step away from the common thread, we must understand that our purpose will stand for something, even long after we are gone.  Instead of compromising what we can’t do with laziness and justifications as why something won’t work, let’s give it a shot anyway.  What have we got to lose?

We stopped listening to our hearts.

At some, point, filling our pockets with cash, loading up on material possessions, and taking from others because we could became our way of life.  In the end, we don’t feel any more full because we have “stuff” and our regrets become almost too much to bear as we suffer through guilt and mistakes made along the way.  Our hearts beg for us to listen to them — to find what feeds our souls and to enhance the lives of others in whatever we can.  So we play in that local golf fundraiser never really taking the time to see how we can make a difference in someone else’s life.  But in order to really understand what our hearts feel, we must get “in the trenches” and allow ourselves to be vulnerable and exposed.

We quit.

We give up on the good fight because it’s hard and long with no guarantee of success.  Looking around the crowd, we see no other participants taking up where we leave off and our efforts, although honorable, become too much to bear alone.  Walking away is simple and we can wash our hands of any more responsibility and there is always the token, “I did what I could…it just didn’t work out” answer.  Out of strength and tired, we believe we cannot find a single ounce to take another step.

We forgot our “why.”

Most of us will not commit to something unless we believe we will be successful.  There has to be a chance of accomplishing what we want to achieve.  Our reasons for being pulled in a particular direction can lose its power if we wind up on a road we never intended to take, dealing more than we imagined, or never seem to be making any head way.  Our draw towards a specific goal has lost its meaning and we forget our reasons for beginning in the first place.  Lost momentum and faded eagerness begin to take hold — whether intended or not — and our focus seems unclear.

No matter our background, our education level, or our when we get started, holding ourselves back is a disservice to the rest of the world.  Our natural-born talents go untapped, un-shared, and hidden.  No one assigns our limits to us, we assign them to ourselves.  And in doing so, we can also unassign them.  Doing something out of the norm and unorthodox might upset the apple cart and many people will not understand your motives, believing that they are built on false pretenses.  True limits continue to grow after they have been met…as long as we don’t hold ourselves back from reaching our full potential.

By Michelle Homme


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 27th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Love others as much as you love yourself"( Matthew 22:39 CEV)


Only by loving yourself in a healthy way that you can love others the way God intended. When you dont appreciate yourself, you live with insecurity, and you keep looking to others for approval and when you dont get it, your self worth shrivels. As a result, you live far beneath your potentials. You are the only person you cant get away from, so unless you learn to accept yourself, you will be miserable. Stop and think about the last time you were around somebody you dont enjoy being with; how did that feel?

Whether good or had, you project onto others the thoughts and the feelings you have of yourself. So if you want people to think well of you, have a good opinion of yourself: one that's based on God's word and nurtured by the right relationships. No question, the Word of God cautions us about having an over exaggerated opinion about ourselves. But dont go the other extreme, living with a continual self rejection is a open invitation to satan , who is always sneaking around to find someone to attack.(2Peter 5:8). Dont play into his hand.

Apostle Paul writes  "Nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature(Romans7:18NIV). That means the good qualities you posses are evidence that God is at work in your life. So be sure to acknowledge them. The Bible says, we have this treasure in earthen vessel, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us2Cor.4:7). Instead of focusing on your flaws and feeling bad about yourself recognise the 'treasure' of God's presence, power, excellence and potential that lives within you. You are valuable!

Prayer Point

Father thank you for your treasures, and the excellency of your power at work in my life. Thank you for making me a creature of value. Help me to see and appreciate all that you've made me to be in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 48-49: 2Timothy1; Psalm 119:81-88

Monday, 26 October 2015


The characteristics of a great leader

Two hundred years have passed since the battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon’s calamitous defeat made such a huge dent in his country’s self-image that General Charles de Gaulle, in his history of the French army, simply omitted it. Nonetheless, Napoleon, like de Gaulle, would both easily make it onto any list of history’s great leaders – assuming, of course, that one considers “greatness” to be an individual trait.

Marx and Tolstoy would say that there is no such thing as a “great leader.” For Marx, the class struggle in France created the circumstances in which a “grotesque mediocrity” – that is, Napoleon – was morphed into a hero. As far as Tolstoy was concerned, Napoleon was not a particularly good general, and was carried to victory by the courage and commitment of all of the individual French soldiers who won the Battle of Borodino.

Whether or not Napoleon was great, the question remains whether any leader could merit that description. And if so, who?

There seem to be two particularly important criteria for great leadership, both noted by the political philosopher Isaiah Berlin. First, does the leader recognize which way the winds of history are blowing? Otto von Bismarck did, as did his fellow German Konrad Adenauer; both, in Bismarck’s memorable phrase, could hear “the rustle of God’s cloak.”

Second, does a leader have important choices to make? Of course, if decisions are forced upon a leader, he or she cannot really be credited with (or blamed for) them. So the key is that the leader has the opportunity to consider alternatives, and choose the right one for his or her country.

This is why de Gaulle is almost certain to be on any list of great leaders. Almost single-handedly, he rescued France from the relegation zone after World War II. After returning to power in 1958, he rescued his country a second time, putting down two attempted coups, ending the war in Algeria, and inspiring the Fifth Republic’s constitution.

Much like British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, de Gaulle gave the French a new worldview that established their place in the post-war global order. In fact, the worldviews that de Gaulle and Churchill established for their countries turned out to be a little too influential. Their successors continued to perceive the world – and their countries’ role in it – in ways that constrained rational discussion and distorted decision-making for years. As a result, no subsequent leader of either country has matched them.

But there is one other British prime minister who may come close: Margaret Thatcher, a highly contentious figure, who was loved by some and loathed by others. Even her resignation, 25 years ago this year, was spurred by a mutiny in her own cabinet and party. But one does not need to be universally liked – or even likable – to be a great leader. And the fact is that not even Thatcher’s detractors can deny her impact.

Beyond being the first woman prime minister in Britain, and among the first anywhere, Thatcher helped to reverse Britain’s economic decline. Her assault on excessively powerful trade unions, moreover, made Britain governable, at a time when the country seemed to be slipping into drift and disorder. Given this, she is certainly a candidate for “great leader” status.

Similarly, China’s Deng Xiaoping may qualify as a great leader, despite having a record that is far from squeaky clean. Beyond undertaking dark deeds as one of Mao’s lieutenants, Deng played a decisive role in ordering the massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989. But Deng also unleashed the market, setting the country on the path toward unprecedented growth and prosperity that ultimately lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty.

Many would regard Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founder and longtime prime minister, as great, though he probably would have welcomed the opportunity to test his mettle in a larger arena. And, in fact, it seems that size does affect one’s ability to secure great-leader status. I mean no insult to the House of Luxembourg when I say that it is unlikely that a great leader will emerge from that tiny country, especially given its generally uncontentious politics.

The United States is certainly big enough to produce great leaders. And some presidents have indeed done great things. Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower – no intellectual giants, to be sure – showed excellent judgment as they established the post-war international order that has supported peace in much of the world for decades. Others, including Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, have had great gifts – say, the ability to inspire or a talent for persuasion.

John F. Kennedy was a little of both. He did one great thing: resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis. And his gift for motivating people was unmatched; indeed, it outlasted him, with his assassination cementing a powerful legacy.

In Africa, there has been no great figure since the death of South African President Nelson Mandela, who combined courage, authority, and magnanimity in graceful abundance. In fact, he is among the most charismatic and charming leaders I have met; the other two – former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former US Secretary of State Colin Powell – also are either African or African-American.

And what of today? The only contemporary European who can lay claim to the mantle of greatness is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the European Union’s de facto leader. Like former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, she tends to be underestimated at first, but gets the big decisions right. Kohl delivered generous terms for German reunification; Merkel has stood up to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his interventionism in Ukraine, and she has taken a generous approach to the migration crisis.

Marx and Tolstoy were, I believe, wrong. Political leadership – and the men and women who exercise it – can make a real difference, for better or worse. Merkel is today’s leading example of that, as she provides the direction Europe needs to tackle the challenging existential crisis that it faces.

This article is published in collaboration with Project Syndicate. Publication does not imply endorsement of views by us.



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am the God of
your supply. Your needs are being met
according to My riches in glory. It is My will
that you prosper for I am your provider. I am
Jehovah-Jireh and I have, covenantally
obligated Myself in My very person to see
that wealth and riches are in your house. I
know that this is not what you have always
been taught – you be a Father pleaser and
accept what I have paid for in your behalf.
Be a Father pleaser, says the Lord and see
yourself as the sheep of My hand for I am
bringing you to the high place and I will take
care of your every need. You will not suffer
from want or lack in any thing. You will not
fear. You will not be troubled. You will not
be anxious and you will not worry for you will
taste and see of My goodness even as
others grope about the door unable to find
My blessing.
Just as I take care of the sparrow and the
grass of the field how much more important
are you than they? Fear not from whence
the need in your life will be met for I know
when your bills are due. I know what your
children have need of. I know when your
clothes are worn out. If I care for the beasts
of the field how much more will I care for
you? You have been bought with a price and
you now live under My stewardship. I will not
neglect you. I will not deny you. I will not
allow you to languish one more day in
poverty, lack, or despair. I became poor so
that you can be rich – receive of My
suffering in your behalf and know that My
blessing has found you this day and a new
season of entitlement has begun in your life.



It starts with subtle betrayal.

Most of us think that cheating is the ultimate act of relationship betrayal.

But, let's get real — people don’t just suddenly decide to trash their marriage vows like that out of nowhere. They don’t go to bed 100 percent bed faithful and then wake up with adulterous morning plans. 

Instead of a sudden, shocking downpour ... the truth is, infidelity is actually a storm that brews slowly.

Usually, this starts with dozens of mini betrayals. Things that occur in your marriage that slowly but surely crack the relationship’s foundation.

Some of these are obvious — lying to your partner, openly flirting with a co-worker, talking to your old high school flame on Facebook way too much. But some betrayals aren’t so overt.

And it’s these less obvious betrayals that actually do the most damage. Why? Because they let you form destructive habits that slip under your partner’s radar. And those acts quietly open the door to major acts of betrayal that can lead to divorce.

So, what exactly are these mini betrayals? Here's the list: 

1. You have secret relationships

Almost everyone has a relationship outside of their marriage. Exes we’re still friends with, co-workers we laugh with, best friends we share our deepest thoughts with. That’s all fine and healthy. But problems arise when you use those relationships to fulfill emotional needs not being met in your marriage.  

How do you know if you’re doing this? It’s easy. Ask yourself one simple question: "Would I act the same with this other person if my significant other was watching?"

If you answer "No," you're likely crossing boundaries that lead into dangerous territory.

2. You hide money 

Money Magazine asked a thousand coupleswhat they argue about most: 70 percent answered money! The way a betrayal happens in this area is pretty obvious: you hide a spending problem, you ignore a gambling habit, or you siphon money into a private account.

If you’re engaging in any of these acts, take action. Seek professional help — whether it’s from a psychologist or an accountant — and tell your spouse exactly what’s going on.

3. You complain about your partner to other people  

Complaining about your partner is tricky: Anyone who says they would never vent about their spouse doesn’t have one!

But blowing off steam about your mate on a rare occasion is much different from consistently talking trash about your significant other (telling people he/she is lazy, dull, boring, unattractive, an ass, etc.) Not only is it disrespectful, but it also calls into question your choices. After all, if your spouse is that bad, what does it say about you that you married them?  

But the damage doesn’t stop there. Only allowing friends to hear bad things about your spouse prevents them from seeing the good, even when it's right there. If you want to complain about your partner, complain to a paid friend — your therapist.

4. You undermine your partner in public

You kow what I mean: That roll of your eyes, that sarcastic remark, the cheap shot you take when they piss you off — these are small, but deeply hurtful betrayals. By doing this, you’re telling your spouse that your marriage isn’t sacred and that you’re fine violating their privacy by airing your dirty emotional laundry in public.  

This creates a shit-show dynamic to your union, a soap opera that those around you want to both ignore and watch. It’s like bad reality TV, but without the obvious script.

5. You're emotionally dishonest

Emotional dishonesty comes in all shapes and sizes. From committing to something you don’t really want to do, to saying that you're "fine" (when you're actually boiling with disdain) all the way to faking an orgasm. But emotional dishonesty is often most dangerous when you use it to justify your actions.

If you’re doing something that, deep down, you know is wrong, you'll try to convince yourself (and your partner) that it’s right. Sometimes, you’ll exaggerate or downplay the situation, so that whatever you're doing seems innocent. You know it's not.

6. You're straight up selfish

You show it in a million different ways — with your time, during sex, with the attention you give (or don't). Being selfish on occasion isn’t a problem — it has its own benefits. But being selfish constantly tells your spouse that you’re better off flying solo.  

One particularly destructive way selfishness creeps into relationships is by invalidating your spouse's feelings.

Your spouse's feeling are never wrong (whether you agree with those feelings or not). Invalidating your partner breeds anger and creates a division between the two of you. It clearly shows that you don’t respect their experiences and that they shouldn't trust their own emotions. This is a form of manipulation.

7. You stonewall your partner 

Stonewalling is a power-play, an act of withholding yourself, your emotions, youraffection until you get your way. And it's cruel. It’s like holding your marriage hostage with a passive-aggressive gun. Needing space to sort out your thoughts is one thing, constantly refusing to tell your partner how you feel is another.

Like stonewalling, bringing up past issues is also a form of betrayal. If your partner did things previously that you said you've processed and forgiven, bringing them up over and over only reopens old wounds. The only thing this tactic achieves is making the emotional scar bigger.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 26th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Good planning and hard work leads to prosperity"(Proverbs 3:21-22NLT)


Success is not an endowment, it's a result of deliberate practices. Here below are eight things you can practice to bring unending success to your life:
1) Decide what you want. But first consult God. 'Many are the plans in the heart of a man but the Lord's purpose shall stand(Pro 19:21NIV).
2) Think on paper; writing down your goals sends energy into your body that will daily drive you to success
3)Establish a deadline. Without definite beginning and ending, its easy to procrastinate and get nowhere.
4) Make a list of what you want to do. Keep it before you daily, it will give you a sense of direction.
5)Convert the list to a working plan. Decide what you need to do first and what you need to later. An organised plan is always better than wishing that things take shape by themselves.
6) Act immediately. Make the most of every opportunity. Do something! A mediocre plan that us implemented beats a brilliant one that is not.
7) Do something everyday to bring about your desired result. Build it into your schedule. For instance make contacts daily. Go out to meet prospective clients. Write that business proposal etc.
8) Give it your 100% attention and time. Until you give life all it take, it will not give you all it contains. One of the things you need to fight for is focus. We live in a very distracting society, the ability to keep your eyes on the goal will set you apart from mediocre and give you the success you need.

prayer Point

Father, as I go out today, lead me, strengthen me and grant my heart expectations in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 46-47; 1 Timothy 6; Psalm 119;73-80

Sunday, 25 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 25th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

" For this purpose the son of God  manifest...(1Jon.3:8)


Apostle Paul was one man we can say fulfilled his God given purpose. He was a man on a mission. He travelled light, practiced discipline, avoided distraction and kept his eyes on the ball...."one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal(Phil. 3:3-4). Successful organisations  live by mission statements that each member if the team can understand; they keep it before them all the time. God told prophet habakuk...write the vision, make it plain..that he may run that reads it.(Hab.2:2). You must write your mission statement down, read it regularly, Remember it at all times and run with it. Your greatest enemy isn't opposition, its distractions. It's keeping your eyes off what's not important. The story was told of a soldier that was caught by the Roman army. The Roman emperor always use the prisoners of war for sport in third amphitheatre. On one of the occasions , the soldier that was caught was given a spoonful of water to carry around the stadium with the condition that he will be killed if a drop of water fall from that spoon. At each side if the theatre is crowd cheering him on and at the other side is another group jeering at him. At last he made it without losing a drop. He was asked how was able to accomplish that feat and which group in the crowd helped him. He answered, 'none'! He emphasized the fact that at that point his life was in that spoonful of water and that was what mattered throughout the race. Guard against distractions either from those gating you or hailing you. They might be carrying out their purpose, but don't let them stop you from carrying out yours!

Prayer Point

Father God, let the door of destiny fulfilment be opened unto me in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 43-45; 1Timothy 5; Psalm 119:65-72

Saturday, 24 October 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today that My eye scans
the earth to show Myself mighty in behalf of
the kneeling ones. As you have planted your
knees with weeping and with prayers you will
lift your hands full of the bounty and the
harvest of answered petition says the
Lord. I am calling forth in the earth those
that will be known as the kneeling ones. As
men and women in diverse places respond to
My call says the Lord they will become an
army of nation confronting principalities and
powers. They will open the gates of
utterance for a new outpouring of My Spirit.
I’m doing a new thing in the earth says the
Lord. I’m doing a new thing says the
Ancient of Days and you will be a
participator and a first partaker as you
become one of My kneeling ones.
Prepare for the full inventory of your
petitions to be addressed says the Lord
My purpose requires that you serve Me
without distraction. Therefore will I bring
salvation to your household, and healing to
your body, and provision to your garners.
The unique, the unusual and the unexpected
will begin to burst around you in an
anticipated breaking forth of blessing as I do
that which you have not even asked Me for.
You have said yes therefore I say yes. As
you are willing to soldier for Me even so this
day and My warring for you that you will
serve Me without distraction and enter in to
the high places of the earth to unseat
principalities and powers of illegitimate
authority. Get ready says the Lord for the
coming of My kingdom in magnitudes not
seen in this generation.

Friday, 23 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday  23rd of October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"...They tore their clothes... crying out... we also are men"(Acts 14:11-15)


Success is a test and failure is a test. How you manage these will determine your further success or failure.
The Bible says. 'In Lystra a man who had never walked heard Paul speaking..Paul.. observing that he had faith to be healed, said..' Stand up straight on your feet' and he leaped and walked(v.8-10). What an extraordinary miracle! Without months of therapy to get his brain's neurological system functioning and his weak muscles activated, this man who  couldn't stand up suddenly started walking. That's like winning the project fame contest without any voice training. Or getting your picture displayed at the Tate Gallery without having an art class. God can reverse the damage of your past and bless you with success. You walk into it by His power and grace. That's how God blesses and turn your situation around.
Then we read. 'When the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying...' The gods have come down to us...when the Apostles..heard this they tore their cloths..crying out...'why are you doing these things? We also are men" ( Acts 14:21-15). People have the tendency to make gods out of successful men. In our nation's political history, one of the Political aspirants was been vilified and was a victim of 'hate campaign'. They even claimed he had no school certificate, eventually he won the election. Suddenly all the people who were against him turned around to start currying his favour. Indeed wealth and success has many friends! We keep wanting to make gods out of successful people. When someone nobody has ever heard of hits the high note, gets a record deal and becomes an overnight star, and we set him up as a role model, Lord help us! It even happen to Preachers; you struggle, God bless you and enable you to build a great ministry, now people can't even talk to you without having to pass through various security checks you have in place(unless they happen to be big donors). Paul and Banabas didn't go out and buy a  billboard placement to announce their miracle ministry or hire a manager to keep their itinery going. No! They tore their cloths and cried, "we also are men. So wise up! The crowd that worshipped Paul yesterday stoned him today. The people that celebrated Jesus yesterday shouting 'Hosannah!!' Shouted 'crucify him!!' Later. Bottom line, in managing success,: Be humble, love people, but trust only in God.

Prayer Point

Father thank you for your blessings in my life. I receive the Grace and wisdom to manage what you are doing in my life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 52; 2Tumothy 3; Psalm 119:79-104

Thursday, 22 October 2015


10 Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Life Partner

Choosing a Life partner can be tricky. Sometimes ‘the one’ might just turn out to be the journey to the one.

Some will tell you that love is everything but there is life after love and that life has to be lived. Whether we like it or not, there are certain truths we have to face about our life partner.

Loving someone right is not a mathematical formula, its reciprocal and we often miss the signs that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Women are wired to be hopeless romantics but being romantic is not all we need in a relationship.

Here are 10 things you should look out for in a partner.

1. Does He Bring Out The Best In You?

The person with whom you choose to spend the rest of your life should magnify your strengths and balance out your weaknesses.

He should make you feel like the truest version of yourself. He has to bring out the best of the best in you.

2. Does He Make You Want To Be a Better Person

When we feel fulfilled and accepted exactly as we are, we tend to become better versions of ourselves but when we feel unappreciated and misunderstood, we struggle to exist as we are.

True happiness fills hearts with so much joy that it overflows into the relationships that surround us. He will want you to nurture relationships that are important to you rather than require your full and undivided attention.

3. Does He Make The Ordinary Seem Extraordinary?

Do you enjoy spending time together, can you watch a movie together, do you share discussions. The rest of your life is a long time to spend with someone you don’t enjoy doing the ordinary with.

It’s amazing how much more fun “chores” can be when you are performing them with someone you love. Something as ordinary as washing plates can look extraordinary when you do it with someone you love.

4. Does He Make You Feel Safe?

Does he make you feel safe with your feelings and emotions, does he make you feel safe when you need to share something that’s been on your mind, reassess a situation that happened at work or when you just need someone to listen?

Does he make you feel safe to chase your dreams and discover your passions?

Safety transcends protecting you in the market or defending your virtue when the bus conductor harasses you, safety is knowing that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you can always feel his arms around you.

5. Does He Make You Laugh?

Life is way too short to spend it being serious and there is nothing better than laughing until your stomach cramps with someone who can truly make you laugh.

Everyone has their own style of humour and we just have to find a life partner whose style complements ours.

6. Do You Enjoy Talking To Him?

Choose to spend the rest of your life with someone you can talk to about anything and still feel as though there’s more left to say. Forever is a long time and you both have decades of talk to cover.

7. Does He Calm Your Storms Or Create Your Storms?

The love of your life should be your heart’s resting place. The safety in the chaos, rainbow after the rain and the person you know you will leave feeling better every time your life is in chaos.

Don’t get stuck in a relationship that create more storms in your life. Life is hard enough, if we makes you cry too often, walk away or you will spend the rest of your life shedding tears. It all starts during the relationship, don’t ignore the warning signs.

8. Do You Respect One Another?

Respect is one of the most important qualities to have in a relationship. If you respect someone, you will likely not embarrass him in front of his friends or family. Respect is reciprocal.

9. Do You Fight The Same Way?

Everyone has a preferred method for fighting and it’s important that you and your significant other are compatible in conflict resolution. Problems will always arise but you both must be able to tackle each problem head on together.

10. Does He Challenge You?

Does your relationship challenge you mentally, physically and intellectually? Do you feel as though you learn from each other, grow with one another and have progressed both individually and together since you have been together?

The love of your life will fuel your passions so that you can pursue the things you find meaningful and will challenge you to learn new skills that makes you better at what you do.

He will challenge you to go for that professional course and learn new skills, not discourage you because it doesn’t suit him or fit into his idea of the ideal partner.


From the desk if Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 22nd October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"He did what was right"(2Kibfs 22:2 NIV)

The Bible told the story of Josiah's grandfather, Mannaseh. He was a violent king who filled Jerusalem from one end to the other with people's blood(2Kings21:16NIV). His father king Ammon died at the hands of his own officers. 'He did that which was wrong,' reads his epitaph. Josiah was only eight when he ascended the throne. Immediately he chose righteousness, and didn't stop doing what was right all the days of his life(2Kings 22:2). What's the point? We can't pick our patents but we can pick our role models.

When Josiah was rebuilding the temple he discovered a scroll containing God's law. As he read it he wept, realising his people had drifted far from God. So he sent word to a prophetess and asked, ' what will become of our people? She told Josiah that since he had repented when he heard God's word, his nation would be spared 2(chronicles 34:14-27). Wow! An entire generation of people received grace because of the integrity of one man.

So you cab rise above your past and make a difference. Your parents may have given you your DNA, but God can give a new birth and a new beginning. 'You are God's children who he loves so try and be like Him.(Eph.5:1NIV). Just like Josiah you cannot control the way your fore fathers responded to God, but you can control the way you respond to Him. Your past does not gave to he your prison.; you have a say in your life, you have a voice in your destiny, you have a choice in the path you take. Chose well, chose God, someday, generations from now others will thank God for the right choices you made.

Prayer Point

Father, I make a commitment to live my life to please you, help me make the right choices that will change my life and generations after me for good in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 51; 2Timothy 3; Psalm 119:89-96

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 21st October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Come aside and rest a while"(Mark 6:31 NKJV).


Luke said: 'He departed and went into a deserted place. And the crowd sought Him and came to Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them; but said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent" (Luke4:42-43 NKJV). Examine the life of Christ: the control He exercised, the Criticism   He evoked, the communion He enjoyed with God, then follow His example!

Jesus say no to good things so He could say yes to the right things. That's not easy. God may want you to leave where you are, but you are staying; or He may want you to stay, but you are leaving. How can you know? Get away from the crowd and meet with Jesus in a deserted place. This word 'deserted' doesn't mean desolate, just quiet; a place to think, to pray, to hear from God, to refuel and re-chart your course. Hell hates to see you stop.

In the contemporary society, the devil major in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds: if he can keep us engaged in 'muchness' and the 'manyness' , he will be satisfied. He implants taxi meters in our brains. 'We hear the relentless tick, tick, tick, telling us to hurry, hurry, hurry, time is money, resulting in this roaring blur called human race. But Jesus stands against the tide saying 'come to me, all you who labor and heavy laden, and I will you rest'. (Matthew @1:28NKJV). Will you come? Will you follow Jesus come away to a quiet place.  A thousand voice will tell you not to. Ignore them

Prayer Point

Father, draw me to the place of communion and spiritual restoration in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jer.33-34;1Timothy 1; Psalm 119: 41-48

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 20th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

'I must leave everything i gain to people who haven't worked to earn it' (Ecclesiastes 2:21NLT).


Life is a gift that God has give us all and that life is meant to be invested to benefit those around us as we live to fulfil God's assignment for our lives.
in business we talk about the 'mark up'. It's your net profit, your bottom line reward. Here is the truth that you need to know: When you live for yourself and fail to fulfil your destiny and live for what matters, the 'mark up' will not be worth the investment. Solomon writes, 'so I turned in despair from hard work, it was not the answer for my satisfaction in this life. For though I do my work with wisdom knowledge and skill, I must leave everything I gain to people who haven't worked to earn it. This is not only foolish but highly unfair(Eccl.2:18 NIV). Or as John Cappozi puts it, 'The executive who works from 7am to 7pm everyday will be successful. He will also be fondly remembered by his wife's next husband.
The day is coming when the stuff you've striven, strained and stressed out to squire will make no difference. Your resume and job title will no longer press anyone. No one will care what cloths you wore or what car you drove, except your relatives who plan to wear them, drove them or sell them. If you are you will plan to exit this life  with a 'mark up'. And that involves these three things : a) The satisfaction that comes from having fulfilled your life assignment here on earth . b) The success that's measured in terms of eternal rewards rather than temporal ones. c) The security that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. These are the only things that's worth living for! .

Prayer Point

Father God, open my eyes to see and know what's important and grant me grace to live for the same in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading
Jeremiah 30-31; 2Thessalonian 2; Psalm 112

Sunday, 18 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 18th October 2015


"For this purpose was the son of God manifested...(1John 3:16NKJ)

Jesus said "for this reason I was born..(John18:37). When you know why you are and what your God given purpose is, you become unstoppable. You won't be flawless but you will have the innate power to overcome each obstacle as you proceed. If you get turned around, God loves you enough to get your attention, correct and re-direct your steps, and get you back on track. But to find the right answer you must ask the right questions. How do I know discover my purpose find the answers here:
(1)What desirs have been living in me most of my life? (2)what motivates me to be productive? (3) what keeps me going forward when I am worn out? (4) what makes me refuse to quit when I meet opposition or resistance? (5) what do I do that doesn't seem like work? (6) what do I do that bring positive support and response from others? (7) what do I do or what's happening in my life when doors seem to open effortlessly
(8) What do discerning leaders or godly counsellor think about my personal work and service to God? (9) what makes me feel good about being who I am? (10) what makes my creative juice flow? (11) what am I willing to sacrifice to accomplish it? (12) what ma I doing that I will be proud to oofer for God's approval? (13) what would I do without being paid for, if I could afford to? (14) what will I be willing to withstand satan over, in order to accomplish it? What God is saying to you is that it's not too late to find God's purpose for your life and begin to follow it.

Prayer Point

·O Lord God, I refuse for my life to be wasted, empower me to fulfil my destiny in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jer 28-29; 2Thess.1 ; Ps.111:25-32

Saturday, 17 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 17th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Be courteous that you may Inherit a blessing" (1Peter3:9NKJV)


Common courtesy is fast becoming a scarce commodity in our society and even among Christians. The Bible made us realise that courtesy is one of the keys to the blessing. Sometimes we dont know how to go about pleasing God and getting blessed. Preachers have made it a lot complicated by teaching us to believe that 'tithing' is the only path to the blessing. No, practicing courtesy also can give you access to God's blessing. The prophet Micah simplifies it for us: 'what does the Lord require of you but to love kindness'(Micah 6:8NAS). Below are ten common courtesies you should work on everyday, and teach  our children. After all if they dont learn courtesy from us where else will they learn it? (1) Go out of your way to speak to people. Pleasant words are healing ( Pro 16:24 NIV) (2) Try to remember people's names it shows you value them (3)Smile it increases your ' face value' (4) Be friendly and helpful, if you do people will return it (5) Show genuine interest in people, you can find something good in almost everybody if you try ( 6)  Be generous with your praise and be courteous with your criticism (7) Be slow to Judge, there are three sides yo every story, your side, their side, and the right side. (8) Instead of ' using' others serve them: by love, serve one another ( Gal 5:13). (9) Start trusting people, it builds lasting relationship (10)Be humble.
Courtesy does two things: a) It speaks well of your parents, ' Live so that people will...praise your father'   (Matthew 5:16 NVC). b)It determines your level of blessing. ' Be courteous...so that you may inherit a blessing'.

Prayer Point

Father, I receive the heart of kindness to relate with people around me in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 26-27; 1Thess 5; Psalm 119:17-24


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