

Thursday 22 October 2015


From the desk if Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 22nd October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"He did what was right"(2Kibfs 22:2 NIV)

The Bible told the story of Josiah's grandfather, Mannaseh. He was a violent king who filled Jerusalem from one end to the other with people's blood(2Kings21:16NIV). His father king Ammon died at the hands of his own officers. 'He did that which was wrong,' reads his epitaph. Josiah was only eight when he ascended the throne. Immediately he chose righteousness, and didn't stop doing what was right all the days of his life(2Kings 22:2). What's the point? We can't pick our patents but we can pick our role models.

When Josiah was rebuilding the temple he discovered a scroll containing God's law. As he read it he wept, realising his people had drifted far from God. So he sent word to a prophetess and asked, ' what will become of our people? She told Josiah that since he had repented when he heard God's word, his nation would be spared 2(chronicles 34:14-27). Wow! An entire generation of people received grace because of the integrity of one man.

So you cab rise above your past and make a difference. Your parents may have given you your DNA, but God can give a new birth and a new beginning. 'You are God's children who he loves so try and be like Him.(Eph.5:1NIV). Just like Josiah you cannot control the way your fore fathers responded to God, but you can control the way you respond to Him. Your past does not gave to he your prison.; you have a say in your life, you have a voice in your destiny, you have a choice in the path you take. Chose well, chose God, someday, generations from now others will thank God for the right choices you made.

Prayer Point

Father, I make a commitment to live my life to please you, help me make the right choices that will change my life and generations after me for good in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 51; 2Timothy 3; Psalm 119:89-96

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