

Friday 30 October 2015


The Sovereign Lord says this day is a new day for
you. Every day is a new day. Did I not say
“behold I make all things new”? My deepest
mercies are renewed every morning as
though in your lifetime you had never tapped
My grace for your struggles in life. Every day
the wrapping is taken off and the bow untied
for a whole new place of favor and blessing.
I am not keeping score or holding a grudge
because you didn’t do it right yesterday. Just
repent. You know when your words and your
actions and the thoughts of your heart are
grieving to My Holy Spirit. Just take the
posture of repentance and I will provide the
enabling grace to produce change and cause
you to grow more perfectly into My image.
Let all conflict go this day says the Lord.
Let deliverance – even My delivering spirit
flow into your person and dislodge every
tentacle and affliction that the enemy has
sought to torment you with. You are
cleansed and forgiven and set free. You are
set free this day and your future is
brightening hour by hour under the Dayspring
of My favor in your behalf. Reject the old
mindset of condemnation and resentment.
There is no basis for resentment or unbelief
because I keep coming through for you and
in you. This is your day. This is a new day.
Rejoice and step out as one of My entitled
ones into your full and complete victory and
success in every area of concern in your life.

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