

Wednesday 28 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 28th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Create in me a clean heart, o God' (Psalm 51:10NLT)


Jesus taught that only the pure in heart shall see God. (Matthew 5:8). Now the problem is not God's inability to be seen, its our inability to recognise Him. To the blind all things are invisible. And when the bible use the word 'see God', its not referring to physically been able to see God, but instead referring to seeing God at work in our situations. After his 'Bathsheba gate' David fell on his knees and prayed: 'create in me a clean heart, o God.' This word pure comes from the Greek word katharos meaning to clean out, much like laxative or to purge. That may seem funny but its true. Jesus is saying, ' if you've heard too much and seen too much, then purge your heart. Don't carry around what God wants discarded. Get rid of every weight( things that drag you down) and the sin which so easily ( entraps you) (see Hebrew 12:1NLT). The glory God wants to show you is worth clearing  up to see.

Jesus said, 'you are clean because of the word I have spoken to  you (Jn15:3). Time spent in the scripture will cleanse you by convicting you of sins you are aware of, and exposing ones you are not aware of so that you can deal with them. It takes clarity to walk in divine authority! Only a pure heart can understand what God is saying and follow where He is leading.

Unidentified, unconfessed, and unforgiven sins will block your spiritual arteries like cholesterol. A heart that's not pure will keep you seeking the wisdom of men rather than the ways of God. It will keep you needing prayer instead of being in a place where you can offer prayer for others. In short, you need to clean out your heart so that you can hear God and see the direction He's leading you to.

Prayer Point

Father God, thank you for the blood if Jesus. Lord, I receive cleansing by the blood, wash me and make make me whole in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 50; 2Timothy 2; Pro.25:21&28; Pro. 26:1-12

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