

Tuesday 6 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 6th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"I have worked in...integrity...(Psalm 26:1)


To protect themselves from the barbaric hordes from the North, the people of China built the Great Wall. It was so high nobody could climb over it and so thick nobody could break through it, so they settle back to enjoy life. During the first hundred years of the wall's existence, China was invaded three different times. Not once did the enemy try to break down the wall or climb over it; they simply bribed the gatekeeper and marched in. While those that built the wall were relying on their wall of stone, they neglected to teach integrity to their children. As a result they grew up without moral or spiritual principles to guide them. Have you ever watched a tree fall while others around it stood tall? How come the same storm that build strength in one, and topple anothers? You will find the answer in the tree's core and roots. Getting the idea? When it comes to building integrity, here are some questions you should ask youself regularly: (1) am I the same, no matter who I am with (2) am I willing to make decisions that are best for others, even though another choice could benefit me more? (3) can I be counted to keep the commitments I've made to God, myself and other? Can you say like the psalmist, 'judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity...?(Psalm 26:1). Life is like a vice: at times it will squeez you. In those moments whatever is inside will come out. Image-building and self interest promise much but produce little, but integrity never disappoint, so work on your integrity.

Prayer Point

Father, give me the strength to live according to the integrity of your word in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 3-4; philipians 2:12-30; Psalm 115:12-18

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