

Friday 2 October 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today that I came that you
might have abundant life but the enemy
comes to steal, kill and destroy. There are
those who speak in My name – who dare
to speak in My name and credit Me with
suffering, poverty, and many things that I
went to the cross to remove out of your life
and out of your experience. Make a decision
this day that you are going to believe the
simple testimony of My word and reject from
this day forward the lies of unenlightened
religious mentalities who have impugned the
shed blood of Calvary by their theology of
unbelief. Say of your soul “I choose
abundant life”. Remind the enemy every day
by the words of your lips that he was
defeated on Calvary, and sickness, poverty,
and suffering have no part nor portion in
your life says the Lord
Resist the enemy says the Lord and he will
flee. Yes – sickness will flee and poverty will
go and restoration, healing and blessing will
come. Boldly proclaim My promises and by
your declarations the enemy will be put
under your feet. Expect sickness to
dissipate. Expect poverty to be reversed.
Expect all suffering and persecution to be
lifted as My kingdom is coming and
everything contrary to My kingdom in your
life is being removed by the blood that shed
forth in your behalf on the cross. Open your
mouth boldly, take authority over every curse
and every illegitimate word spoken over you
no matter what the source. Cast down by
your faith filled words strategies, maneuvers,
and evil plots that the enemy would set in
motion to bring destruction to your life.
Know this says the Father that every plan of
the enemy against you will come to nothing
for no weapon, formed or deployed against
you this day will prosper!

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