

Monday 26 October 2015



The Sovereign Lord says today that I am the God of
your supply. Your needs are being met
according to My riches in glory. It is My will
that you prosper for I am your provider. I am
Jehovah-Jireh and I have, covenantally
obligated Myself in My very person to see
that wealth and riches are in your house. I
know that this is not what you have always
been taught – you be a Father pleaser and
accept what I have paid for in your behalf.
Be a Father pleaser, says the Lord and see
yourself as the sheep of My hand for I am
bringing you to the high place and I will take
care of your every need. You will not suffer
from want or lack in any thing. You will not
fear. You will not be troubled. You will not
be anxious and you will not worry for you will
taste and see of My goodness even as
others grope about the door unable to find
My blessing.
Just as I take care of the sparrow and the
grass of the field how much more important
are you than they? Fear not from whence
the need in your life will be met for I know
when your bills are due. I know what your
children have need of. I know when your
clothes are worn out. If I care for the beasts
of the field how much more will I care for
you? You have been bought with a price and
you now live under My stewardship. I will not
neglect you. I will not deny you. I will not
allow you to languish one more day in
poverty, lack, or despair. I became poor so
that you can be rich – receive of My
suffering in your behalf and know that My
blessing has found you this day and a new
season of entitlement has begun in your life.

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