

Thursday 22 October 2015


10 Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Life Partner

Choosing a Life partner can be tricky. Sometimes ‘the one’ might just turn out to be the journey to the one.

Some will tell you that love is everything but there is life after love and that life has to be lived. Whether we like it or not, there are certain truths we have to face about our life partner.

Loving someone right is not a mathematical formula, its reciprocal and we often miss the signs that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Women are wired to be hopeless romantics but being romantic is not all we need in a relationship.

Here are 10 things you should look out for in a partner.

1. Does He Bring Out The Best In You?

The person with whom you choose to spend the rest of your life should magnify your strengths and balance out your weaknesses.

He should make you feel like the truest version of yourself. He has to bring out the best of the best in you.

2. Does He Make You Want To Be a Better Person

When we feel fulfilled and accepted exactly as we are, we tend to become better versions of ourselves but when we feel unappreciated and misunderstood, we struggle to exist as we are.

True happiness fills hearts with so much joy that it overflows into the relationships that surround us. He will want you to nurture relationships that are important to you rather than require your full and undivided attention.

3. Does He Make The Ordinary Seem Extraordinary?

Do you enjoy spending time together, can you watch a movie together, do you share discussions. The rest of your life is a long time to spend with someone you don’t enjoy doing the ordinary with.

It’s amazing how much more fun “chores” can be when you are performing them with someone you love. Something as ordinary as washing plates can look extraordinary when you do it with someone you love.

4. Does He Make You Feel Safe?

Does he make you feel safe with your feelings and emotions, does he make you feel safe when you need to share something that’s been on your mind, reassess a situation that happened at work or when you just need someone to listen?

Does he make you feel safe to chase your dreams and discover your passions?

Safety transcends protecting you in the market or defending your virtue when the bus conductor harasses you, safety is knowing that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you can always feel his arms around you.

5. Does He Make You Laugh?

Life is way too short to spend it being serious and there is nothing better than laughing until your stomach cramps with someone who can truly make you laugh.

Everyone has their own style of humour and we just have to find a life partner whose style complements ours.

6. Do You Enjoy Talking To Him?

Choose to spend the rest of your life with someone you can talk to about anything and still feel as though there’s more left to say. Forever is a long time and you both have decades of talk to cover.

7. Does He Calm Your Storms Or Create Your Storms?

The love of your life should be your heart’s resting place. The safety in the chaos, rainbow after the rain and the person you know you will leave feeling better every time your life is in chaos.

Don’t get stuck in a relationship that create more storms in your life. Life is hard enough, if we makes you cry too often, walk away or you will spend the rest of your life shedding tears. It all starts during the relationship, don’t ignore the warning signs.

8. Do You Respect One Another?

Respect is one of the most important qualities to have in a relationship. If you respect someone, you will likely not embarrass him in front of his friends or family. Respect is reciprocal.

9. Do You Fight The Same Way?

Everyone has a preferred method for fighting and it’s important that you and your significant other are compatible in conflict resolution. Problems will always arise but you both must be able to tackle each problem head on together.

10. Does He Challenge You?

Does your relationship challenge you mentally, physically and intellectually? Do you feel as though you learn from each other, grow with one another and have progressed both individually and together since you have been together?

The love of your life will fuel your passions so that you can pursue the things you find meaningful and will challenge you to learn new skills that makes you better at what you do.

He will challenge you to go for that professional course and learn new skills, not discourage you because it doesn’t suit him or fit into his idea of the ideal partner.

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