

Sunday 4 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 4th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"He shall call upon Him and i will answer " (Ps91:15)


God takes delight in answering our prayers. When we call he has promised to asnwer. I read a story of a night club that opened in a serene area of town, then a Church which was only a hundred yrds away organised a 24 hour prayer vigil. They asked God to burn the club down. Within two weeks lightining struck and the club was burn to the ground. The owner sued the Church, which denied responsibility. After hearing the arguements from both sides, the Judge said 'it seems that wherever the guilt lies, the night Club owner believes in prayer while the Church doenst'
The first key to prayer is Prayerfulness. It sounds simple. When we pray we give God something to do and what He does is what we call answer to prayers. Saying we believe in prayers is not the same thing as praying. James writes 'we have not becuse we have not(james 4:3). We must take time to ask God for what we want and need. Sometimes we process situation in our minds,or talk about them with friends,  wish, or hope, but we dont pray. Thinking, wishing, hoping and talking with others is not prayers. Only praying is prayer! When we have a need or a situation that concerns us, we are only praying when we talk to God about it.
God is waiting for us to make requests of Him in prayer. He never gets tired of us coming to Him! He is able, willing and ready to act our behalf, but only if we pray. Jesus said: 'ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you, for everyone who ask recieves, and he who seeks find and to him who knocks it will be opened.(Matt.7:7-8) so start asking today.

Prayer Point
Father God, thank you for being my God and for answering my prayers

Daily Bible Reading

Zephaniah 1-31; Phillipian 1:1-26; Pro 23:29-35; Pro 24:1-4

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