

Tuesday 27 October 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 27th October 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Love others as much as you love yourself"( Matthew 22:39 CEV)


Only by loving yourself in a healthy way that you can love others the way God intended. When you dont appreciate yourself, you live with insecurity, and you keep looking to others for approval and when you dont get it, your self worth shrivels. As a result, you live far beneath your potentials. You are the only person you cant get away from, so unless you learn to accept yourself, you will be miserable. Stop and think about the last time you were around somebody you dont enjoy being with; how did that feel?

Whether good or had, you project onto others the thoughts and the feelings you have of yourself. So if you want people to think well of you, have a good opinion of yourself: one that's based on God's word and nurtured by the right relationships. No question, the Word of God cautions us about having an over exaggerated opinion about ourselves. But dont go the other extreme, living with a continual self rejection is a open invitation to satan , who is always sneaking around to find someone to attack.(2Peter 5:8). Dont play into his hand.

Apostle Paul writes  "Nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature(Romans7:18NIV). That means the good qualities you posses are evidence that God is at work in your life. So be sure to acknowledge them. The Bible says, we have this treasure in earthen vessel, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us2Cor.4:7). Instead of focusing on your flaws and feeling bad about yourself recognise the 'treasure' of God's presence, power, excellence and potential that lives within you. You are valuable!

Prayer Point

Father thank you for your treasures, and the excellency of your power at work in my life. Thank you for making me a creature of value. Help me to see and appreciate all that you've made me to be in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Jeremiah 48-49: 2Timothy1; Psalm 119:81-88

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