

Monday 5 October 2015


4 career mentalities you can't afford to have

A recent survey by LinkedIn of over 10,000 job changers shows that more than 53 percent of them made the change for better career opportunities. While money was important (it ranked second), the need to move to a job that could give them the chance to increase their skills was their primary reason for making the switch. These successful job changers focused on making sure their businesses-of-one stayed employable by keeping their career moving forward. Unfortunately, not every professional will succeed as these job changers did. Why? They have one of four career mentalities that hold them back.

1. Overthinker. The person who thinks about every career option as a scary risk, finding flaws and roadblocks to each one. Such people spend hours, days, weeks, and even years pondering what they should do next. Meanwhile, time marches on in their dead-end jobs. They don't build any new skills. Eventually, they find themselves part of a "corporate restructuring"--they get a month's severance and get thrusted into an unexpected job search.

2. One-track-minder. The person who knows exactly what he or she wants to do and has no desire to consider any alternate options. Convinced they've got the perfect master plan, they work like crazy, often to the point of exhaustion. Over time, their intensity works against them. Co-workers and managers see them as too rigid and controlling, which often gets them passed over for promotions--and, in some cases, let go for failing to be a good team player.

3. All-talker. The person who loves to talk about his or her career, but never really takes action. Such people are full of ideas and sound very convincing that they'll be a huge success. They seem to have it all figured out. However, as time passes, you notice they aren't moving along in their careers. They always have an excuse, and it's usually someone else's fault they aren't where they should be. Eventually, they lose credibility and find people actively try to avoid career conversations with them.

4. Open-roadster. The person who feels fate will guide him or her on the career journey. If they just keep an open mind and let the opportunities present themselves, they believe they'll find the careers they were meant to have. Over time, they drift from career to career, never really establishing any particular skill or specialty. They claim they're enjoying the process, but as the years pass, they find themselves with diminishing options and not a lot of money saved for retirement.

Looking back on your career, can you identify with any of these mentalities? If so, it might also explain why you aren't where you want to be professionally.

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