

Thursday 15 October 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that the full inventory
of all your need is already on the inside of
you. You are not “the impoverished”. I am
within you and I am your Jehovah-Jireh. You
are not disenfranchised from My kingdom
because the blood of Calvary has secured
your access to all that you would ever want
or need. Receive the truth of your
entitlement. Receive the understanding that I
am not a far off God. When you pray to Me
you do not have to convince Me, I am
already convinced. You do not have to
overcome My reluctance to answer, for My
default answer to you is YES. I said in My
word that I would meet all your needs
according to My riches in glory. The glory is
in you. There are no pennies from heaven.
Your provision is not in some far off ethereal
place. There is a storehouse of answered
prayer on the inside of you IN THE GLORY
where I dwell.
Your human spirit is the chamber where My
presence dwells. Your human spirit is My
resting place. You are My temple. I do not
dwell in houses made with hands I dwell in
you. Will I take up residence within you and
then FAIL to meet your need? I place no
premium upon suffering or delay. I will never
say NO to what the cross says YES to. That
isn’t what you have been taught but those
contrary and illegitimate authorities have it
all wrong says the Father. All that I could
and would ever do for you is resident within
your own human heart where I have placed
My throne. No more outward longing. No
more scanning the heavens waiting on the
answer from some distant shore. I am near
to you. I am as near to you as hands and
feet. I am as close as the breath of your
nostrils. This is the present tense reality of
who I am and what I am on the inside of you
Beloved – receive this and know it as the
most basic truth about your relationship with

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