

Saturday 12 September 2015


The Father says today that I am mocking
the mocker in your life. He that sits in the
seat of the mocker is being exposed and
brought to failure even this day. You have
been accused and you have been maligned
but know this says the Father: I call you the
beloved. Though men revile you and criticize
you and say all manner of evil against you
falsely – you will stand and you will be
victorious! What men have murmured in
secret councils I will expose to My divine
scrutiny. They will come before you
trembling in contrition and humility for I have
disciplined those that dared to touch the
apple of My eye.
You are My beloved and upon you I do set
the seal of My favor. You’re going to find
favor with those that you need to find favor
with. Though there be many who have
preemptively sought to destroy you and to
destroy your testimony – I will build you up
and establish you. Rejoice says the Father.
Rejoice all My beloved for the mouth of the
mocker will be smitten to silence as you put
your confidence in Me and allow Me to be
your defense and your advocate in this
season of challenge.

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