

Thursday 3 September 2015


mes have you sat there thinking to yourself, “How come I feel like I can’t hear God…ever?” There are periods of time where we all might experience this and I’d like to share with you some common reasons why you might not be able to hear God.

1. He’s silent

Many times we can’t experience God’s voice simply because he is silent. This always reminds me of the quote, “Remember, the teacher is always silent during the test.”

Ask yourself, what might God be trying to teach me? Examine if there is anything in your life that God might be trying to change. Also, sometimes God’s silence is the best way to get us to move and communicate with us.

2. My voice is too big

It’s hard to hear God when we are the only voice we are listening too. We often get so immersed in our own problems and our own lives that all of a sudden our voice leaves no room for God’s voice. Always remember that in order for us to fully hear God, we must quiet our own voice to hear his.

3. Failure to recognize his voice

From my own personal experience, in order to hear God’s voice requires practice. That’s right, I said practice. Why? Like any relationship, we must be willing to put in the time, patience, and effort into our relationship with God in order to hear him. If we do though, it will go a long way in order to hear him better.

4. Listening to others

Just like our own voice can get in the way, other people’s voices can also interfere with our ability to hear God. For example, how many times have you been in a situation where people were constantly giving their own opinions about what to do? It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is saying but the most important voice we must listen to is God’s voice.

5. I don’t want to listen

Sometimes we simply don’t want to listen to God. I think this is most common when we knowingly are doing something wrong and yet we don’t want to change or give it up.

I hope these common problems of why you might not be able to hear God’s voice help your understand and provide ways you can change it. I know God desires to communicate and have an intimate relationship with you, so don’t give up and keep pressing forward!

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