

Friday 18 September 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 17th September 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Don't assume you know it all" (Proverbs 3:7)

One day a scientists asked an old preacher, how come the version of creation defied all logic. Smiling, he replied, 'The reason God came from nowhere is because there wasn't anywhere for Him to come from. And coming from nowhere He stood on nothing, for there was nowhere for Him to stand. And standing on nothing He reached out where there was nowhere to reach and caught something when there was nothing to catch. Then He hung that something on nothing and told it to stay there, and nobody said a word, because there wasn't anybody around to say anything. Then God said to Himself 'That's good'.
As humans we have the tendency to want to figure out everything in advance. But we are not as smart as we think. Solomon said 'Don't assume that you know it all or you soon find out the hard way that you dont. A Christian Author writes: 'I...couldn't feel at peace, unless i had everything figured out..I became anxious, restless, nervous, worried and grouchy...similar to drug addicts who needs a fix, the severity wasn't the same but the symptoms were. I was a Christian and supposedly walked by faith...I trusted Jesus for salvation, but in other areas I trusted myself. Does that sound familiar? Chronic worry shows you are trusting in yourself more than God. And worry like any other sin, needs to be dealt with.
Jeremiah said, 'Mere mortals can't run their own lives...men and women dont have what it takes(Jer 10:23TM). So stop trying to control every possible outcome. Life becomes more peaceful when you decide to stand on God's word and trust Him, regardless of the circumstances.

Prayer Point

Father God, I reject worry, anxiety and fear. And I turn the control of my life totally over to you in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Isaiah 31-32; 2 Corinthians 13; Proverbs 22:17-27

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